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A survey on bio-inspired networking

Falko Dressler, Ozgur B. Akan
2010 Computer Networks  
such as adaptivity to varying environmental conditions, inherent resiliency to failures and damages, successful and collaborative operation on the basis of a limited set of rules and with global intelligence  ...  Inspired by these characteristics, many researchers are currently engaged in developing innovative design paradigms to address the networking challenges of existing and envisioned information systems.  ...  Basically, the firefly synchronization is based on pulsecoupled oscillators [57] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2009.10.024 fatcat:hkc3vn42pfdfddkwxff7ojwrzu

An Evolutionary Game-Based Mechanism for Routing P2P Network Flow among Selfish Peers

Fang Zuo, Wei Zhang
2014 Journal of Networks  
Telecommunication networks need to support a wide range of services and functionalities with capability of autonomy, scalability and adaptability for managing applications to meet business needs.  ...  DAIM model also considers challenges of autonomic functionalities, where each network's device can make its own decisions on the basis of collected information by the DAIM agents.  ...  Implemented POLs provided immediate return on investment and a low total cost of ownership compared to copper-based LANs.  ... 
doi:10.4304/jnw.9.01.10-17 fatcat:tbmafdamk5am7a6ba26gsxzydq