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Decentralized transactive energy community in edge grid with positive buildings and interactive electric vehicles

Ying Wu, Yanpeng Wu, Josep M. Guerrero, Juan C. Vasquez
2022 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems  
Therefore, buildings and electric vehicles have great potentials in allowing the optimization and balance of supply and demand with their cross-sector transactive behaviors for full-scale flexibility.  ...  A comprehensive survey of currently known projects and startups on blockchain-based transactive energy for cross-sector local community with buildings and electric vehicles is provided in the end with  ...  To provide a trusted, scalable, transactive and balanced net zero energy community system, blockchain-based decentralized energy transaction platform should be provided for cross-sector energy transaction  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2021.107510 fatcat:4u65l6hyu5hnbgjnvfccr64xoa

BlendMAS: A BLockchain-ENabled Decentralized Microservices Architecture for Smart Public Safety [article]

Ronghua Xu, Seyed Yahya Nikouei, Yu Chen, Erik Blasch, Alex Aved
2019 arXiv   pre-print
While a service oriented architecture (SOA) has been adopted by IoT and cyber-physical systems (CPS), it is difficult for a monolithic architecture to provide scalable and extensible services for a distributed  ...  Thanks to rapid technological advances in the Internet of Things (IoT), a smart public safety (SPS) system has become feasible by integrating heterogeneous computing devices to collaboratively provide  ...  In this paper, a BLlockchain-ENable Decentralized Microservices Architecture for SPS (BlendMAS) is proposed to secure data accessing among different service providers and entities in a public safety system  ... 
arXiv:1902.10567v1 fatcat:xvjkadcqynbopfxbszprrvx53u

Designing a Smart City Internet of Things Platform with Microservice Architecture

Alexandr Krylovskiy, Marco Jahn, Edoardo Patti
2015 2015 3rd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud  
ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research is funded by EU FP7 SMARTCITIES 2013 District Information Modelling and Management for Energy Reduction -DIMMER.  ...  The excessive generalization in standards for systems and service platforms poses limitations on both the flexibility of their implementation and their use by applications.  ...  In the DIMMER platform, we use the decentralized data management approach of microservices to manage the IoT devices meta-data in the system.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ficloud.2015.55 dblp:conf/ficloud/KrylovskiyJP15 fatcat:rj6y53a4vjffrahp5dhj47quxy

A Microservice-enabled Architecture for Smart Surveillance using Blockchain Technology [article]

Deeraj Nagothu, Ronghua Xu, Seyed Yahya Nikouei, Yu Chen
2018 arXiv   pre-print
While the smart surveillance system enhanced by the Internet of Things (IoT) technology becomes an essential part of Smart Cities, it also brings new concerns in security of the data.  ...  are expected to support more scalable and decentralized solutions for advanced video stream analysis at the large volumes of distributed edge devices.  ...  Thus, microservices is ideal to build a service platform for cross-domain applications, like smart surveillance.  ... 
arXiv:1807.07487v1 fatcat:6rwhac7jyrdydh2cefrzg3k4n4

Secure Open Federation of IoT Platforms Through Interledger Technologies - The SOFIE Approach

Dmitrij Lagutin, Francesco Bellesini, Tommaso Bragatto, Alessio Cavadenti, Vincenzo Croce, Yki Kortesniemi, Helen C. Leligou, Yannis Oikonomidis, George C. Polyzos, Giuseppe Raveduto, Francesca Santori, Panagiotis Trakadas (+1 others)
2019 2019 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC)  
This paper presents SOFIE, a solution for federating the existing IoT platforms in an open and secure manner using Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and without requiring modifications to the IoT  ...  SOFIE's main contribution is to provide interoperability between IoT systems while also enabling new functionality and business models.  ...  in the future and provided to third parties, opening new business models for the actors themselves e.g. a stable prediction of the active power exchanges with the Transmission System Operator (TSO), carried  ... 
doi:10.1109/eucnc.2019.8802017 dblp:conf/eucnc/LagutinBBCCKLOP19 fatcat:k2ct4cz7wrgfhm6cgris6aj54q

Secure Open Federation of IoT Platforms Through Interledger Technologies – The SOFIE Approach [article]

Dmitrij Lagutin, Francesco Bellesini, Tommaso Bragatto, Alessio Cavadenti, Vincenzo Croce, Yki Kortesniemi, Helen C. Leligou, Yannis Oikonomidis, George C. Polyzos, Giuseppe Raveduto, Francesca Santori, Panagiotis Trakadas, Matteo Verber
2019 arXiv   pre-print
This paper presents SOFIE, a solution for federating the existing IoT platforms in an open and secure manner using Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and without requiring modifications to the IoT  ...  SOFIE's main contribution is to provide interoperability between IoT systems while also enabling new functionality and business models.  ...  in the future and provided to third parties, opening new business models for the actors themselves e.g. a stable prediction of the active power exchanges with the Transmission System Operator (TSO), carried  ... 
arXiv:1908.02487v1 fatcat:jgu6v7hcgjhhlcp3myv3fgloqu

Integration of Blockchain and Cloud of Things: Architecture, Applications and Challenges [article]

Dinh C Nguyen, Pubudu N Pathirana, Ming Ding, Aruna Seneviratne
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Compared to other relevant survey papers, we present a thorough review on the emerging BCoT platforms and services which are useful to researchers and application developers in identifying and catching  ...  In this context, blockchain provides innovative solutions to address challenges in Cloud of Things in terms of decentralization, data privacy and network security, while Cloud of Things offer elasticity  ...  Meanwhile, cloud computing has unlimited resources in terms of storage and computation power, which can provide on-demand, powerful and efficient services for IoT use domains.  ... 
arXiv:1908.09058v1 fatcat:ik4s66nxifhthgm3gj3rrbgbey

