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5,196 Hits in 4.1 sec

Cooperative navigation in robotic swarms

Frederick Ducatelle, Gianni A. Di Caro, Alexander Förster, Michael Bonani, Marco Dorigo, Stéphane Magnenat, Francesco Mondada, Rehan O'Grady, Carlo Pinciroli, Philippe Rétornaz, Vito Trianni, Luca M. Gambardella
2013 Swarm Intelligence  
We present a cooperative navigation algorithm for robotic swarms. Its purpose is to let a robot find a given target robot, while being guided by the other robots of the swarm.  ...  In the second scenario, we study collective navigation: all robots of the swarm need to navigate back and forth between two targets.  ...  The work was also supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation through the National Centre of Competence in Research Robotics. Marco Dorigo acknowledges support from the Belgian F.R.S.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11721-013-0089-4 fatcat:kmzoqinis5bdzhzkulsjhm4l5m

Cooperative Stigmergic Navigation in a Heterogeneous Robotic Swarm [chapter]

Frederick Ducatelle, Gianni A. Di Caro, Luca M. Gambardella
2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We study self-organized cooperation in a heterogeneous robotic swarm consisting of two sub-swarms. The robots of each sub-swarm play distinct roles based on their different characteristics.  ...  We focus on an indoor navigation task, in which we use a swarm of wheeled robots, called foot-bots, and a swarm of flying robots that can attach to the ceiling, called eye-bots.  ...  The Commission is not responsible for any use made of data appearing in this publication.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15193-4_57 fatcat:mvu4nvonlzd3rl3gd7vqqmg7fu

Communication assisted navigation in robotic swarms: Self-organization and cooperation

F. Ducatelle, G. A. Di Caro, C. Pinciroli, F. Mondada, L. M. Gambardella
2011 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
In the first scenario, the swarm guides a single robot to a target, while in the second, all robots of the swarm navigate back and forth between two targets.  ...  In both cases, the algorithm provides efficient navigation, while being robust to failures of robots in the swarm.  ...  After that, we study the behavior of the system when all robots of the swarm navigate back and forth between two target locations: in section IV we show how the swarm selforganizes and cooperates to get  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2011.6094454 dblp:conf/iros/DucatelleCPMG11 fatcat:rg4oz7x47jb3ffyjxwve44xtpa

Communication assisted navigation in robotic swarms: Self-organization and cooperation

Frederick Ducatelle, Gianni A. Di Caro, Carlo Pinciroli, Francesco Mondada, Luca Gambardella
2011 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
In the first scenario, the swarm guides a single robot to a target, while in the second, all robots of the swarm navigate back and forth between two targets.  ...  In both cases, the algorithm provides efficient navigation, while being robust to failures of robots in the swarm.  ...  After that, we study the behavior of the system when all robots of the swarm navigate back and forth between two target locations: in section IV we show how the swarm selforganizes and cooperates to get  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2011.6048110 fatcat:45gfi5lwujhrrd4thyojshkc5q


Jeevan J Murthy
In nature many social animals follow a cooperative behaviour for the common good of their colony.  ...  Swarm robotics deals with the defining the rules for the cooperative behaviour and designing, modelling, validating, operating and maintaining the robotics system.  ...  Acknowledgement The authors express gratitude to Accendere Knowledge Management Services Pvt Ltd for the assistance provided in preparing the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.26782/jmcms.2020.02.00030 fatcat:inwtk2qy6re43kwyycx6llou6m

Cooperative Communication, Localization, Sensing and Control for Autonomous Robotic Networks

Siwei Zhang, Emanuel Staudinger, Robert Pohlmann, Armin Dammann
2021 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Systems (ICAS)  
For example, in an extraterrestrial exploration mission, a robotic swarm can collaboratively utilize the inter-robot communication system to propagate information, synchronize itself, and navigate to achieve  ...  In this paper, we propose multi-agent control strategies for autonomous robotic networks, which adapt the mission demands on cooperative communication, localization and sensing.  ...  We extend the autonomous swarm navigation framework from [6] with cooperative communication.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icas49788.2021.9551201 fatcat:y2cd5yojdfefdo54giiqcx4cm4

Robot Swarms Theory Applicable to Seek and Rescue Operation [chapter]

Jose León, Gustavo A. Cardona, Andres Botello, Juan M. Calderón
2017 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing  
An important application of cooperative robotics is search and rescue of victims in disaster zones.  ...  The results show how the swarm theory meets the requirements of navigation and search operations of cooperative robots.  ...  Swarm robotics theory can be best implemented in search and localization of victims in disaster zones, due to the teamwork or cooperation displayed by the swarm, as presented by Tan in [7] , who said  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-53480-0_104 fatcat:m5tsexwcefh5bfvwb6wwi6rku4

