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Complementary Training Programme for Electrical and Computer Engineering Students Through an Industrial-Academic Collaboration (Extended Version) [article]

Felipe R. Monteiro, Phillipe A. Pereira, Lucas C. Cordeiro, Cicero F. F. Costa Filho, Marly G. F. Costa
2016 arXiv   pre-print
Inspired by co-operative education systems, this collaboration offers an academic experience by means of a complementary training programme (CTP), in order to train undergraduates and graduate students  ...  and journal papers) as well as professional training for undergraduates and graduate students.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT Part of the results presented in this paper were obtained with the project for research and human resources qualification, for under-and post-graduate levels, in the areas of industrial  ... 
arXiv:1608.00143v1 fatcat:5bkug4wdkvhlhgrmmgdv4aeh5y

A Project-Based Mechatronics Program to Reinforce Mechatronic Thinking – A Restructuring Experience from the University of Canterbury

XiaoQi Chen, Paul Gaynor, Richard King, Geoff J Chase, Phil Bones, Peter Gough, Richard Duke
2008 IFAC Proceedings Volumes  
The project-based course "Introduction to Mechatronics Design" features a series of application-oriented laboratory projects using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).  ...  The restructured program of balanced essential skills training coupled with focus streams of specialization may signal a paradigm shift in engineering education.  ...  A common application for Programmable Logic Controllers is to control a machine or process.  ... 
doi:10.3182/20080706-5-kr-1001.02639 fatcat:oyifawoypjb7xexq7x2cba7s2u

Training Software Complex "Automated Control System of Enterprise"

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
It is designed to teach bachelors and masters the principles and standards of design and development of MES class systems.  ...  This paper describes the integrated enterprise management system implemented on the basis of the training laboratory "Automation and Process Control Systems" in the Kazan National Research Technological  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.a3120.109119 fatcat:4fbm5liqavhzxptie5kbqo5fey

Design and Practice of Case Teaching Method in Fieldbus Principle and Application Course

2020 DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science  
Fieldbus Principle and Application is an optional course for graduate students majoring in Control Science and Engineering.  ...  This paper expounds the necessity and feasibility of introducing case teaching method, the implementation process of case teaching method and the results achieved.  ...  They have studied Programmable Logic Controller, Single Chip Microcomputer, Process Control and other related courses at the undergraduate stage.  ... 
doi:10.12783/dtssehs/mess2019/33742 fatcat:lxy5jgh5tjgcbdd45yj4dernlq

The effect of a new teaching methodology on learning performances of automotive - mechatronics students

Sezgin Ersoy, Haluk Küçük
2010 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
In this study a new methodology for teaching of Automotive Mechatronics course is proposed.  ...  The students who have taken the course were divided into two groups: the first, for classical mode of teaching and the other for the new model of instruction.  ...  The network includes a monitoring station, a control module, and two I/O devices one for the motor and the other for the potentiometer.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.016 fatcat:ai5ugdylmrfwzciv22n3ybgare


L. Van Dyk
2012 South African Journal of Industrial Engineering  
It is concluded that the industrial engineering educator is in the unique position of understanding and contributing towards the engineering of the education industry whilst educating the industrial engineer  ...  On the other side of the coin, the educational issues and concerns related to implementing an LMS at the University of Pretoria are investigated by means of a case study in the Industrial Engineering department  ...  Control is established through devices and systems such as programmable logic controllers (PLC), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and manmachine interfaces (MMI).  ... 
doi:10.7166/14-1-304 fatcat:bl7seavd3rfinopqejwmvzn6dm

Education in process systems engineering: past, present and future

John Perkins
2002 Computers and Chemical Engineering  
In parallel with the emergence of a research agenda for this new sub-discipline, pioneers of the subject began to consider the nature of education in process systems engineering, and its relationship to  ...  As a result, the teaching of design and control methodologies, techniques and tools has become more systematic and comprehensive in the past four decades, reflecting the strides made by the research community  ...  identify three generic types of problem which engineers are called upon to solve, problems of prediction (e.g. what is the time T taken for a train moving at a steady speed S to travel between stations  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0098-1354(01)00746-3 fatcat:hojbejuggnexle2ooew5gsakte

Education in process systems engineering past, present and future

John Perkins
2000 Computers and Chemical Engineering  
In parallel with the emergence of a research agenda for this new sub-discipline, pioneers of the subject began to consider the nature of education in process systems engineering, and its relationship to  ...  As a result, the teaching of design and control methodologies, techniques and tools has become more systematic and comprehensive in the past four decades, reflecting the strides made by the research community  ...  identify three generic types of problem which engineers are called upon to solve, problems of prediction (e.g. what is the time T taken for a train moving at a steady speed S to travel between stations  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0098-1354(00)00521-4 fatcat:kgk6bnzb7jgnnd755cit4xrzlu

Power system, substation, automation and the smart grid, how should universities react?

