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Advances in Modelling, Analysis, and Design of Delayed Systems

Libor Pekař, Radek Matušů, Renming Yang
2018 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
Li et al. deal with the stability analysis of genetic regulatory networks with interval time-varying delays in the paper titled "Stability Analysis of Delayed Genetic Regulatory Networks via a Relaxed  ...  The approach offers a constructive design and a procedure based on a combination of rootloci and Mikhailov methods [25] for the analysis of stability.  ...  We would like to express our gratitude to the European Regional Development Fund and to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic that financially supported the editors' work under  ... 
doi:10.1155/2018/5078027 fatcat:jazmmscrffcmjli2zvx6g6z2rm

Statistical Integration of Heterogeneous Data with PO2PLS [article]

Said el Bouhaddani, Hae-Won Uh, Geurt Jongbloed, Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat
2021 arXiv   pre-print
For maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters, we implement a fast EM algorithm and show that the estimator is asymptotically normally distributed.  ...  We illustrate PO2PLS with two examples from commonly used study designs: a large population cohort and a small case-control study.  ...  Examples of algorithmic methods that only include joint parts are partial least squares (PLS) (Wold 1973) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA) (Hotelling 1936) .  ... 
arXiv:2103.13490v1 fatcat:6llyqgwynbcl7h6bpchybsgy4i

Adaptive Probabilistic Neural Networks for Pattern Classification in Time-Varying Environment

L. Rutkowski
2004 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks  
The novelty is summarized as follows: 1) We formulate the problem of pattern classification in nonstationary environment as the prediction problem and design a probabilistic neural network to classify  ...  Moreover, we prove that our PNNs asymptotically approach the Bayes-optimal (time-varying) decision surface. 3) We investigate the speed of convergence of constructed PNNs. 4) We design in detail PNNs based  ...  Most techniques are based on vector quantization [4] , [48] , cluster analysis [36] , or the genetic algorithm [19] . A short survey of other available methods is given in [16] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnn.2004.828757 pmid:15461075 fatcat:tq5dfx7bdjeaxgo2dhzfjhpspm

Time complexity analysis of genetic- fuzzy system for disease diagnosis

E P Ephzibah
2011 Advanced Computing An International Journal  
In this paper the design of a hybrid algorithm for heart disease diagnosis using effective and efficient genetic algorithm and fuzzy logic is implemented.  ...  Especially, Medical knowledge consists of a combination of structural information about known biological facts and probabilistic or actuarial information about exposures to hazards and recovery rates.  ...  Time complexity analysis can be used to predict the growth behavior of an algorithm and is useful for analyzing and optimizing the real time efficiency of the algorithm [9] .  ... 
doi:10.5121/acij.2011.2403 fatcat:kqaqcdosbbgvtkmb3m45clqymy

A Recovery Algorithm and Pooling Designs for One-Stage Noisy Group Testing under the Probabilistic Framework [article]

Yining Liu, Sachin Kadyan, Itsik Pe'er
2021 medRxiv   pre-print
Our main contributions include a practical one-stage group testing protocol guided by maximizing pool entropy and a maximum-likelihood recovery algorithm under the probabilistic framework.  ...  Yet, the practical challenge of adjusting pooling designs based on infection rate has not been systematically addressed.  ...  One direction of future work is to design polynomial-time approximation recovery algorithm under the probabilistic framework.  ... 
doi:10.1101/2021.03.09.21253193 fatcat:vampzcco45gt7ojlarcmiflsr4

Page 5635 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2003g [page]

2003 Mathematical Reviews  
Since ES is a probabilistic algorithm, the utiliza- tion of probability theory is inevitable, but familiarity with the knowledge offered in standard textbooks suffices.  ...  ISBN 3-540-67297-4 From the preface: “Evolutionary algorithms (EA), such as evo- lution strategies (ES), genetic algorithms (GA), and evolutionary programming (EP), have found a broad accceptance as robust  ... 

Page 712 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 97A [page]

1997 Mathematical Reviews  
Aarts, A probabilistic analysis of local search (605-618); Jean-Yves Potvin and Francois Guertin, The clus- tered traveling salesman problem: a genetic approach (619-631); Richard W.  ...  Ibaraki, Genetic and local search algorithms as robust and simple optimization tools (63-82); Geoff Craig, Mohan Krishnamoorthy and M.  ... 

