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21,707 Hits in 5.7 sec

Risky prey behavior evolves in risky habitats

M. C. Urban
2007 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  
Longstanding theory in behavioral ecology predicts that prey should evolve decreased foraging rates under high predation threat.  ...  In particular, prey should adopt riskier behaviors under predation threat than expected under existing risk allocation models if foraging effort directly reduces the duration of risk by growth into a size  ...  T he growth-predation risk tradeoff constitutes one of the more successful and generalizable predictions in ecology (1) (2) (3) .  ... 
doi:10.1073/pnas.0704645104 pmid:17724339 pmcid:PMC1964820 fatcat:tvul2xusvnae5eo347unw3co6e

Robust Decision Making (RDM) [chapter]

R. J. Lempert
2019 Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty  
embeds analytic tools in a decision support process called "deliberation with analysis" that promotes learning and consensus-building among stakeholders. • The chapter demonstrates an RDM approach to  ...  The quest for predictions-and a reliance on the analytical methods that require them-can prove counter-productive and sometimes dangerous in a fast-changing world. • Robust Decision Making (RDM) is a set  ...  a tradeoff analysis among the alternatives.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-05252-2_2 fatcat:lnf5tlkxajdwtdyka5rppyqowe

The prediction-explanation fallacy: A pervasive problem in scientific applications of machine learning

Marco Del Giudice
2024 Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences  
Second, different predictive models trained on the same or similar data can be biased in different ways, so that they may predict equally well but suggest conflicting explanations.  ...  Here I introduce the tradeoffs between prediction and explanation in a non-technical fashion, present illustrative examples from neuroscience, and end by discussing some mitigating factors and methods  ...  This kind of tradeoff is most acute in underparametrized models, i.e., models that have fewer free parameters than the number of data points in the training set.  ... 
doi:10.5964/meth.11235 fatcat:4xwqtlk7t5dzrj23ntfsi7utfi

Functional and geographic components of risk for climate sensitive vertebrates in the Pacific Northwest, USA

Meryl C. Mims, Deanna H. Olson, David S. Pilliod, Jason B. Dunham
2018 Biological Conservation  
(RCS) index of all species across multiple geographic extents, grain sizes, and data types.  ...  A B S T R A C T Rarity and life history traits inform multiple dimensions of intrinsic risk to climate and environmental change and can help systematically identify at-risk species.  ...  , data type, and sampling design (or, in the case of opportunistic data, distribution of locality information).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2018.10.012 fatcat:wyarkw33aragtaw66m3kp3hc6q

Influence of predation risk and food supply on nocturnal fish foraging distributions along a mangrove–seagrass ecotone

N Hammerschlag, MR Heithaus, JE Serafy
2010 Marine Ecology Progress Series  
supply (i.e. ideal free distribution, IFD); or (2) fishes will avoid high-risk areas such that their abundances will be lower than predicted by food resources in high-risk habitats (i.e. food -risk tradeoff  ...  We used these data to test the following a priori predictions of fish distributions relative to food and risk as generated from foraging theory: (1) fishes will be distributed in proportion to their food  ...  Both gray snapper and seabream distributions were generally consistent with predictions of a food -risk tradeoff.  ... 
doi:10.3354/meps08731 fatcat:bojlwailtnc43lhgtoybj4tfz4

A Survey of What to Share in Federated Learning: Perspectives on Model Utility, Privacy Leakage, and Communication Efficiency [article]

Jiawei Shao, Zijian Li, Wenqiang Sun, Tailin Zhou, Yuchang Sun, Lumin Liu, Zehong Lin, Yuyi Mao, Jun Zhang
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Without data centralization, FL allows clients to share local information in a privacy-preserving manner.  ...  First, we present a new taxonomy of FL methods in terms of three sharing methods, which respectively share model, synthetic data, and knowledge.  ...  FKD is a data-free knowledge distillation method that introduces a distillation regularizer to penalize the gap between the clients' class-wise predictions and the ensemble predictions.  ... 
arXiv:2307.10655v2 fatcat:eg7w2ebisvc3vkaztuayxxu7be

Robustness and aging—A systems-level perspective

Andres Kriete
2013 Biosystems (Amsterdam. Print)  
In this review several mechanisms influential for aging are re--evaluated in support of robustness tradeoffs.  ...  The theory of robustness describes a system level property of evolutionary systems, which predicts tradeoffs of great interest for the systems biology of aging, such as accumulation of non--heritable damage  ...  The limitations and tradeoffs in any type or target for intervention document a careful distribution of resources under the robustness paradigm.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2013.03.014 pmid:23562399 fatcat:ofmq4ric3rfkzpnixtyc5z6hjq

