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Design and evaluation of a window-consistent replication service

A. Mehra, J. Rexford, F. Jahanian
1997 IEEE transactions on computers  
This paper presents the design and evaluation of a window-consistent primary-backup replication service that provides timely availability of the repository by relaxing the consistency of the replicated  ...  The service guarantees controlled inconsistency by scheduling update transmissions from the primary to the backup(s); this ensures that client applications interact with a window-consistent repository  ...  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the NSF.  ... 
doi:10.1109/12.620480 fatcat:golnp5h2ozdd3g5oiflvaff5de

A Predictive Load Balancing Service for Cloud-Replicated Databases

Carlos S. S. Marinho, Emanuel F. Coutinho, José S. Costa Filho, Leonardo O. Moreira, Flávio R. C. Sousa, Javam C. Machado
2017 Brazilian Symposium on Databases  
Many solutions use database replication as a strategy to increase availability and decentralize the workload of database transactions between replicas.  ...  This paper proposes a predictive load balancing service for replicated cloud databases.  ...  Acknowledgment This research is a partial result of the project n o 455214/2014-0 supported by CNPq.  ... 
dblp:conf/sbbd/MarinhoCFMSM17 fatcat:nkuoaqjc3zh2rfqv2g3jtjgboa

Tardigrade: Leveraging Lightweight Virtual Machines to Easily and Efficiently Construct Fault-Tolerant Services

Jacob R. Lorch, Andrew Baumann, Lisa Glendenning, Dutch T. Meyer, Andrew Warfield
2015 Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation  
We evaluate Tardigrade's performance and demonstrate its applicability to a variety of services, showing that it can convert these services into fault-tolerant ones transparently and efficiently.  ...  Many services need to survive machine failures, but designing and deploying fault-tolerant services can be difficult and error-prone.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors thank James Mickens and Jeremy Elson for helping us with FDS cluster configuration, Brian Zill and Jitu Padhye for answering networking questions, and Reuben Olinsky for help  ... 
dblp:conf/nsdi/LorchBGMW15 fatcat:oasuk3yya5c3bp2p7hsm3h3g7i

Towards Comprehensive Measurement of Consistency Guarantees for Cloud-Hosted Data Storage Services [chapter]

David Bermbach, Liang Zhao, Sherif Sakr
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We discuss the main challenges and requirements of such a benchmark, and present first steps towards a comprehensive consistency benchmark for cloud-hosted data storage systems.  ...  We evaluate our approach using experiments on both Cassandra and MongoDB.  ...  Afterwards, we use our proposed system for evaluating and analyzing the effects of geo-replication under different workloads on the performance of consistency guarantees for Cassandra and MongoDB in section  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04936-6_3 fatcat:mikrolc7jzgwhalauuiqecrlxe

Local Recovery for High Availability in Strongly Consistent Cloud Services

James W. Anderson, Hein Meling, Alexander Rasmussen, Amin Vahdat, Keith Marzullo
2017 IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing  
To address this problem, we present the design and implementation of ZORFU, a hierarchical system architecture for replication across data centers.  ...  The primary contribution of ZORFU is a local recovery technique that significantly increases availability of replicated strongly consistent services.  ...  Madhyastha, Meg Walraed-Sullivan, Roman Vitenberg, and Leander Jehl for feedback on early drafts of the paper. Prof.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tdsc.2015.2443781 fatcat:fgaxfc5qdvhhve6c6r74g7gbii

Improving availability and performance with application-specific data replication

Lei Gao, M. Dahlin, A. Nayate, Jiandan Zheng, Arun lyengar
2005 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  
We construct and evaluate a prototype system based on Apache web servers, Tomcat Servlet engines, the JORAM implementation of the Java Message Service, and a DB2 database, and we find that the prototype  ...  We take advantage of application specific semantics to design distributed objects that each manages a specific subset of shared information using simple and effective consistency models.  ...  They evaluate both the performance benefit and consistency costs of continuous consistency for their TPC-W implementation across a variety of replication scenarios and consistency bounds.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tkde.2005.10 fatcat:x4zhdvi5vvfizevgua623eqkni

Towards In-Order and Exactly-Once Delivery Using Hierarchical Distributed Message Queues

Dharmit Patel, Faraj Khasib, Iman Sadooghi, Ioan Raicu
2014 2014 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing  
This paper addresses these limitations through the design and implementation of HDMQ, a hierarchical distributed message queue.  ...  It utilizes a round robin local load balancer to save the message and scale across the area region accordingly. HDMQ provides replication for high reliability of messages.  ...  This work was also possible in part due to the Windows Azure free trial credits and IronMQ free requests per month.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ccgrid.2014.109 dblp:conf/ccgrid/PatelKSR14 fatcat:5i7aolapsbch7acabslu7xi4yu

A Runtime Quality Measurement Framework for Cloud Database Service Systems

Markus Klems, David Bermbach, Rene Weinert
2012 2012 Eighth International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology  
The system that provides cloud database services must, hence, be designed and managed in a way to achieve these high quality objectives.  ...  There are two technology trends that facilitate the design and management of cloud database service systems.  ...  We furthermore thank Amazon Web Services for supporting our work with a generous research grant.  ... 
doi:10.1109/quatic.2012.17 dblp:conf/quatic/KlemsBW12 fatcat:ysulrgtl2ffcdmw7eiyyphwbtm

