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Optimizing Healthcare Through Digital Health and Wellness Solutions to Meet the Needs of Patients With Chronic Disease During the COVID-19 Era

Azizi A. Seixas, Iredia M. Olaye, Stephen P. Wall, Pat Dunn
2021 Frontiers in Public Health  
It is feared that the addition of COVID-19 survivors to the pool of chronic disease patients will burden an already precarious healthcare system struggling to meet the needs of chronic disease patients  ...  , and behavioral science algorithms, data, evidence, and theories to ground treatments.  ...  Fifth, create personalized and precise algorithms (models of adherence) through the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for each individual, generally executed through cloud computing to  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.667654 fatcat:o47y7ycrzjhhtfiaq2q5fw63im

Post-Hoc Explanations Fail to Achieve their Purpose in Adversarial Contexts [article]

Sebastian Bordt, Michèle Finck, Eric Raidl, Ulrike von Luxburg
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Existing and planned legislation stipulates various obligations to provide information about machine learning algorithms and their functioning, often interpreted as obligations to "explain".  ...  As a consequence, post-hoc explanation algorithms are unsuitable to achieve the transparency objectives inherent to the legal norms.  ...  We trained a gradient boosted tree which achieved a test accuracy of 83%. Diabetes. The Diabetes dataset is a dataset of diabetes patient records.  ... 
arXiv:2201.10295v1 fatcat:ulepwzs7jbaarmlnax5nl5zzgm

A predictive analytics approach to reducing avoidable hospital readmission [article]

Issac Shams, Saeede Ajorlou, Kai Yang
2014 arXiv   pre-print
Based on the literature, most current risk prediction models fail to reach an acceptable accuracy level; none of them considers patient's history of readmission and impacts of patient attribute changes  ...  Medicare anticipates that nearly 17 billion is paid out on the 20 of patients who are readmitted within 30 days of discharge.  ...  Jha, 2011; Shulan, Gao, & Moore, 2013) , we do not exclude recurrent (re)admissions of the same patient from the analyses.  ... 
arXiv:1402.5991v2 fatcat:fkgjyrvjarbodi2klknz6vkb5i

Developing a deep learning system to drive the work of the critical care outreach team [article]

Georgina Kennedy, John Rihari-Thomas, Mark Dras, Blanca Gallego
2020 medRxiv   pre-print
We propose a novel automated 'watch-list' to identify patients at high risk of deterioration, to help prioritise the work of the outreach team.  ...  proof of concept deep learning systems requiring significantly more input data.  ...  Following from these techniques, we implemented a data augmentation algorithm that can be applied to discrete time-series events such as those present in the EMR.  ... 
doi:10.1101/2020.07.07.20148064 fatcat:nuhr732lovg7zexnv535nn6rhm

Integrating the STOP-BANG score and clinical data to predict cardiovascular events after infarction: A machine learning study

Oscar Calvillo-Argüelles, Carlos R. Sierra-Fernández, Jorge Padilla-Ibarra, Hugo Rodriguez-Zanella, Karla Balderas-Muñoz, Maria Alexandra Arias-Mendoza, Carlos Martínez-Sánchez, Sharon Selmen-Chattaj, Beatriz E. Dominguez-Mendez, Pim van der Harst, Luis Eduardo Juarez-Orozco
2020 Chest  
Currently, machine learning (ML) is able to select and integrate numerous variables to optimize prediction tasks.  ...  ML implemented feature selection and integration across 47 variables (including STOP-BANG score, Killip-class, GRACE score and LVEF) to identify those patients who developed an in-hospital cardiovascular  ...  Discussion In the present study, we implemented an ML algorithm to explore select and integrate a large number of clinical variables and scores (STOP-BANG, Killip, and GRACE) available in patients who  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.chest.2020.03.074 pmid:32343966 fatcat:dgflwngjkneqdhxccu6cdwjz2m

Application of Machine Learning to Predict Acute Kidney Disease in Patients With Sepsis Associated Acute Kidney Injury