A Machine Learning Approach for Identification of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Mutlu Mete, Xiaowei Xu, Chun-Yang Fan, Gal Shafirstein
2007 2007 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2007)  
Such predictive risk modeling has received attention in recent years with statistical techniques being the backbone of proposed methods.  ...  This work addresses specific challenges in this real-life health care application to build predictive risk models for forecasting future high-cost users.  ...  Most classification algorithms assume that the class distribution in the data is uniform.  ... 
doi:10.1109/bibm.2007.57 dblp:conf/bibm/MoturuJL07 fatcat:xxfmpf3mhrgepnjgdg4intdzii

SiteWit Corporation: SQL or NoSQL that is the Question

Donald J. Berndt, Ricardo Lasa, James A. McCart
2012 International Conference on Information Systems  
The case covers the rapidly emerging NoSQL database products that can be used to implement very large distributed databases.  ...  This teaching case focuses on a start-up company in the Web analytics and online advertising space, which faces a database scaling challenge.  ...  Grandon Gill in preparing this case, as well as the opportunity to participate in his NSF-sponsored STEM case project.  ... 
dblp:conf/icis/BerndtLM12 fatcat:4cwlyaph2fg3rfxxqerdyfu4qi

Resource Selection by an Endangered Ungulate: A Test of Predator-Induced Range Abandonment

Jeffrey T. Villepique, Becky M. Pierce, Vernon C. Bleich, Aleksandra Andic, R. Terry Bowyer
2015 Advances in Ecology  
We investigated influences of risk of predation by mountain lions (Puma concolor), topographic metrics at multiple scales, and vegetation, land, and snow cover on resource selection by Sierra Nevada bighorn  ...  We hypothesized that those mountain ungulates would trade off rewards accrued from using critical low-elevation habitat in winter for the safety of areas with reduced risk of predation.  ...  Our alternative bottom-up hypothesis is supported by data demonstrating a reduced tradeoff by bighorn sheep remaining in snow-free, high-elevation winter habitat during drought years, providing an empirically  ... 
doi:10.1155/2015/357080 fatcat:7vkjnb7b6ffcbb6xzmnx3wxkbq

A Hierarchical Approach to Multi-Event Survival Analysis

Donna Tjandra, Yifei He, Jenna Wiens
2021 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
In multi-event survival analysis, one aims to predict the probability of multiple different events occurring over some time horizon.  ...  interdependence among events.  ...  For the noncompeting risks datasets, we adapt DeepHit by instead assuming T t=1 p k [t] = 1 for k = 1, 2, ..., K. For the semicompeting risks datasets, we also predict P (e = null).  ... 
dblp:conf/aaai/TjandraHW21 fatcat:3ckoib6yq5hnhmbqtwchtemmv4

Memory-Centric Data Storage for Mobile Systems

Jinglei Ren, Chieh-Jan Mike Liang, Yongwei Wu, Thomas Moscibroda
2015 USENIX Annual Technical Conference  
Instead, it incrementally checkpoints app data into flash at appropriate times, as calculated by a set of app/user-adaptive policies.  ...  MobiFS also introduces transactions into the cache to guarantee data consistency. This design trades off data staleness for better app responsiveness and energy efficiency, in a quantitative manner.  ...  BlueFS [39] carefully chooses the least costly replica among multiple nodes.  ... 
dblp:conf/usenix/RenLWM15 fatcat:bbgy6t6ofjfebkey6illgcma2u

Often, the RO Approach and the CCPRobust Modeling and Planning: Insights from Three Industrial Applications

Lavanya Marla, Alexander Rikun, Gautier Stauffer, Eleni Pratsini
2020 Operations Research Perspectives  
You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public  ...  Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes.  ...  of the uncertain parameters (distribution-based), and the second free of such specific distributional assumptions (distribution-free).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.orp.2020.100150 fatcat:c4y2ag6dlbbxnisrqkkyaoja4u

Resiliency and Robustness of Complex, Multi-Genre Networks [article]

Alexander Kott, Tarek Abdelzaher
2016 arXiv   pre-print
We show that this perspective is fruitful and adds to our understanding of fundamental challenges and tradeoffs in robustness and resiliency, as well as potential solutions to the challenges.  ...  networks are multi-genre - it is hard to find any real system of a significant complexity that does not include a combination of interconnected physical elements, communication devices and channels, data  ...  This question has been a key motivation and grand challenge of network science; the science of prediction, measurement, and adaptation of complex multi-genre networks.  ... 
arXiv:1601.06731v1 fatcat:phbtiuaounbrbjycuh2k2diwrq

Integrating Spatial Behavioral Ecology in Agent-Based Models for Species Conservation [chapter]

Christina A.D., Marco Musiani, Danielle J.
2011 Biodiversity  
Most approaches are correlative in that they statistically link spatial data (typically geographic information systems data) to species distribution records.  ...  One of the challenges in incorporating mechanism into SDMs is that these models can be limited by the availability of data for model parameterization and because their success in predicting range limits  ...  Adaptation functions by animals making tradeoffs between competing goals to try and find an optimal solution that maximizes their fitness.  ... 
doi:10.5772/23055 fatcat:aho3dfzsjze5hp7m7lykvkdpk4
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