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Deep Visual Waterline Detection within Inland Marine Environment [article]

Jing Huang, Hengfeng Miao, Lin Li, Yuanqiao Wen, Changshi Xiao
2019 arXiv   pre-print
inland water environment.  ...  However, the visual complexity of inland waterline presents a significant challenge for the development of highly efficient computer vision algorithms tailored for waterline detection in a complicated  ...  of waterline detection within variable inland water environments.  ... 
arXiv:1911.10498v1 fatcat:wotdtwlh5faqta73hzcjrcpezu

Efficient Horizon Line Detection using Clustering and Fast Marching Method

For detecting the horizon line, two clusters are used in water-sky region like in marine environment images whereas three or more clusters are used in water-land-sky region like in in-land rivers/lakes  ...  Present paper describes an efficient method for detecting the horizon line for analysis videos obtained by cameras mounted on floating vessels such as unmanned surface vehicle in maritime and inland scenarios  ...  The complex inland river/lakes environment is different with marine scenarios, shown in fig 1.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.d1916.029420 fatcat:bqynog5s6zf5tgfijtl3qpcqfa

ROSEBUD: A Deep Fluvial Segmentation Dataset for Monocular Vision-Based River Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance

Reeve Lambert, Jalil Chavez-Galaviz, Jianwen Li, Nina Mahmoudian
2022 Sensors  
ROSEBUD provides a challenging baseline for surface navigation in complex environments using complex fluvial scenes.  ...  The difference between the ROSEBUD dataset and existing marine datasets was verified.  ...  However, for a USV to be practical for unsupervised use in dynamic water environments such as harbors, canals, and rivers, robust and near real-time environmental sensing and obstacle detection is required  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22134681 pmid:35808174 pmcid:PMC9269472 fatcat:2rejxc2uq5h5netc726x7jifiy

Satellite-Derived Topography and Morphological Evolution around Authie Macrotidal Estuary (France)

Philippe Bagot, Nicolas Huybrechts, Philippe Sergent
2021 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering  
Topographic map differentiation led to the detection of a sedimentation anomaly upstream of the bay, probably linked to this erosion event.  ...  For the more complex estuarine configuration, the waterline method was applied and resulted in the construction of DEMs with a height accuracy of 0.35 to 0.38 m.  ...  The method consists in detecting the land-sea boundary from satellite images, using edge detection algorithms or by visual investigation [30] , under a wide range of tidal conditions.  ... 
doi:10.3390/jmse9121354 fatcat:kicy4zjosfejjgjqybb3z5sdey

Monitoring Beach Topography and Nearshore Bathymetry Using Spaceborne Remote Sensing: A Review

Edward Salameh, Frédéric Frappart, Rafael Almar, Paulo Baptista, Georg Heygster, Bertrand Lubac, Daniel Raucoules, Luis Pedro Almeida, Erwin W. J. Bergsma, Sylvain Capo, Marcello De Michele, Deborah Idier (+6 others)
2019 Remote Sensing  
The first step of the waterline method is detecting the waterline from the images using edge detection techniques. Several different approaches have been implemented.  ...  These results are beyond the expectations, considering the challenging environment, including a deep-water canyon and its effect on surrounding wave patterns.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs11192212 fatcat:c2uhgi4mkzdefbbhj27wuckb7q

Airborne bacteria confirm the pristine nature of the Southern Ocean boundary layer

Jun Uetake, Thomas C. J. Hill, Kathryn A. Moore, Paul J. DeMott, Alain Protat, Sonia M. Kreidenweis
2020 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  
in our samples were marine, based on taxonomy, back trajectories, and source tracking analysis.  ...  Contrary to findings over global subtropical regions and the Northern Hemisphere, where transport of microorganisms from continents often controls airborne communities, the great majority of the bacteria detected  ...  origin (>99.2% sequence similarity with an isolate or sequence from a marine environment).  ... 
doi:10.1073/pnas.2000134117 pmid:32482865 fatcat:64vngnukhfgkpa4npjiowjvgxm

