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Data conversion for process/thread migration and checkpointing

Hai Jiang, V. Chaudhary, J.P. Walters
2003 2003 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2003. Proceedings.  
Process/thread migration and checkpointing schemes support load balancing, load sharing and fault tolerance to improve application performance and system resource usage on workstation clusters.  ...  This speeds up the data conversion process and eases the programming task dramatically, especially for the large data trunks common to migration and checkpointing.  ...  To hide the different levels of heterogeneity, we have developed an application level process/thread migration and checkpointing package, MigThread, which abstracts the computation state up to the language  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpp.2003.1240612 dblp:conf/icpp/JiangCW03 fatcat:dksswg6hafh7hmvopx3fek4bw4

Process/thread migration and checkpointing in heterogeneous distributed systems

Hai Jiang, V. Chaudhary
2004 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the  
Process/thread migration and checkpointing are indispensable for resource sharing, cycle stealing, and other modes of interaction.  ...  For heterogeneity, a novel data conversion scheme is proposed to analyze data types automatically and convert data only on the receiver side.  ...  With this feature, virtually all programs will be qualified for migration/checkpointing. Figure 1 . 1 Process/thread and migration/checkpoing options in MigThread.  ... 
doi:10.1109/hicss.2004.1265665 dblp:conf/hicss/JiangC04 fatcat:bjewn2tqp5bkbcpnp3tiwn3die

Dynamic Transparent General Purpose Process Migration for Linux

Amirreza Zarrabi
2012 International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications  
In this paper, we proposed a process migration framework for Linux OS. It is a multilayer architecture to confine every functionality independent section of the system in separate layer.  ...  This architecture is capable of supporting diverse applications due to generic user space interface and dynamic structure that can be modified according to demands.  ...  Not every combination of the execution context and quiescing method is valid for process migration because of the checkpoint/restart subsystem weakness in mapping process threads on the source machine  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijgca.2012.3402 fatcat:b32vbgudbzfp5f7ys3hxkghndu

Automating Live Update for Generic Server Programs

Cristiano Giuffrida, Clin Iorgulescu, Giordano Tamburrelli, Andrew S. Tanenbaum
2017 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  
This paper presents Mutable Checkpoint-Restart (MCR), a new live update solution for generic (multiprocess and multithreaded) server programs written in C.  ...  code paths to automatically restore the old program threads and reinitialize a relevant portion of the program data structures.  ...  When all the per-process threads complete, MCR transitions to the second phase of the protocol and waits for all the controller threads to report quiescence.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tse.2016.2584066 fatcat:2po4wff2q5aadiausxoa46ssrm

Fault Tolerance Techniques for High-Performance Computing [chapter]

Jack Dongarra, Thomas Herault, Yves Robert
2015 Computer Communications and Networks  
We cover the Young/Daly formula for the optimal period and much more! Next we explain how the efficiency of checkpointing can be improved via fault prediction or replication.  ...  The emphasis is on checkpointing, the de-facto standard technique for resilience in High Performance Computing.  ...  and Technology Agency (JST).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20943-2_1 fatcat:2rehvmh6bvdsvbru6ukpcij6ae

Message Passing Interface (MPI) [chapter]

2005 Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing  
software packages, presenting a steep learning curve for new developers and third parties.  ...  The result is an MPI implementation that is highly modular, has published abstraction and interface boundaries, and is significantly easier to develop, maintain, and use as a vehicle for research.  ...  However, this is the PID of the process (thread) that invoked MPI INIT (and therefore kinit()), and the PID that will be returned by lam getpid().  ... 
doi:10.1002/0471478385.ch9 fatcat:dze6oxxnirftpnqrdqzuczbzcu

Hardware Acceleration for Container Migration on Resource-Constrained Platforms

Prateek Shantharama, Akhilesh S. Thyagaturu, Anil Yatavelli, Poornima Lalwaney, Martin Reisslein, Georgii Tkachuk, Edward J. Pullin
2020 IEEE Access  
b: Process/Thread Context Switching The concurrent processing of multiple applications results in CPU context switching between processes and threads.  ...  Conversely, for uploading a container image, the clients needs to compress and encrypt the container image.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3024675 fatcat:vp3mio7z3rg43afi7lvd73t67q

Towards Interactive, Adaptive and Result-aware Big Data Analytics [article]

Avinash Kumar
2022 arXiv   pre-print
There have been demands for making the analytics process more interactive and adaptive, especially for long running jobs.  ...  This dissertation is motivated by these calls for improvement in data processing and the experiences over the past few years while working on the Texera project, which is a collaborative data analytics  ...  For actor model implementations that do not support priority such as Orleans, Amber solves the problem by letting each actor delegate its data processing to an external thread, called data-processing thread  ... 
arXiv:2212.07096v1 fatcat:tfejbwgnszepxhtfkcesmmftxe

