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21,998 Hits in 4.7 sec

Estimating the Cost of Security for COTS Software [chapter]

Donald J. Reifer, Barry W. Boehm, Murali Gangadharan
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
After summarizing the team's progress in developing counterpart COCOTS security cost drivers and expert-consensus cost driver parameter values, the paper points to the steps that will be taken to validate  ...  the findings and calibrate the model.  ...  most especially the organizations and individuals that have participated in our Delphi exercises and supplied the data upon which our model is calibrated.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-36465-x_17 fatcat:ukiorpqrsvcvrdsulnredbg2km

Mitigating Communications Threats in Decentralized Federated Learning through Moving Target Defense [article]

Enrique Tomás Martínez Beltrán and Pedro Miguel Sánchez Sánchez and Sergio López Bernal and Gérôme Bovet and Manuel Gil Pérez and Gregorio Martínez Pérez and Alberto Huertas Celdrán
2023 arXiv   pre-print
The results showed an average F1 score of 95%, with the most secure configuration resulting in CPU usage peaking at 68% (+-9%) in virtual deployments and network traffic reaching 480.8 MB (+-18 MB), effectively  ...  The module combines security techniques such as symmetric and asymmetric encryption with Moving Target Defense (MTD) techniques, including random neighbor selection and IP/port switching.  ...  MTD techniques, such as Neighbor Selection and IP/port switching strategies, add a dynamic and shifting defensive layer to the system.  ... 
arXiv:2307.11730v2 fatcat:memlnwekavdfrktugipy7qcomq

Defensive Analysis: Soundness In Extreme Conditions (Technical Report)

Yannis Smaragdakis
2016 Zenodo  
We present a defensive may-point-to analysis approach, which offers soundness in the presence of opaque code.  ...  The main cause of such unsoundness is "opaque code" fea- tures such as reflection, dynamic loading, and native calls.  ...  We use a 4-callsite-sensitive (4def) defensive analysis for this benchmark,  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.45127 fatcat:yz3pkbr2ebbipns47sgh5gzmlu

From Auto-adaptive to Survivable and Self-Regenerative Systems Successes, Challenges, and Future

Michael Atighetchi, Partha Pal
2009 2009 Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications  
We describe key themes of our previous work in adaptive cyber defense and introduction of autonomic response capabilities and discuss challenges that warrant further research.  ...  This paper charts the course of adaptive behavior in intrusion tolerance, starting from pre-programmed and usercontrolled reactive adaptation to highly sophisticated autonomic and cognitively driven adaptation  ...  use of diversity to make each access path to key assets appear different • Creation of a robust basis for defense-in-depth by implementing base algorithms as trusted hardware • Enforcement of containment  ... 
doi:10.1109/nca.2009.12 dblp:conf/nca/AtighetchiP09 fatcat:2ofzzy2vzfcuziao6imluwedte

Defensive Points-To Analysis: Effective Soundness via Laziness

Yannis Smaragdakis, George Kastrinis, Michael Wagner
2018 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming  
We present a defensive may-point-to analysis approach, which offers soundness even in the presence of arbitrary opaque code: all non-empty points-to sets computed are guaranteed to be over-approximations  ...  ACM Subject Classification Software and its engineering → Compilers, Theory of computation → Program analysis, Software and its engineering → General programming languages  ...  23:26 Defensive Points-To Analysis: Effective Soundness via Laziness manages to yield useful results for a large subset of the code in realistic Java programs, while being efficient and scalable.  ... 
doi:10.4230/lipics.ecoop.2018.23 dblp:conf/ecoop/SmaragdakisK18 fatcat:czwq2tintbajncqcgs6wsacu2m

Formulation of Energy Conservation Policy as Support of National Energy Security and State Defense at the Marine Education Command

2022 Public Policy and Administration Research  
sectors, it is not included in the field of defense and security (TNI).  ...  This study aims to analyze and formulate energy conservation policies in the Marine Education Command (KODIKMAR) area.  ...  This feedback loop is a central element of control engineering theory and dynamic systems.  ... 
doi:10.7176/ppar/12-6-05 fatcat:qh74ny574bdidee47z6ucjwx4m

Crypto-ransomware Detection through Quantitative API-based Behavioral Profiling [article]

Wenjia Song, Sanjula Karanam, Ya Xiao, Jingyuan Qi, Nathan Dautenhahn, Na Meng, Elena Ferrari, Danfeng Yao
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We are in urgent need to pinpoint the security gap and improve the effectiveness of defenses by identifying new detection approaches.  ...  In this paper, we quantitatively characterized the runtime behaviors of 54 ransomware samples from 35 distinct families, with a focus on the core encryption and file access behaviors.  ...  Our work adds insights into both dynamic ransomware behaviors and the effectiveness of defenses in practice through experiments.  ... 
arXiv:2306.02270v3 fatcat:qedmcwmnpzeo5hdjwmqwfftxiq

DDoS Attacks: Tools, Mitigation Approaches, and Probable Impact on Private Cloud Environment [article]

