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Decentralized Clustering and Linking by Networked Agents

Sahar Khawatmi, Ali H. Sayed, Abdelhak M. Zoubir
2017 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing  
We consider the problem of decentralized clustering and estimation over multi-task networks, where agents infer and track different models of interest.  ...  While links between agents following different objectives are ignored in the clustering process, we nevertheless show how to exploit these links to relay critical information across the network for enhanced  ...  Network and Data Model Network Overview We consider a network with N agents connected by a graph.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsp.2017.2692736 fatcat:ga34smzm3rb4pl5svt5m2g7mpm

Pragmatic evaluation of folksonomies

Denis Helic, Markus Strohmaier, Christoph Trattner, Markus Muhr, Kristina Lerman
2011 Proceedings of the 20th international conference on World wide web - WWW '11  
We model exploratory navigation of a tagging system as decentralized search on a network of tags.  ...  This paper sets out to address this gap by presenting and applying a pragmatic framework for evaluating folksonomies.  ...  Next, Kleinberg (theoretically) [19] and Watts (by simulation) [34] showed that for networks with such link probability distributions efficient sub-linear decentralized search algorithms exist.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1963405.1963465 dblp:conf/www/HelicSTML11 fatcat:yjeyjc66azhlbflfaq4wf2ufwi

A Semantic Model with Self-Adaptive and Autonomous Relevant Technology for Social Media Applications

Zahra Najafabadi Samani, Alexander Lercher, Nishant Saurabh, Radu Prodan
2019 Zenodo  
However, the lack of central control in the decentralized social network poses new issues of collaborative decision making and trust to this permission-less environment.  ...  In this paper, we describe an adaptive microservice-based design capable of finding relevant communities and accurate decision making by extracting semantic information and applying role-stage model while  ...  This work was accomplished as a part of project "ARTICONF" 1 , funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3581080 fatcat:o5qqx2b5rve2xcmsvo2ylaqc4u

Scalability of findability

Weimao Ke, Javed Mostafa
2010 Proceeding of the 33rd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval - SIGIR '10  
We conducted experiments on decentralized IR operations on various scales of information networks and analyzed effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability of various search methods.  ...  For a given network clustering level, search time was well explained by a polylogarithmic relation to network size (i.e., the number of distributed systems), indicating a high scalability potential for  ...  Pérez-Agüera, and Simon Spero, and constructive comments from SIGIR'10 reviewers. We thank the NC Translational and Clinical Sciences (TraCS) Institute for support.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1835449.1835465 dblp:conf/sigir/KeM10 fatcat:vww2tgbvznefhme3fgjjto3mzi

Page 6825 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2001I [page]

2001 Mathematical Reviews  
Summary: “We present an approach to network formation based on the notion that social networks are formed by individual de- cisions that trade off the costs of forming and maintaining links against the  ...  We suppose that a link with another agent allows access, in part and in due course, to the benefits available to the latter via his own links.  ... 

Agent Based Trust Estimation for Mobile Ad Hoc Network

M. B. Mukesh Krishnan, T. Balachander, P. Rajasekar
2015 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
The proposed mode has two agents deployed to estimate the trust of a node. The first agent keeps track of the network link failure and packet dropping.  ...  The second agent keeps track of attacks and malicious behavior in the network.  ...  Packet dropping in the network is found by the second agent through the handshake with the cluster head and first agent to fix the attacks and malicious behavior in the network.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2015/v8is9/58398 fatcat:zdjce2ioubcnxbvwttvumagz2e

Class-based Approach in Semantic P2P Information Retrieval

Ilya Rudomilov, Ivan Jelínek
2012 Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems  
P2P networks provide obvious advantages like scalability, reliability and, therefore, recent researchers are looking for a way to adapt these techniques to Information Retrieval fashion of nodes with heterogeneous  ...  The greatest attention is paid to different semantic-based searching such as Gnutella Efficient Search (GES) proposed by Zhu Y et al., which derives from Vector Space Model.  ...  P2P networks can be classified according to level of decentralization (centralized, decentralized or hybrid) or to the control over data location and network topology (structured or unstructured).  ... 
dblp:conf/fedcsis/RudomilovJ12 fatcat:caequ3slgjewljab7pg7rdm7sa

Role of Machine Learning in Resource Allocation Strategy over Vehicular Networks: A Survey

Ida Nurcahyani, Jeong Woo Lee
2021 Sensors  
Accordingly, many resource allocation schemes with various machine learning algorithms have been proposed to dynamically manage and allocate network resources.  ...  The increasing demand for smart vehicles with many sensing capabilities will escalate data traffic in vehicular networks. Meanwhile, available network resources are limited.  ...  Using decentralized learning, where each V2V link is an agent, a two-timescale federated DRL was created.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21196542 pmid:34640858 fatcat:6kzl53zterdcpexpvkinkvqqwe