Exploiting Workload Characteristics and Service Diversity to Improve the Availability of Cloud Storage Systems

Bo Mao, Suzhen Wu, Hong Jiang
2016 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  
Thus, solely depending on a single cloud storage provider for storage services can risk violating the service-level agreement (SLA) due to the weakening of service availability.  ...  In this paper, we propose a hybrid redundant data distribution approach, called HyRD, to improve the cloud storage availability in Cloud-of-Clouds by exploiting the workload characteristics and the diversity  ...  Note that the results are normalized to Amazon S3 and we set the Windows Azure service off-line to emulate it's outage when evaluating the three Cloud-of-Clouds schemes.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpds.2015.2475273 fatcat:2rnpzkzyrnakxmdesonpjcnnvq

LABAREDA: A Predictive and Elastic Load Balancing Service for Cloud-Replicated Databases

Carlos S. S. Marinho, Leonardo O. Moreira, Emanuel F. Coutinho, José S. Costa Filho, Flávio R. C. Sousa, Javam C. Machado
2018 Journal of Information and Data Management  
This article proposes a predictive and elastic load balancing service for replicated cloud databases.  ...  Database management systems must be available to support the deployment of cloud applications resorting to databases.Many solutions use database replication as a strategy to increase availability and decentralize  ...  Acknowledgment This research is a partial result of the project number 455214/2014-0 supported by CNPq.  ... 
doi:10.5753/jidm.2018.1639 fatcat:pv2smlrisvhblezdiyhz25l7ae

Forensic Investigation of Water Leakage Issues into Buildings, Recreating the Leaks Vs. Determining the Cause

Kami Farahmandpour
2015 Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers  
This paper provides an overview of typical construc-tion defect cases and how the lines of contractual obligations can impact the scope of investigation by a forensic engineer.  ...  The plaintiffs' experts performed testing to recreate the leaks, and adequately proved that the designs or construction methods of the exterior walls were defective.  ...  Design-bid-build consists of a simple contractual line of responsibility shown in Figure 1 .  ... 
doi:10.51501/jotnafe.v32i2.20 fatcat:oe5manj4wrdmhdebwem275tnpa

MetaStorage: A Federated Cloud Storage System to Manage Consistency-Latency Tradeoffs

David Bermbach, Markus Klems, Stefan Tai, Michael Menzel
2011 2011 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing  
MetaStorage is a highly available and scalable distributed hashtable that replicates data on top of diverse storage services.  ...  Cost and scalability benefits of Cloud storage services are apparent.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The work described in this paper was fully supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant 01IC10S01A.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cloud.2011.62 dblp:conf/IEEEcloud/BermbachKTM11 fatcat:wzxpwbokdzdczh3i3xidy3zkhy

Mistify: Augmenting cloud storage with delay-tolerant cooperative backup

Karthik Nilakant, Jon Crowcroft, Eiko Yoneki
2012 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)  
A variety of personal backup services now allow users to synchronise their files across multiple devices such as laptops and smartphones.  ...  Mistify employs a differentiated replication strategy, with the aim of improving the safety of items in the mist.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research is part-funded by the EU grants for the RECOGNITION project (FP7-ICT 257756) and the EPSRC DDEPI Project, EP/H003959.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wimob.2012.6379096 dblp:conf/wimob/NilakantCY12 fatcat:jo2zpzovnnaf5gvtkxlx7377by

An Evaluation of Alternative PC-Based Software Packages Developed for the Analysis of Complex Survey Data

Steven B. Cohen
1997 American Statistician  
Data from complex survey designs require special consideration with regard to variance and data analysis as a consequence of signi cant departures from simple random sampling assumptions.  ...  Using data from the National Medical Expenditure Survey NMES, which i s c haracterized by a complex survey design, three programs developed for the analysis of complex survey data in a personal computing  ...  Table 2 . 2 Sources of Payment for Health Care Services: Percent Source of Payment Distribution, United States, 1987 within a Windows environment w as used Brick, Broene, James, and Severynse 1996.  ... 
doi:10.1080/00031305.1997.10473983 fatcat:3r4nwrrtofbf5hpzbmokelom7e

An Evaluation of Alternative PC-Based Software Packages Developed for the Analysis of Complex Survey Data

Steven B. Cohen
1997 American Statistician  
Data from complex survey designs require special consideration with regard to variance and data analysis as a consequence of signi cant departures from simple random sampling assumptions.  ...  Using data from the National Medical Expenditure Survey NMES, which i s c haracterized by a complex survey design, three programs developed for the analysis of complex survey data in a personal computing  ...  Table 2 . 2 Sources of Payment for Health Care Services: Percent Source of Payment Distribution, United States, 1987 within a Windows environment w as used Brick, Broene, James, and Severynse 1996.  ... 
doi:10.2307/2684908 fatcat:mc4diocb4vgrlglkvdxba7py2q
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