Toward Balancing the Budget: Surface Macro-Plastics Dominate the Mass of Particulate Pollution Stranded on Beaches

Peter G. Ryan, Eleanor A. Weideman, Vonica Perold, Coleen L. Moloney
2020 Frontiers in Marine Science  
Most studies report the abundance of plastic items in the environment, but mass is an equally important currency for monitoring plastic pollution, particularly given attempts to balance the global plastic  ...  The collection of large items from beaches is a useful stopgap measure to limit the formation of micro-plastics while we formulate effective steps to prevent plastic leakage into the environment.  ...  However, their visual survey approach ignores critical processes within the beach.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.575395 fatcat:7eby5ntx5rgzvkvqzpigepungu

First Record of Fungi and Actinobacteria Isolated from the Marine Sediment Collected in the Intertidal Region from an Island Located in the South of Brazil

Mariana Vieira Porsani, Hedda Elisabeth Kolm, Ida Chapaval Pimentel
2017 International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review  
This is the first record that evaluates the presence of actinobacteria and fungi in this environment.  ...  The results show the expansion of the knowledge about the microbiology in the regions between tides furthermore, this microorganisms collected from marine sediment can hold great promise as biological  ...  The Aspergillus species are among the most common fungal isolates from terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments, even from deep-sea sediments.  ... 
doi:10.20546/ijcrar.2017.502.007 fatcat:4rbjlguhxrf5lkcuuhfjz2it6e

Deep subsurface mine stalactites trap endemic fissure fluid Archaea, Bacteria, and Nematoda possibly originating from ancient seas

Gaëtan Borgonie, Borja Linage-Alvarez, Abidemi Ojo, Steven Shivambu, Olukayode Kuloyo, Errol D. Cason, Sihle Maphanga, Jan-G Vermeulen, Derek Litthauer, Colin D. Ralston, Tullis C. Onstott, Barbara Sherwood-Lollar (+1 others)
2015 Frontiers in Microbiology  
This, together with the observation that the nematode M. parvella recovered from Beatrix gold mine stalactite can only survive in a salty environment makes the origin of the deep subsurface colonization  ...  Based upon 16S and 18S rRNA gene sequencing, Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya in different combinations were detected for each layer.  ...  The discovery that brackish water/marine nematode species are surviving in deep underground stalactites in a terrestrial area deep inland is a novelty.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.00833 pmid:26441844 pmcid:PMC4585192 fatcat:lutrhoe5wba2tb2mqauhfxnv5a

Robust ASV Navigation Through Ground to Water Cross-Domain Deep Reinforcement Learning

Reeve Lambert, Jianwen Li, Li-Fan Wu, Nina Mahmoudian
2021 Frontiers in Robotics and AI  
An example Deep Q Network (DQN) employing this methodology for obstacle avoidance is trained in a simulated ground environment, and then its ability to generalize across domains is experimentally validated  ...  environments with minimal further training.  ...  Despite the promising application of deep reinforcement learning to autonomous navigation problems, there is limited real-world implementation, especially in the marine environment.  ... 
doi:10.3389/frobt.2021.739023 pmid:34616776 pmcid:PMC8488128 fatcat:biltozpljngqvioxwlp4fwot7m

Ocean Remote Sensing Techniques and Applications: A Review (Part I)

