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Machine Learning in Banking Risk Management: A Literature Review

Martin Leo, Suneel Sharma, K. Maddulety
2019 Risks  
Since the global financial crisis, risk management in banks has gained more prominence, and there has been a constant focus around how risks are being detected, measured, reported and managed.  ...  The review has shown that the application of machine learning in the management of banking risks such as credit risk, market risk, operational risk and liquidity risk has been explored; however, it doesn't  ...  Yu et al. (2016) propose a novel multistage deep belief network based extreme machine learning as promising tool for credit risk assessment.  ... 
doi:10.3390/risks7010029 fatcat:laddvv3hxbaxzau5zgjrv5pkhe

Artificial intelligence for anti-money laundering: a review and extension

Jingguang Han, Yuyun Huang, Sha Liu, Kieran Towey
2020 Digital Finance  
We review the state-of-the-art AI methods for AML and extend the discussion by proposing a framework that utilizes advanced natural language processing and deep-learning techniques to facilitate next-generation  ...  We bridge the gap between the current AML methods and state-of-the art AI, highlighting new trends and directions in AI that can be used to develop the AML pipeline into a robust, scalable solution with  ...  We would like to thank Accenture Applied Intelligence, Fraud and Risk Analytics and Technology Labs teams for inspiring conversations and support.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s42521-020-00023-1 fatcat:kcvdbmmk6bhaxetmidrgxzx3g4

Current landscape and influence of big data on finance

Md. Morshadul Hasan, József Popp, Judit Oláh
2020 Journal of Big Data  
In addition, it also helps in detecting fraud [25, 56] by reducing manual efforts by relating internal as well as external data in issues such as money laundering, credit card fraud, and so on.  ...  using traditional models.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40537-020-00291-z fatcat:fxtdabm2zrc3zezvzbzr4tssy4

AI in Finance: Challenges, Techniques and Opportunities [article]

Longbing Cao
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We then structure and illustrate the data-driven analytics and learning of financial businesses and data.  ...  The landscapes and challenges of financial businesses and data are firstly outlined, followed by a comprehensive categorization and a dense overview of the decades of AI research in finance.  ...  refer to such activities conducted by a provider or recipient of an EcoFin service, e.g., overclaiming tax, repaying a debt, charging a credit card for online shopping, and suspending a compromised card  ... 
arXiv:2107.09051v1 fatcat:g62cz4dqt5dcrbckn4lbveat3u

Explainable Artificial Intelligence Applications in Cyber Security: State-of-the-Art in Research [article]

Zhibo Zhang, Hussam Al Hamadi, Ernesto Damiani, Chan Yeob Yeun, Fatma Taher
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Due to the rapid development of Internet-connected systems and Artificial Intelligence in recent years, Artificial Intelligence including Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) has been widely utilized  ...  in the fields of cyber security including intrusion detection, malware detection, and spam filtering.  ...  [199] proposed a multi-modal hierarchical attention model (MMHAM) that, for phishing website detection, jointly learned the deep fraud cues from the three main modalities of website content including  ... 
arXiv:2208.14937v1 fatcat:qyqk2oxsbvhapjszbkwuz3aw5q

Outlier detection and removal improves accuracy of machine learning approach to multispectral burn diagnostic imaging

Weizhi Li, Weirong Mo, Xu Zhang, John J. Squiers, Yang Lu, Eric W. Sellke, Wensheng Fan, J. Michael DiMaio, Jeffrey E. Thatcher
2015 Journal of Biomedical Optics  
After the ground-truth database was generated, we developed a multistage method based on Z -test and univariate analysis to detect and remove outliers from the training dataset.  ...  To build a classification model via machine learning, training data accurately representing the burn tissue was needed, but assigning raw MSI data to appropriate tissue classes is prone to error.  ...  Animal model performance and support was received from Sinclare Research Center LLC. The authors would like to thank Leah Gaither for her editorial assistance.  ... 
doi:10.1117/1.jbo.20.12.121305 pmid:26305321 fatcat:2u57sugqx5fd7ddzh7e5j3mmla

Cloudy with a Chance of Taxation

Rifat Azam, Orly Mazur
2019 Florida Tax Review  
The outcome of these challenges is unfair competition, a burden on international trade, and a huge gap in VAT revenues.  ...  Wayfair and the growing number of US. businesses transacting overseas in jurisdictions that impose value-added taxes (VATs).  ...  card companies to limit fraud could and should be used to facilitate locating the customer's location for VAT purposes.  ... 
doi:10.5744/ftr.2019.1003 fatcat:67buz4pmnjhvrazz62ctvncisy

BotCap: Machine Learning Approach for Botnet Detection Based on Statistical Features