Architecting Ubiquitous Communication and Collaborative-Automation-Based Machine Network Systems for Flexible Manufacturing

Zhaozong Meng, Zhipeng Wu, John Gray
2019 IEEE Systems Journal  
However, the heterogeneities in machine part platforms, production strategies, and product variability keep the rich sensing and communication intensive sub-systems from seamless integration.  ...  The ubiquitous Machine-to-Machine (M2M) messaging, inter-machine understanding and system modeling are key enabling techniques to empower machine interoperability for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS  ...  interact with each other and provide M2M service platform functionalities.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jsyst.2019.2918542 fatcat:ch5g5z3fkvdrxbzbauk2hrtgsq

Microgrid energy management and monitoring systems: A comprehensive review

Aiman J. Albarakati, Younes Boujoudar, Mohamed Azeroual, Lahcen Eliysaouy, Hossam Kotb, Ayman Aljarbouh, Hend Khalid Alkahtani, Samih M. Mostafa, Asifa Tassaddiq, Alexander Pupkov
2022 Frontiers in Energy Research  
This paper also shows the role of the IoT and monitoring systems for energy management and data analysis in the microgrid.  ...  As a result, a proper control strategy and monitoring system must guarantee that MG power is transferred efficiently to sensitive loads and the primary grid.  ...  The cloud, in particular, can provide an efficient and practical option for administering IoT services and offering some applications to help in data analysis.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fenrg.2022.1097858 fatcat:a4pmd7hvinbapi3nigwekeblsa

Blockchain for 5G and Beyond Networks: A State of the Art Survey [article]

Dinh C Nguyen, Pubudu N Pathirana, Ming Ding, Aruna Seneviratne
2019 arXiv   pre-print
and enhanced system throughput.  ...  In this paper, we provide a state-of-art survey on the integration of blockchain with 5G networks and beyond.  ...  Blockchain is introduced in [260] for a reliable decentralized power trading platform where a V2G EV trading smart contract is integrated for trading authentication and a decentralized energy ledger is  ... 
arXiv:1912.05062v1 fatcat:ecitoeu5ijh6flblgm74fpvmz4

IDMoB: IoT Data Marketplace on Blockchain

Kazim Rifat Ozyilmaz, Mehmet Dogan, Arda Yurdakul
2018 2018 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology (CVCBT)  
In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based, decentralized and trustless data marketplace where IoT device vendors and AI/ML solution providers may interact and collaborate.  ...  By facilitating a transparent data exchange platform, access to consented data will be democratized and the variety of services targeting end-users will increase.  ...  It provides a flexible querying mechanism for data consumers and contains a voting mechanism for eliminating unreliable data providers.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvcbt.2018.00007 dblp:conf/cvcbt/OzyilmazDY18 fatcat:pts4vb63fjcwhfsri2di5fpwqe

BlendCAC: A BLockchain-ENabled Decentralized Capability-based Access Control for IoTs [article]

Ronghua Xu, Yu Chen, Erik Blasch, Genshe Chen
2018 arXiv   pre-print
The BlendCAC aims at an effective access control processes to devices, services and information in large scale IoT systems.  ...  In this paper, BlendCAC, a blockchain enabled decentralized capability based AC is proposed for the security of IoTs.  ...  flexible in the large scale IoT networks.  ... 
arXiv:1804.09267v1 fatcat:gybholdhv5c4hktfhuzpmbjrcy

A Review of Blockchain in Internet of Things and AI

Hany F. Atlam, Muhammad Ajmal Azad, Ahmed G. Alzahrani, Gary Wills
2020 Big Data and Cognitive Computing  
Then, the blockchain as a service for the IoT is presented to show how various features of blockchain technology can be implemented as a service for various IoT applications.  ...  After providing the basics of the IoT system and blockchain technology, a thorough review of integrating the blockchain with the IoT system is presented by highlighting benefits of the integration and  ...  Flexibility The blockchain technology provides a flexible environment for various IoT objects through numerous open-source options for blockchain.  ... 
doi:10.3390/bdcc4040028 fatcat:y4rbkl2k5japtixpkwo4sc6tei

Recent Patient Health Monitoring Platforms Incorporating Internet of Things-Enabled Smart Devices

Minhee Kang, Eunkyoung Park, Baek Hwan Cho, Kyu-Sung Lee
2018 International Neurourology Journal  
Smart health" is an emerging concept that refers to the provision of healthcare services for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up management at any time or any place by con-necting information  ...  technology [1, 2] in the healthcare industry.  ...  [28, 30] also reported an IoT-embedded sweat monitoring system that used a mechanically flexible sensor array for multiplexed in situ perspiration analysis of parameters such as sweat metabolites, electro  ... 
doi:10.5213/inj.1836144.072 pmid:30068069 pmcid:PMC6077937 fatcat:xgr6tbl62je6bnxx7dshcoxeri

Building a Community of Users for Open Market Energy

Joao Ferreira, Ana Martins
2018 Energies  
In this research work, we propose an IoT (Internet of Things) system for the accounting of energy flows, as well as a blockchain approach to overcome the need for a central control entity.  ...  In parallel, the system aggregates users into communities with target goals and creates new markets for players.  ...  Nowadays, the most relevant (in terms of commercial use) IoT platforms in a market of more than 700 IoT platforms are [16] : (1) Amazon Web Services (AWS) from Amazon; (2) Microsoft Azure IoT; (3) Bluemix  ... 
doi:10.3390/en11092330 fatcat:rhutr7jyenfkzbzelef6ctnlhi
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