An olfactory-based robot swarm navigation method

Ali Marjovi, João Nunes, Pedro Sousa, Ricardo Faria, Lino Marques
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
Each robot in the swarm has a cooperative localization system which uses wireless network as a mean of measuring the distance from the other robots.  ...  This paper presents a novel robot swarming navigation algorithm in order to find the odor sources in an unknown environment, based on the ability of each swarm member to sense the odor.  ...  A swarm of robots navigating toward the odor source while measuring distance from each other in order to maintain cooperative localization system.  ... 
doi:10.1109/robot.2010.5509411 dblp:conf/icra/MarjoviNSFM10 fatcat:uethgaboafaulbz6bqphdhym5a

Swarm Robots Communication-base Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET)

Bambang Tutuko, Siti Nurmaini
2014 Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics  
As a results swarm robots-base MANET use PSO algorithm produce past response to find the target and swarm robots can move in the group without collision.  ...  For finding the target, Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed to control the real swarm robots communication in unknown experiment.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is supported by Sriwijaya University under The Second year of UNSRI Competitive Grand 2014 and Robotic and Control laboratory, Faculty of Computer Science, Sriwijaya University  ... 
doi:10.11591/eecsi.v1.361 fatcat:qqs534l2wfexzfdimgz2mymmey

Remote Big Data Management Tools, Sensing and Computing Technologies, and Visual Perception and Environment Mapping Algorithms in the Internet of Robotic Things

Mihai Andronie, George Lăzăroiu, Oana Ludmila Karabolevski, Roxana Ștefănescu, Iulian Hurloiu, Adrian Dijmărescu, Irina Dijmărescu
2022 Electronics  
in relation to distributed task coordination through visual perception and environment mapping algorithms.  ...  The purpose of our systematic review was to inspect the recently published research on Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) and harmonize the assimilations it articulates on remote big data management tools  ...  Sensors and actuators boost perceptual and interaction robotic capabilities in smart environments in terms of object localization, navigational behavior, and network-based cooperation.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics12010022 fatcat:74fn3hdotncxxh4agsxcycbp7m

Adaptive Control in Swarm Robotics [article]

Wesam Elshamy
2013 arXiv   pre-print
Swarm robotic systems are mainly inspired by swarms of socials insects and the collective emergent behavior that arises from their cooperation at the lower lever.  ...  In this report, I survey the state of the field of applying adaptive control method to increase swarm robotic systems robustness to the failure of individual robots, and increase its efficiency in performing  ...  URL http: //www.intechopen.com/books/advances-in-robot-navigation/ adaptive-navigation-control-for-swarms-of-autonomous-mobile-robots.  ... 
arXiv:1302.7090v1 fatcat:zt62jaycwvhmpfhaqihg6dfr3m

Cooperative Avoidance Control-based Interval Fuzzy Kohonen Networks Algorithm in Simple Swarm Robots

Siti Nurmaini, Siti Zaiton, Ricy Firnando
2014 TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)  
on each single robot in the swarm.The results show that swarm robots based on proposed technique have the ability to perform cooperativebehavior, produces minimum collision and capable to navigate around  ...  A novel techniqueto control swarm robot's movement is presented and analyzed in this paper.  ...  Our earnest gratitude also goes to all researchers in Robotic and Control Laboratory, Computer Engineering, Sriwijaya University who provided companionship and sharing of their knowledge.  ... 
doi:10.12928/telkomnika.v12i4.495 fatcat:gf6ieiklxjhovd62lj2jbfzvzi

Cooperative Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots via HAFSA and an Expansion Logic Strategy

Yiqing Huang, Zhikun Li, Yan Jiang, Lu Cheng
2019 Applied Sciences  
The cooperative path planning problem of multiple mobile robots in an unknown indoor environment is considered in this article.  ...  Finally, using STDR (simple two dimensional robot simulator) and RVIZ (robot operating system visualizer), a multiple mobile robot simulation platform was designed to verify the presented real-time navigation  ...  Motivated by the aforementioned reasons, we reconstructed an analytical real-time cooperative navigation algorithm to accommodate multiple mobile robot systems.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app9040672 fatcat:avvtq54zbff43fuwm7sj2ujtua

A Novel Prototype Model for Swarm Mobile Robot Navigation Based Fuzzy Logic Controller

Sherif Kamel Hussein, Mashael Amer Al-Mutairi
2019 International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT)  
In this work, the authors propose an efficient technique for obstacles avoidance through navigation of swarm mobile robot in an unstructured environment.  ...  All robots cooperate with each other to avoid obstacles. The robots detect the obstacles position around them and store their positions in shared memory.  ...  In the second scenario, the swarm robot navigates between two targets.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijcsit.2019.11206 fatcat:ksqxq3budja7zhbgkx7f65osxy

Research Advance in Swarm Robotics

Ying Tan, Zhong-yang Zheng
2013 Defence Technology  
Finally, as a main part of this paper, the current research on the swarm robotic algorithms are presented in detail, including cooperative control mechanisms in swarm robotics for flocking, navigating  ...  The research progress of swarm robotics is reviewed in details.  ...  Cooperation schemes between robots Cooperation belongs to the advanced behavior in the swarm robotics model. In swarm robotics, cooperation occurs at two levels: individual level and swarm level.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.dt.2013.03.001 fatcat:eicue46mefeltoyo62fvm5hqdy
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