Jiawei He, Jin Lin, Meili Duan
2021 Frontiers in Medicine  
We aimed to develop and validate machine learning models to predict the occurrence of AKD in patients with sepsis-associated AKI.Methods: Using clinical data from patients with sepsis in the ICU at Beijing  ...  Friendship Hospital (BFH), we studied whether the following three machine learning models could predict the occurrence of AKD using demographic, laboratory, and other related variables: Recurrent Neural  ...  of the ICU admission, but we limited our study population to those who patients (34).  ... 
doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.792974 pmid:34957162 pmcid:PMC8703139 fatcat:4jvbwvlfovcuhkpdgicsxno6je

Deep learning in pharmacogenomics: from gene regulation to patient stratification

Alexandr A Kalinin, Gerald A Higgins, Narathip Reamaroon, Sayedmohammadreza Soroushmehr, Ari Allyn-Feuer, Ivo D Dinov, Kayvan Najarian, Brian D Athey
2018 Pharmacogenomics (London)  
Deep learning encapsulates a family of machine learning algorithms that has transformed many important subfields of artificial intelligence over the last decade, and has demonstrated breakthrough performance  ...  and their function as applied to pharmacoepigenomics; patient stratification from medical records; and the mechanistic prediction of drug response, targets and their interactions.  ...  of final diagnosis, patient risk level, and outcome (e.g. mortality, re-admission) (Table 3 ).  ... 
doi:10.2217/pgs-2018-0008 pmid:29697304 pmcid:PMC6022084 fatcat:tkhmrqkevjfqxdty6ttbw33jam

Quality Improvement Report: Linking guideline to regular feedback to increase appropriate requests for clinical tests: blood gas analysis in intensive care

P. Merlani, P. Garnerin, M. Diby, M. Ferring, B. Ricou
2001 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
Problem Need to decrease the number of requests for arterial blood gas analysis and increase their appropriateness to reduce the amount of blood drawn from patients, the time wasted by nurses, and the  ...  Blood gas analysis is performed at the patient's bedside with three Stat Profile Ultra machines (NOVA biomedical, Waltham, MA) located in the unit.  ...  In the public healthcare system a network is being created to enable sharing of medical records.  ... 
doi:10.1136/bmj.323.7313.620 pmid:11557715 pmcid:PMC1121188 fatcat:owk7ktjoezgcjgi5kjydhjope4

DP-SMOTE: Integrating Differential Privacy and Oversampling Technique to Preserve Privacy in Smart Homes

Amr Tarek Elsayed, Almohammady Sobhi Alsharkawy, Mohamed Sayed Farag, Shaban Ebrahim Abu Yusuf
2024 Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science  
The proposed method employs the SMOTe algorithm and applies Gaussian noise to generate data. Subsequently, it employs a k-anonymity function to assess re-identification risk before sharing the data.  ...  This approach is particularly effective in smart homes, offering substantial utility in privacy at a re-identification risk of 30%, with Gaussian noise set to 0.3, SMOTe at 500%, and the application of  ...  In addition, it investigates the implemented machine learning methods, such as K-nearest neighbours (KNN), Support vector machines (SVMs), and Naive bayes (NB).  ... 
doi:10.58675/2636-3305.1669 fatcat:rr4qtkatvfak7op7lmsxt6zdt4

Classification of patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source into cardioembolic and non‐cardioembolic profile subgroups

Max Christian Martin, Thorsten Sichtermann, Kolja Schürmann, Pardes Habib, Martin Wiesmann, Jörg B. Schulz, Omid Nikoubashman, João Diogo Pinhal Ferreira de Pinho, Arno Reich
2022 European journal of neurology ene.15356 (2022). doi:10.1111/ene.15356  
We aimed to determine whether a machine-learning (ML) model could discriminate between ESUS patients with cardioembolic and those with non-cardioembolic profiles using baseline demographic and laboratory  ...  When applied to ESUS patients, the model classified 40.3% as having cardioembolic profiles.  ...  Because of their mathematical complexity, automated solutions require critical scientific judgement for correct implementation and interpretation [27] .  ... 
doi:10.18154/rwth-2022-04580 fatcat:gvc2q7rwp5fhbfx2rb5s5ynt4q

