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DGNR: Density-Guided Neural Point Rendering of Large Driving Scenes [article]

Zhuopeng Li, Chenming Wu, Liangjun Zhang, Jianke Zhu
2023 arXiv   pre-print
To address the above challenges, this paper presents a novel framework that learns a density space from the scenes to guide the construction of a point-based renderer, dubbed as DGNR (Density-Guided Neural  ...  Despite the recent success of Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), it is still challenging to render large-scale driving scenes with long trajectories, particularly when the rendering quality and efficiency are  ...  CONCLUSION This paper proposed an effective density-guided neural rendering approach for large-scale driving scenes.  ... 
arXiv:2311.16664v1 fatcat:7blnrsamj5gstogf76baptw72q