E. Chikuni, F. Goncalves-Longatt, O. I. Okoro, E. Rashayi
2013 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT)  
Since this surge towards automation is considered irreversible, it is incumbent upon educational institutions to undertake an urgent review is paper describes what substation and smart-grid achieve and  ...  The most far-reaching of impact of this technology will be on those utilities and countries with limited capabilities in the information communications and technology sector (ICT).  ...  RHIT is highly regarded for its undergraduate engineering program, which US News and World Reports ranked in 2013 as No. 1 in the United States of engineering schools where a doctorate degree is not offered  ... 
doi:10.1109/icit.2013.6505791 fatcat:7rh66pw4dzfx7krchztrrttf3m

A Pervasive Computing Curriculum for Engineering and Science Students

Fei Hu, Ankur Teredesai
2007 IEEE pervasive computing  
With the support of the US National Science Foundation and Cisco, we implemented a multidisciplinary Pervasive Computing Lab and have developed relevant courses for both CE and CS students.  ...  T oday, there's an urgent need for welltrained pervasive computing engineers and scientists.  ...  a supporting laboratory designed for both computer engineering and computer science students.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mprv.2007.3 fatcat:cixri4toz5hkte4n3vudpimn5u

Integrating the Concept of Industry 4.0 by Teaching Methodology in Industrial Engineering Curriculum

Bashir Salah, Sajjad Khan, Muawia Ramadan, Nikola Gjeldum
2020 Processes  
The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) triggered by the development of information and communications technologies (ICT) provides a baseline for smart automation, using decentralized control and  ...  In this paper, a roadmap containing an academic term course based on the concept of Industry 4.0, which our engineering graduates passed through, is presented.  ...  System Hardware The WAGO 750-880 Programmable Fieldbus Controller (PFC) combines the functionality of an ETHERNET-based Fieldbus Coupler with the functionality of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).  ... 
doi:10.3390/pr8091007 fatcat:2qbrabxwbjevdfrbucuuyfzoxi

Integrated Circuits Testing: Remote Access to Test Equipment for Labs and Engineering

Laurent Latorre, Beatrice Pradarelli, Pascal Nouet
2009 International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)  
This paper concerns the local and remote use of an Integrated Circuits (IC) Automated Test Equipment (ATE) for both educational and engineering purposes.  ...  This experience was initiated in 1998 in the context of a French network (CNFM) in order to provide a distant control to industrial equipment for academic and industrial people.  ...  Since CRTC creation in 1998, Verigy (formerly Hewlett-Packard and Agilent) has always been a strong partner. This work is also supported by CNFM and University Montpellier II.  ... 
doi:10.3991/ijoe.v5s1.1013 fatcat:ebd2cck5vzcwrlvzqybvapwpme

Remote Labs for Industrial IC Testing

B. Pradarelli, L. Latorre, M.-L. Flottes, Y. Bertrand, P. Nouet
2009 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies  
This paper deals with the remote access to an Integrated Circuits (ICs) Automated Test Equipment (ATE) for both educational and engineering purposes.  ...  This experience was initiated in 1998 in the context of a French network (CNFM) in order to provide a distant control to industrial equipment to academic and industrial people.  ...  Since CRTC's creation in 1998, Verigy (formerly Hewlett-Packard and Agilent) has always been a strong partner. This work is also supported by the CNFM and the University Montpellier II.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tlt.2009.46 fatcat:inf7gr3yuzcwzf4tvy33mboji4

Methodological Aspects of the Use of Software in the Teaching of Engineering Disciplines: Tasks, Problems and Prospects

Irina K. Romanova, Y.I. Dimitrienko, E.N. Grigorieva
2020 ITM Web of Conferences  
Access to an open electronic educational environment, including open packages of applied engineering design programs allows you to create self-education skills, without which it is impossible for an engineer  ...  The necessity of ensuring the continuity of training within the framework of a unified concept of using software tools is noted.  ...  Altera ™ products); PLC programmable logic controllers (Fastwel ™ example). In Fig. 6 showing examples of integrated products with MATLAB.  ... 
doi:10.1051/itmconf/20203504020 fatcat:djg6dacg7rdnrm6gxipa5vripa

Training, Research and Application in Hydrology and Water Resources Development and Management-How to Bridge the Gap?

Rakesh Kumar, R. D. Singh, Manohar Arora, J. P. Patra, T. R. Sapra
2016 Current Science  
research and practice and action points for using emerging technologies are brought out.  ...  Requirement of hydrological design aids as well as Decision Support Systems; necessity of preparation of standards, manuals, guidelines; strengthening of training and capacity building; importance of web  ...  The undergraduate education currently gives varying levels of coverage to the water resources subjects in civil and agricultural engineering.  ... 
doi:10.18520/cs/v110/i12/2231-2238 fatcat:zkseahi3nvbthatjuubye4qgoi
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