Mohammed S. Gadelrab, Muhammad ElSheikh, Mahmoud A. Ghoneim, Mohsen Rashwan
2022 International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security  
In this paper, we describe a detailed approach to develop a botnet detection system using machine learning (ML)techniques.  ...  This research aims to overcome two serious limitations of current botnet detection systems:First, the need for Deep Packet Inspection-DPI and the need to collect traffic from several infected hosts.  ...  The most important task is to extend the approach to be able to detect new generations of botnet. In particular, P2P botnets and new bots that use new communication channels such as social media.  ... 
doi:10.17762/ijcnis.v10i3.3624 fatcat:k5pwqkhcq5dvxnbd42hpc6uyf4

The Innovation Mechanisms of Fintech Start-Ups: Insights from Swift's Innotribe Competition

Daniel Gozman, Jonathan Liebenau, Jonathan Mangan
2017 Social Science Research Network  
We used cluster analysis to group 402 fintech start-up firms, and then selected representative cases to create a foundational understanding of the structure of the fintech landscape.  ...  The emergence of nascent forms of financial technology around the globe is driven by efforts to deconstruct and reimagine business models historically embedded within financial services.  ...  This process allows the customer to use a credit card with the cash flows of a debit card and so to enjoy the advantages of credit cards, including rewards and cash back, and the ability to build better  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.3189963 fatcat:pqmrlhviljbmdgpf6gmtgugooa

The Innovation Mechanisms of Fintech Start-Ups: Insights from SWIFT's Innotribe Competition

Daniel Gozman, Jonathan Liebenau, Jonathan Mangan
2018 Journal of Management Information Systems  
We used cluster analysis to group 402 fintech start-up firms, and then selected representative cases to create a foundational understanding of the structure of the fintech landscape.  ...  The emergence of nascent forms of financial technology around the globe is driven by efforts to deconstruct and reimagine business models historically embedded within financial services.  ...  This process allows the customer to use a credit card with the cash flows of a debit card and so to enjoy the advantages of credit cards, including rewards and cash back, and the ability to build better  ... 
doi:10.1080/07421222.2018.1440768 fatcat:bh3hrpu745gxdg3awgzovqhbwe


Maira Anis, Mohsin Ali, Amit Yadav
2015 International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management United Kingdom   unpublished
card data by random under sampling (RUS) along with feature selection and conclude about a useful model that can measure the credit card fraud risk more efficiently.  ...  Credit card fraud detection along with its inherent property of class imbalance is one of the major challenges faced by the financial institutions.  ...  Chan & Stolfo (1997) suggested a credit card fraud detection system using Meta learning techniques to learn models of fraudulent credit card transactions.  ... 


2022 Zenodo  
Utilization of solar energy for different useful forms of energy. CO4. Understanding Phase rule and instrumental techniques and its applications.  ...  Gradient Decent, building a Machine Learning Algorithm, Challenges Motivating Deep Learning.  ...  Write a program for error detecting code using CRC-CCITT (16-bits). 2.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7370735 fatcat:q22x5ccyjnd23irl3shakpvwhy

Philosophy of Education

Michael Taylor
1977 Social Theory and Practice  
To accomplish this, our students must develop and utilize: ▪ intellectual curiosity and eagerness for lifelong learninga positive self-image based on a realistic acceptance of self ▪ the knowledge,  ...  variety of processes that can be used in decision-making situations ▪ interpersonal and group dynamic skills ▪ ethical and moral behavior based on respect and appreciation for human values, beliefs and  ...  -Use derivatives to model and solve a variety of optimization problems -Use derivatives to model and solve a variety of related rates problems -Efficiently use the Graphing Calculator in the analysis of  ... 
doi:10.5840/soctheorpract1977437 fatcat:ly7e6vjrirckrdmrqgowitmesa

Quantum Computing for Finance: State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects

Daniel J. Egger, Claudio Gambella, Jakub Marecek, Scott McFaddin, Martin Mevissen, Rudy Raymond, Andrea Simonetto, Stefan Woerner, Elena Yndurain
2020 IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering  
We conclude with a summary of technical challenges and future prospects. INDEX TERMS Financial management, machine learning algorithms, optimization, quantum computing, simulation.  ...  In the main part, we describe in detail quantum algorithms for specific applications arising in financial services, such as those involving simulation, optimization, and machine learning problems.  ...  Financial institutions can also detect frauds by finding patterns that deviates greatly from normal behavior by classification and/or anomaly detection [96] , [97] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tqe.2020.3030314 fatcat:3um5sjre3vfetgyh5oh3skgrwu


Dr. Aadam Quraishi, Shajeni Justin, Ismail Keshta, Dr. Haewon Byeon
2024 Zenodo  
INTERPRETABLE AI: TECHNIQUES FOR MAKING MACHINE LEARNING MODELS TRANSPARENT  ...  history are all in a linear relationship with your ability to pay your credit card payment.  ...  deep learning-based models.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10577573 fatcat:kzlloa7uzrbajk3jnktaxonyzu
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