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A Survey on Multi-modal Summarization [article]

Anubhav Jangra, Sourajit Mukherjee, Adam Jatowt, Sriparna Saha, Mohammad Hasanuzzaman
2023 arXiv   pre-print
The new era of technology has brought us to the point where it is convenient for people to share their opinions over an abundance of platforms.  ...  These platforms have a provision for the users to express themselves in multiple forms of representations, including text, images, videos, and audio.  ...  Convolutional neural network (CNN) based deep neural network models have proven to be very promising in feature extraction tasks, but training these models requires large datasets, making it difficult  ... 
arXiv:2109.05199v2 fatcat:fo5ci3o2qzhk5ljodpnbtuzpgq