Improving In-Hospital Care For Older Adults: A Mixed Methods Study Protocol to Evaluate a System-Wide Sub-Acute Care Intervention in Canada

Malcolm B. Doupe, Jennifer E. Enns, Sara Kreindler, Thekla Brunkert, Dan Chateau, Paul Beaudin, Gayle Halas, Alan Katz, Tara Stewart
2022 International Journal of Integrated Care  
implementation outcomes (e.g., facilitators and barriers to success, strategies to better integrate care) using provider and patient interviews.  ...  Interventions that seek to improve this transition process are usually evaluated using healthcare use outcomes (e.g., hospital re-visit rates) only, and do not gather provider and patient perspectives  ...  Health) for their strong contributions and commitment to this project.  ... 
doi:10.5334/ijic.5953 pmid:35431701 pmcid:PMC8973798 fatcat:53rde5uebrbcraib6rzchxrrdi

Machine Learning for Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine: A Narrative Review

Eric Mlodzinski, David J. Stone, Leo A. Celi
2020 Pulmonary Therapy  
Machine learning (ML) is a discipline of computer science in which statistical methods are applied to data in order to classify, predict, or optimize, based on previously observed data.  ...  In addition, we discuss both the significant benefits of this work as well as the challenges in the implementation and acceptance of this non-traditional methodology for clinical purposes.  ...  No funding or sponsorship was received for this study or publication of this article.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s41030-020-00110-z pmid:32048244 fatcat:zpptmomvkzdenlbv4he4eh5gmu

Digital Pathology: The Time Is Now to Bridge the Gap between Medicine and Technological Singularity [chapter]

Consolato M. Sergi
2019 Interactive Multimedia [Working Title]  
The purpose of specialist recertification or re-validation for the Royal College of Pathologists of Canada belonging to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and College of American Pathologists  ...  Quantum computing may well represent the technological singularity to create new classifications and taxonomic rules in medicine.  ...  Acknowledgements This chapter is dedicated to the 73rd birthday of Professor Kim Solez, who is an American pathologist and co-founder of the Banff Classification, the first standardized international classification  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.84329 fatcat:ng2qouuzzbd3bn7jzxruyyltv4

Role of Technology for the Management of AKI in Critically Ill Patients: From Adoptive Technology to Precision Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy

J. Cerdá, I. Baldwin, P.M. Honore, G. Villa, John A. Kellum, Claudio Ronco
2016 Blood Purification  
and IT that will permit the integration of patient care and decisionmaking processes for years to come.  ...  We discuss technological aspects of the decision to initiate CRRT and the components of the treatment prescription and delivery, the 249 integration of information technology (IT) on overall patient management  ...  In figure 2 , we propose a simple effective algorithm to manage critically ill patients from admission to AKI resolution.  ... 
doi:10.1159/000448527 pmid:27562206 fatcat:42aukufpgvhppjjielmoiecjwy

Population scale proteomics enables adaptive digital twin modelling in sepsis [article]

Aaron Michael Scott, Lisa Mellhammar, Erik Malmström, Axel Goch Gustafsson, Anahita Bakochi, Marc Isaksson, Tirthankar Mohanty, Louise Thelaus, Fredrik Kahn, Lars Malmström, Johan Malmström, Adam Linder
2024 medRxiv   pre-print
Here, we leverage population scale proteomics to analyze a well-defined cohort of 1364 blood samples taken at time-of-admission to the emergency department from patients suspected of sepsis.  ...  Using the ILS, we constructed an adaptive digital twin model that accurately predicted organ dysfunction, mortality, and early-mortality-risk patients using only data available at time-of-admission.  ...  Predict Predict patient probabilities for protein panels to create ILS FPR TPR Figure 2 : machine learning uncovers specific molecular panels in sepsis: a All timeof-admission plasma samples from the  ... 
doi:10.1101/2024.03.20.24304575 fatcat:qikxveobyjekhd464u2dok5qpy
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