Rup Kumar Deka, Dhruba Kumar Bhattacharyya, Jugal Kumar Kalita
2017 arXiv   pre-print
This paper discusses several prominent approaches introduced to counter DDoS attacks in private clouds. We also discuss issues and challenges to mitigate DDoS attacks in private clouds.  ...  The future of the Internet is predicted to be on the cloud, resulting in more complex and more intensive computing, but possibly also a more insecure digital world.  ...  We present an in-depth discussion of the challenges and issues in defending such attacks.  ... 
arXiv:1710.08628v1 fatcat:qqaa3w3a2bautkkfc22hk3lk5u

Enhancing Cyber-Resiliency of DER-based SmartGrid: A Survey [article]

Mengxiang Liu, Fei Teng, Zhenyong Zhang, Pudong Ge, Ruilong Deng, Mingyang Sun, Jiming Chen
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Then, the defense-in-depth strategies encompassing prevention, detection, mitigation, and recovery are comprehensively surveyed, systematically classified, and rigorously compared.  ...  Finally, challenges and future directions are discussed in details.  ...  For defense-in-depth strategies, [20] and [10] did not discuss prevention technologies, and [20] and [17] did not consider intrusion detection systems (IDSs).  ... 
arXiv:2305.05338v2 fatcat:gkrdbp4o6zdb3bgzqo4q2xmpga

Moving Target Defense-Based Denial-of-Service Mitigation in Cloud Environments: A Survey

Minh Nguyen, Saptarshi Debroy, AnMin Fu
2022 Security and Communication Networks  
We also take an in-depth look at the testbed implementations and resilience and performance evaluations of MTD approaches.  ...  In this survey, we particularly provide an in-depth analysis on how MTD can help recover critical cloud assets in the face of DoS attacks and how emerging programmable technologies such as software-defined  ...  SDN has allowed public and private CSPs to implement fine-grained and dynamic network control (i.e., routing, switching, identity and access management, and resource provisioning) across its data centers  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/2223050 fatcat:3figtl7ju5ezjbn3gwvzhjxj4e

A Review on Android Malware: Attacks, Countermeasures and Challenges Ahead

ShymalaGowri Selvaganapathy, Sudha Sadasivam, Vinayakumar Ravi
2021 Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility  
Smartphones usage have become ubiquitous in modern life serving as a double-edged sword with opportunities and challenges in it.  ...  Malware authors have become increasingly sophisticated and are able to evade detection by anti-malware engines. This has led to a constant arms race between malware authors and malware defenders.  ...  distillation [192] . • Perimeter defense model such as adversarial retraining does retraining of the classifier with adversarial samples included with correct labels [181, 182, 193] • Defense in depth  ... 
doi:10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.1017 fatcat:mtxfys7pwvb7dastdlyu2s2tzq

Static-Analysis-Based Solutions to Security Challenges in Cloud-Native Systems: Systematic Mapping Study

Md Shahidur Rahaman, Agm Islam, Tomas Cerny, Shaun Hutton
2023 Sensors  
We are providing practitioners and developers with a structured survey of the existing literature of defensive solutions for microservice architectures and cloud-native systems to aid them in identifying  ...  Therefore, one must utilize a set of defensive mechanisms or controls to protect the system from exploitation by potential adversaries.  ...  In the third practice, he mentioned defense in depth.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s23041755 pmid:36850361 pmcid:PMC9962260 fatcat:asa7a4bazfctlflsorl5zsv4rq

Evolutionary Game for Confidentiality in IoT-Enabled Smart Grids

Svetlana Boudko, Peder Aursand, Habtamu Abie
2020 Information  
We discuss in depth how to enhance security in AMI using evolutionary game theory either by a priori analysis or as a tool to run dynamic and adaptive infrastructure defense.  ...  We applied evolutionary game theory to extend a resource constrained security game model for confidentiality attacks and defenses in an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), which is a component of IoT-enabled  ...  We assume that the attacker cannot access the cryptographic keys and has no control over the encryption process.  ... 
doi:10.3390/info11120582 fatcat:szcciiswxza3zlnszobjnfnh4u

Distributed Air & Missile Defense with Spatial Grasp Technology

Peter Simon Sapaty
2012 Intelligent Control and Automation  
Distributed DSL interpreter organization and benefits of using this technology for integrated air and missile defense are discussed along with programming examples in this and other fields.  ...  local and global behavior in the way needed.  ...  control infrastructure particularly oriented on the currently discovered targets and dynamic situations.  ... 
doi:10.4236/ica.2012.32014 fatcat:uicgiwuij5cytd7432usxyw6xm

Towards an ideal Access Control Strategy for Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Systems

Bjorn Leander, Aida Causevic, Hans Hansson, Tomas Lindstrom
2021 IEEE Access  
In this article we discuss a number of access control strategies that might be used within manufacturing systems.  ...  Current strategies used for access control within industrial control systems are relatively rudimentary.  ...  We should rather see Access Control as part of a Defense in Depth strategy [32] , working together with a number of mutually reinforcing mechanisms, e.g., malware detection, perimeter protection, physical  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3104649 fatcat:74flgc52wzepxiu5gp7xpfrisu
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