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Invariant behavioural based discrimination for individual representation

Wong Yee Leng, Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin, Nor Azman Hashim
2021 International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS)  
The invariants-based discriminability of the features is proposed by discretizing the moment features of each writer using biometric invariant discretization cutting point (BIDCP).  ...  Writer identification based on cursive words is one of the extensive behavioural biometric that has involved many researchers to work in.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is sponsored partly by the School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijece.v11i1.pp736-744 fatcat:byx5urr3gjfm7fsqne3yc5l5nu

Invariant Handwriting Features Useful in Cursive-Script Recognition [chapter]

Hans-Leo Teulings
1994 Fundamentals in Handwriting Recognition  
The within-writer variability of handwriting forms one of the problems in the automatic recognition of cursive script.  ...  ., "strokes", which can be identified by invariant segmentation.  ...  Subsequently, this motor program needs to be adapted to each concrete execution condition.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-78646-4_9 fatcat:i26cu2wdxjgafjwf2it7h6mgve

Parsimonious Coding and Verification of Offline Handwritten Signatures

Elias N. Zois, Ilias Theodorakopoulos, Dimitrios Tsourounis, George Economou
2017 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)  
In this work, sparse dictionary learning and coding are for the first time employed as a means to provide a feature space for offline signature verification, which intuitively adapts to a small set of  ...  Among others, the offline or static signature is a valuable tool in forensic related studies. Thus, the importance of verifying static handwritten signatures still poses a challenging task.  ...  Dictionary atoms are adapted to the particular characteristics of the extracted image patches, and represent important directions of this space.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvprw.2017.92 dblp:conf/cvpr/ZoisTTE17 fatcat:nvy763pbgbdfvgxzjvxmnew4ci

An Unsupervised Writer Identification Based on Generating Clusterable燛mbeddings

M. F. Mridha, Zabir Mohammad, Muhammad Mohsin Kabir, Aklima Akter Lima, Sujoy Chandra Das, Md Rashedul Islam, Yutaka Watanobe
2023 Computer systems science and engineering  
The proposed model utilized the IAM dataset for the experiment as it is inconsistent with contributions from the authors but is easily accessible for writer identification tasks.  ...  Furthermore, the trained baseline architecture generates the embedding of the data image, and the K-means algorithm is used to distinguish the embedding of individual writers.  ...  Lots of gratitude and appreciation to the Advanced Machine Learning lab, BUBT; Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition Lab, UAP; Database System Lab, UoA; for research facilities and publication guidelines  ... 
doi:10.32604/csse.2023.032977 fatcat:nutdrdyelbgrdkf4rlqx5ytmn4

Abnormal effective connectivity in the sensory network in writer's cramp

Inken Tödt, Alexander Baumann, Arne Knutzen, Oliver Granert, Elinor Tzvi, Julia Lindert, Stephan Wolff, Karsten Witt, Kirsten E. Zeuner
2021 NeuroImage: Clinical  
Writer's cramp (WC), a task specific form of dystonia, is considered to be a motor network disorder, but abnormal sensory tactile processing has also been acknowledged.  ...  In addition to increased SDT, patients with WC exhibited dysfunctional sensory processing in the sensory cortex, insula, basal ganglia and cerebellum in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study  ...  Acknowledgments We are indebted to the patients and healthy volunteers for participating in this study.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102761 pmid:34298476 pmcid:PMC8378794 fatcat:ol7r45jfuzhwvozjiijo3hudgi

Curvelets Based Queries for CBIR Application in Handwriting Collections

G. Joutel, V. Eglin, S. Bres, H. Emptoz
2007 Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition  
As it belongs to the Wavelet family, this representation can be useful at several scales of details.  ...  The proposed scheme for handwritten shape characterization targets to detect oriented and curved fragments at different scales so as to compose an unique signature for each handwritten analyzed samples  ...  Acknowledgments: We want to thank the palaeographer Denis Muzerelle from the IRHT of Paris for his advices for medieval handwritings classification and also Catherine Volpilhac-Auger from the CERPI of  ... 
doi:10.1109/icdar.2007.4376995 dblp:conf/icdar/JoutelEBE07 fatcat:bzvuox3qefeern5624vgnka2gi

Authorship Categorization With Neural Network

Nesibe Merve Demir
2012 Southeast Europe Journal of Soft Computing  
Artificial neural network is proposed to classify the texts of authors using a set of lexical descriptors and feed-forward neural network using back propagation.  ...  This paper explores the use of neural networks in author classification. Also exploring the effect of stylometry is another aim of the research.  ...  Neural network (NN) is a machine that is designed to model the way in which the brain performs a particular task or function [9] .  ... 
doi:10.21533/scjournal.v1i2.62 fatcat:h4mmzw57yjhmpiskdkw6hrkkp4