Space and Time as a Primary Classification Criterion for Information Retrieval in Distributed Social Networking [article]

Georg Groh, Florian Straub, Andreas Donaubauer, Benjamin Koster
2011 arXiv   pre-print
The decentralized and agent oriented architecture mirrors emerging trends such as upcoming mobile and decentralized social networking as a new paradigm in social computing and is targetted to satisfy broader  ...  and more subtly interlinked information demands beyond immediate information needs which can be readily satisfied with current IR services.  ...  The dataset was randomly distributed to 2000 virtual agents (peers) in a non-disjoint way. Several Expertises per agent were then computed by spatial clustering.  ... 
arXiv:1104.2196v1 fatcat:ccizglkyq5gq3dlxppyop5w6am

Strong Ties vs. Weak Ties: Studying the Clustering Paradox for Decentralized Search

Weimao Ke, Javed Mostafa
2009 Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval  
We studied decentralized search in information networks and focused on the impact of network clustering on the findability of relevant information sources.  ...  By applying topical clustering and a clustering exponent α to guide network rewiring, we studied the role of strong ties vs. weak ties, particularly their influence on distributed search.  ...  Singh, Diane Kelly, Jeffrey Pomerantz, and Simon Spero, and constructive comments from LSDS-IR'09 reviewers. We thank the NC Translational and Clinical Sciences (TraCS) Institute for support.  ... 
dblp:conf/sigir/KeM09 fatcat:3kymzgoekfaudklxp6td6jzwm4


2004 Applied Artificial Intelligence  
To do this we connect agents in a random overlay network and have them search in a peer-to-peer fashion for other similar agents.  ...  We thus aim to tackle the basic clustering problem on an Internet scale, and create a method by which agents themselves can be grouped, forming coalitions.  ...  The creation of initial links is a bootstrapping problem; we assume they are derived from the placement of agents, or some other application-dependent source, and model them as a random network.  ... 
doi:10.1080/08839510490514869 fatcat:xwkcgibz7rhznm23ck35de6xp4

Decentralized Learning over Wireless Networks: The Effect of Broadcast with Random Access [article]

Zheng Chen, Martin Dahl, Erik G. Larsson
2023 arXiv   pre-print
and the link dynamics in the communication topology.  ...  In this work, we focus on the communication aspect of decentralized learning, which involves multiple agents training a shared machine learning model using decentralized stochastic gradient descent (D-SGD  ...  links in the network.  ... 
arXiv:2305.07368v2 fatcat:47v23yco3zapjbuwjpzoc4xtnq

Learning Model Parameters for Decentralized Schedule-Driven Traffic Control

Hsu-Chieh Hu, Stephen F. Smith
2020 International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling  
Each agent senses the traffic approaching its intersection through local sensors and in real-time constructs a schedule that minimizes the cumulative wait time of vehicles approaching the intersection  ...  Although the approach is general and has demonstrated substantial success, its effectiveness in a given road network depends on the extent to which various parameters of the model, e.g, maximum green time  ...  We consider a network consisting of |V | nodes (intersections) and |E| links (road segments). Each node has a scheduling agent to serve jobs (clusters) belonging to specific classes.  ... 
dblp:conf/aips/HuS20 fatcat:sr34jv4advhknarenthxfak3lq

Leveraging Biologically-inspired Mobile Agents Supporting Composite Needs of Reliability and Timeliness in Sensor Applications

Pruet Boonma, Qi Han, Junichi Suzuki
2007 2007 Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information Technologies  
The problem is formulated into an NP-hard problem, the Vehicle Routing Problem, and decentralized and centralized heuristics are developed to govern agent behaviors.  ...  This paper proposes a solution to satisfy these conflicting requirements by using biologically-inspired mobile agents.  ...  A Decentralized VRP Heuristics for Event Agents EAs implement a decentralized VRP heuristics to carry sensor data to the base station by a given deadline.  ... 
doi:10.1109/fbit.2007.137 dblp:conf/fbit/BoonmaHS07 fatcat:mtu3z6zrprgmdbxzvml32zdori

Distributed Network Management Architectures: A Review

Anish Saini, Atul Mishra, A. K Sharma
2013 International Journal of Computer Applications  
This paper discusses and analyzes the role of mobile agent and compares the network parameters for different models.  ...  Mobile agents decentralize processing and control thereby reducing the management traffic around the management station and distribute processing load.  ...  Cluster manages the whole or part of the managed devices network. A group of Network elements are managed by cluster. Distributed cluster provides a vertical scaling.  ... 
doi:10.5120/11561-6845 fatcat:kjhqqgjt6fg5rdbw2nv2vlygxi
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