Grasshopper: An Orthogonally Persistent Operating System

Alan Dearle, Rex di Bona, James Farrow, Frans A. Henskens, Anders Lindström, John Rosenberg, Francis Vaughan
1994 Computing Systems  
Acknowledgments V/e would like to thank Karen Wyrwas, Alex Farkas, Stephen Norris, Fred Brown and David Hulse for comments on earlier versions of this paper.  ...  We also thank the anonymous referees for their many helpful comments on the paper.  ...  Containers provide the only abstraction over storage, loci are the agents of change (processes/threads), and capabilities are the means of access and protection in the system.  ... 
dblp:journals/csys/DearleBFHLRV94 fatcat:awiyt5p4jvdsncddksvrgasx34

Relative debugging for a highly parallel hybrid computer system

Luiz DeRose, Andrew Gontarek, Aaron Vose, Robert Moench, David Abramson, Minh Ngoc Dinh, Chao Jin
2015 Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis on - SC '15  
Relative debugging is particularly effective when code is migrated from one platform to another, and this is of significant interest for hybrid computer architectures containing CPUs accelerators or coprocessors  ...  We describe a generic data model that allows programmers to examine the global state across different types of applications, including MPI/OpenMP, MPI/OpenACC, and UPC programs.  ...  Our previous work used a bitset to represent the process/thread set.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2807591.2807605 dblp:conf/sc/RoseGVMADJ15 fatcat:pjq7qzkylzewzlphqoermywo64

Machine-Learning Based Memory Prediction Model for Data Parallel Workloads in Apache Spark

Rohyoung Myung, Sukyong Choi
2021 Symmetry  
Then, we propose a machine-learning-based prediction model that determines the efficient memory for a given workload and data.  ...  In this paper, given the type of workload and volume of the input data, we analyze the memory usage pattern and derive the efficient memory size of data-parallel workloads in Apache Spark.  ...  of the task processing thread (in Java, a memory management thread is called a garbage collector) [33] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym13040697 fatcat:wg75rx55jjhyzef3pnqhxqlyfa

2017 ASCB Annual Meeting Abstracts

David G. Drubin
2017 Molecular Biology of the Cell  
in disease and identifying new targets for drug development.  ...  This work provided the basis for uncovering a novel endosomal sorting mechanism for PAR1 and connections between receptor sorting and signaling that play important roles in inflammation and cancer.  ...  Our data confirm that actin introduces barriers leading to compartmentalization of the plasma membrane and that membrane proteins are transiently confined within actin fences.  ... 
doi:10.1091/mbc.e17-10-0618 pmid:29237772 pmcid:PMC5739290 fatcat:3msjrn3omzcybfanlagykayauy

Elastic Stream Processing with Latency Guarantees

Bjorn Lohrmann, Peter Janacik, Odej Kao
2015 2015 IEEE 35th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems  
Many Big Data applications in science and industry have arisen, that require large amounts of streamed or event data to be analyzed with low latency.  ...  We introduce a model for estimating the latency of a data flow, when the degrees of parallelism of the tasks within are changed.  ...  ChronoStream is highlighted by its support for vertical scaling (adjusts worker process threading level) and its lightweight UDF state reconstruction scheme, that exploits state replica locality and does  ... 
doi:10.1109/icdcs.2015.48 dblp:conf/icdcs/LohrmannJK15 fatcat:graw4wr3xne45ge2kj7i2wpbkq

The International Exascale Software Project roadmap

Jack Dongarra, Pete Beckman, Terry Moore, Patrick Aerts, Giovanni Aloisio, Jean-Claude Andre, David Barkai, Jean-Yves Berthou, Taisuke Boku, Bertrand Braunschweig, Franck Cappello, Barbara Chapman (+53 others)
2011 The international journal of high performance computing applications  
for selecting valuable software research and encouraging its translation into usable, production-quality software for application developers.  ...  Over the last twenty years, the open source community has provided more and more software on which the world's High Performance Computing (HPC) systems depend for performance and productivity.  ...  Clearly all science areas and engineering areas that contain potential CDVs need something in all the software areas, but for the purposes of this exercise we tried to sort out areas of emphasis for each  ... 
doi:10.1177/1094342010391989 fatcat:twdszcjfxraijpsdcdacvpp6vm

clusterNOR: A NUMA-Optimized Clustering Framework [article]

Disa Mhembere, Da Zheng, Carey E. Priebe, Joshua T. Vogelstein, Randal Burns
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Clustering algorithms are iterative and have complex data access patterns that result in many small random memory accesses.  ...  , enabling computation for varying memory and hardware budgets.  ...  We thank Nikita Ivkin for discussions that assisted immensely in realizing this work.  ... 
arXiv:1902.09527v6 fatcat:c2t5a2gkeze53faxvxyyf2esz4
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