From sound to shape: Auditory perception of drawing movements

Etienne Thoret, Mitsuko Aramaki, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Jean-Luc Velay, Sølvi Ystad
2014 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance  
The comparisons made between recorded and synthesized sounds lead to conclude that the timbre variations induced by the velocity profile enabled the shape recognition.  ...  Further investigations of our ability to recognize drawn shapes were carried out in two association tasks in which both recorded and synthesized sounds had to be associated to both distinct and similar  ...  In the ecological perspective, the concept of invariant is formalized with the notion of affordances, which can be defined as the ability of an object, here a sound, to evoke its use.  ... 
doi:10.1037/a0035441 pmid:24446717 fatcat:yqaca34hqjdcrbxptlfrmdlwym

Recognition of Online Handwritten Gurmukhi Strokes Using Support Vector Machine [chapter]

Mayank Gupta, Nainsi Gupta, Rahul Agrawal
2012 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing  
Online handwriting recognition systems are expected to exhibit better performance than offline handwriting recognition systems.  ...  Our research work presented in this thesis is to recognize strokes written in Gurmukhi script using Support Vector Machine (SVM). The system developed here is a (viii)  ...  Connell and Jain (2002) approach was to make writer adaptation from writer independent writing style models to identify the styles present in a particular writer's training data.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-81-322-1038-2_42 fatcat:xsccalurk5evblklynyh6i76pm

Deep Learning Based Models for Offline Gurmukhi Handwritten Character and Numeral Recognition

Manoj Kumar Mahto, Karamjit Bhatia, Rajendra Kumar Sharma
2022 ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis  
Over the last few years, several researchers have worked on handwritten character recognition and have proposed various techniques to improve the performance of Indic and non-Indic scripts recognition.  ...  The proposed network works efficiently for training as well as testing and exhibits a good recognition performance.  ...  They explored adaptive boosting and bagging technique to improve the recognition results.  ... 
doi:10.5565/rev/elcvia.1282 doaj:79f2647a90ab493c964edeed1f32a0b1 fatcat:xtdejstt6rcifkaphvjn5f6fmy

Online recognition of chinese characters: the state-of-the-art

Cheng-Lin Liu, S. Jaeger, M. Nakagawa
2004 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
The target of recognition has shifted from regular script to fluent script in order to better meet the requirements of practical applications.  ...  restriction of recognition to isolated characters only.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments and suggestions, which led to improvements to the presentation quality of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpami.2004.1262182 pmid:15376895 fatcat:j75xqkn3kvdgxo6yyu526xhsvi

Rotation invariant indexing of shapes and line drawings

Michail Vlachos, Zografoula Vagena, Philip S. Yu, Vassilis Athitsos
2005 Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '05  
The object signatures are eventually projected into a space the renders them invariant to translation, scaling and rotation.  ...  Using the Hough Transform we extract shape signatures that correspond to important features of an image.  ...  The rotation invariant distance measure Drot is defined as: Drot(x, y) = min i=0...N −1 D(x, Ci(y)), where Ci is the circular rotation operator.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1099554.1099580 dblp:conf/cikm/VlachosVYA05 fatcat:6wmcqzmjargmvcyse7fdcwhqqi

Automatic processing of Historical Arabic Documents: A comprehensive Survey

Mohamed Ibn Khedher, Houda Jmila, Mounim A. El-Yacoubi
2019 Pattern Recognition  
Second, we classify this task into four applications of automatic processing of HAD: i) Analyze the document to extract the main text ii) Identify the writer of the document iii) Recognize some words or  ...  First, due to complicated nature of Arabic script compared to other scripts and second because the documents are ancient.  ...  The evaluated local features are the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform tending the training set with the augmented data on the performance of Historical Arabic sub-words recognition.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2019.107144 fatcat:gq5ywnsxwbfxjloxr36o3yrgrq


Benbakreti Samir, Aoued Boukelif
2018 Acta Polytechnica  
To remedy this, we used a deep learning through the Deep Belief Network (DBN) that resulted in a 97.08% success rate of recognition for Arabic words.  ...  The use of a classical neural network methods has been beneficial for the character recognition, but revealed some limitations for the recognition rate of Arabic words.  ...  To obtain an invariant representation with respect to the translations and the spatial distortions.  ... 
doi:10.14311/ap.2018.58.0297 fatcat:ilcvq7wudjclzp363a3sfamp5u

Exploring sound perception through vocal imitations

Thomas Bordonné, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Sølvi Ystad, Olivier Derrien, Mitsuko Aramaki
2020 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
A continuous and sparse model adapted to the specificities of the vocal imitations was then developed and used to analyze the imitations.  ...  Results show that participants were able to highlight salient elements of the sounds that partially correspond to the invariants used in the sound corpus.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was financed by the National Research Agency (ANR), within the Sonimove project (Project reference: ANR-14-CE24-0018). APPENDIX: SELF-REPORTS TABLE  ... 
doi:10.1121/10.0001224 pmid:32486800 fatcat:urspiir4ufde5jmhoxwdllywpe
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