Obituary Alberto Bertoni (1946-2014)

Giancarlo Mauri, Nicoletta Sabadini
2014 Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science  
This is a tremendous loss for his wife Luciana, for his friends and colleagues, and for the community of theoretical computer science in which he played a prominent role.  ...  Alberto Bertoni passed away on February 10, 2014, after a long struggle with a cancer that resisted surgery and therapy.  ...  These course ranged from first or second year classes on Algebra, Algorithms and Data Structures, Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Formal Languages and Compilers, to more advanced courses on Signal Processing  ... 
dblp:journals/eatcs/MauriS14 fatcat:wftdbp4fr5bfrig2zho7onr4ie

Page 3816 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2000e [page]

2000 Mathematical Reviews  
Summary: “In this paper we study a probabilistic approach which is an alternative to the classical worst-case algorithms for robust- ness analysis and design of uncertain control systems.  ...  distribution and randomized algorithms for robustness analysis.  ... 

Complexity Analysis and Stochastic Convergence of Some Well-known Evolutionary Operators for Solving Graph Coloring Problem

Raja Marappan, Gopalakrishnan Sethumadhavan
2020 Mathematics  
The present paper focused on the asymptotic analysis of some well-known and recent evolutionary operators for finding the chromatic number.  ...  The asymptotic analysis of different crossover and mutation operators helps in choosing the better evolutionary operator to minimize the problem search space and computational complexity.  ...  The authors would like to thank Gary Lewandowski and Michael Trick for uploading the graph repository in W3C [27, 60] . Conflicts of Interest: Page: 17 The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/math8030303 fatcat:nom77dvdardclhxn6f2uz2bufa

Multi‐criteria optimal structural design under uncertainty

James L. Beck, Eduardo Chan, Ayhan Irfanoglu, Costas Papadimitriou
1999 Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics (Print)  
theory, stochastic optimization (including genetic algorithms) and reliability integral approximations.  ...  OPTIMAL DESIGN METHODOLOGY The design decision-making process is an iterative procedure where a preliminary design is cycled through stages of analysis, evaluation and revision to achieve a design which  ...  Speci"cally, the hybrid genetic algorithm is based on using a genetic algorithm to explore the whole space of parameters and identify possible regions of multiple maxima.  ... 
doi:10.1002/(sici)1096-9845(199907)28:7<741::aid-eqe840>3.3.co;2-y fatcat:r5gxivbwo5bxfhj7vqbqrl7jea

Comments on the Mathfit programme

Anthony Karel Seda
1998 Irish Mathematical Society Bulletin  
The responses included \abstract interpretation, adaptive algorithms, asymptotic analysis, automated deduction and proof theory, category theory, combinatorial optimisation, computational complexity, computational  ...  mathematical modelling of software systems, mathematics of machine learning, regular and systolic algorithm design, speci cation and implementation of concurrent systems, term graph rewriting".  ... 
doi:10.33232/bims.0040.56.59 fatcat:4tql5preivhuxlzczh2irefdla

Page 465 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 90A [page]

1990 Mathematical Reviews  
, A probabilistic teacher algorithm for iterative max- imum likelihood estimation (pp. 617-623); Matthias Nagel and Hans-Joachim Dobberkau, Graphical methods of exploratory data analysis: an overview (  ...  Ohta [Hiroshi Ohta] and M. Furukawa, Analysis and design of the sequential sampling plan by attributes based on the minimal lattice paths (pp. 52-66); D. H.  ... 

Simulated Annealing [chapter]

Alexander G. Nikolaev, Sheldon H. Jacobson
2010 International Series in Operations Research and Management Science  
Asymptotic convergence and finite-time performance theory for simulated annealing are reviewed. Other local search algorithms are discussed in terms of their relationship to simulated annealing.  ...  Background Survey Simulated annealing is a local search algorithm (metaheuristic) capable of escaping from local optima.  ...  Acknowledgments This work is supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-07-1-0232). The authors wish to thank the anonymous referees for their feedback on this chapter.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1665-5_1 fatcat:idntn7ghpnc6div67wrwchizru

Theory of Genetic Algorithms II: models for genetic operators over the string-tensor representation of populations and convergence to global optima for arbitrary fitness function under scaling

Lothar M. Schmitt
2004 Theoretical Computer Science  
We present a theoretical framework for an asymptotically converging, scaled genetic algorithm which uses an arbitrary-size alphabet and common scaled genetic operators.  ...  algorithm using standard operations, (ii) weak ergodicity of the inhomogeneous Markov chain describing the probabilistic model for the scaled algorithm, (iii) convergence to globally optimal solutions  ...  Acknowledgements • The main result of this work and [56] are the foundation of a presentation "Theoretical Aspects of Genetic Algorithms" by the author in a recent seminar "Theory of Evolutionary Computation  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0304-3975(03)00393-1 fatcat:4x64iq64abd5jeuresxezn3ef4
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