Meisam Amani, Armin Moghimi, S. Mohammad Mirmazloumi, Babak Ranjgar, Arsalan Ghorbanian, Saeid Ojaghi, Hamid Ebrahimy, Amin Naboureh, Mohsen Eslami Nazari, Sahel Mahdavi, Sayyed Hamed Alizadeh Moghaddam, Reza Mohammadi Asiyabi (+4 others)
2022 Water  
Oceans cover over 70% of the Earth's surface and provide numerous services to humans and the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor these valuable assets using advanced technologies.  ...  Then, six applications of these systems in the ocean, including Ocean Surface Wind (OSW), Ocean Surface Current (OSC), Ocean Wave Height (OWH), Sea Level (SL), Ocean Tide (OT), and Ship Detection (SD),  ...  Ship Detection (SD) SD has a wide variety of environmental, civil, and military applications.  ... 
doi:10.3390/w14213400 fatcat:4qdu3spxmfeaze6n2fkggjnw7a

Novel Methodologies for Providing In Situ Data to HAB Early Warning Systems in the European Atlantic Area: The PRIMROSE Experience

Manuel Ruiz-Villarreal, Marc Sourisseau, Phil Anderson, Caroline Cusack, Patricia Neira, Joe Silke, Francisco Rodriguez, Begoña Ben-Gigirey, Callum Whyte, Solene Giraudeau-Potel, Loic Quemener, Gregg Arthur (+1 others)
2022 Frontiers in Marine Science  
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) cause harm to human health or hinder sustainable use of the marine environment in Blue Economy sectors.  ...  the deployment of autonomous imaging flow cytometry (IFC) sensors near two aquaculture areas: a mooring in the Daoulas estuary in the Bay of Brest and pumping from a bay in the Shetland Islands to an inland  ...  the Departamento de Xestión de Innovación, Área de Programas of the Axencia Galega de Innovacion for providing pictures of the demonstration of the MAR2 prototype in Figure 11 , and to Cathal Gahan (Environmental  ... 
doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.791329 fatcat:6mdshtxmajdijggw4vx7wrybse

Climate cyclicity in late Holocene anoxic marine sediments from the Seymour–Belize Inlet Complex, British Columbia

R. Timothy Patterson, Andreas Prokoph, Eduard Reinhardt, Helen M. Roe
2007 Marine Geology  
late Holocene sediment core (VEC02A07) obtained from Alison Sound in the Belize-Seymour Inlet Complex of central British Columbia, Canada was deposited between ∼ 3500-1000 yr BP under primarily anoxic marine  ...  This core contains a detailed cyclic record of land-sea interactions as evidenced by significant fluctuations in marine primary productivity and changes in the supply of terrigenous material that can be  ...  Alison Sound is deep within the SBIC and is not strongly influenced by upwelling at any time.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2007.04.003 fatcat:ii5dhqq2tvbzpmrsx4wvgyz57y

A comparison of thermal infrared to fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing for evaluation of groundwater discharge to surface water

Danielle K. Hare, Martin A. Briggs, Donald O. Rosenberry, David F. Boutt, John W. Lane
2015 Journal of Hydrology  
One notable exception to this will be 514 freshwater seepage to brackish and marine environments (Hick and Carlton, 1991; Whiting, 515 1984) .  ...  If the GW seepage processes of 545 interest are expected to be exposed along banks and the waterline, or in very shallow, low flow 546 environments, TIR will often be the most applicable and efficient  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.059 fatcat:olyhii33zrenjk3yioc4d65gzm

The power of multi-matrix monitoring in the Pan-Arctic region: plastics in water and sediment

Jake Martin, Maria Granberg, Jennifer F. Provencher, Max Liboiron, Liz Pijogge, Kerstin Magnusson, Ingeborg G. Hallanger, Melanie Bergmann, Stefano Aliani, Alessio Gomiero, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Jesse Vermaire (+2 others)
2022 Arctic Science  
This work contributes to the Pollution Observatory of the Helmholtz Association-funded programme FRAM (Frontiers in Arctic Marine Research).  ...  However, they also require tailored methods for reliable detection and environmental enumeration.  ...  Another example is HAUSGARTEN, the deep-sea observatory in the Fram Strait, operated by The Alfred Wegner Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI).  ... 
doi:10.1139/as-2021-0056 fatcat:giac53k3zrbpza4iclaquvzomy
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