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Constraints Inference Channels and Secure Databases [chapter]

Alexander Brodsky, Csilla Farkas, Duminda Wijesekera, X. Sean Wang
2000 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Database constraints over both extensional and intensional databases form an (n + k)-dimensional constraint object.  ...  The database is represented as a point i n a n ( n+k)-dimensional constraint space, where n is the numberofnumerical data items stored in the database (extensional database) and k is the numberofderivable  ...  It is our view, however, that the main technical di culty of solving the inference channel problem lies in developing inference algorithms that guarantee data con dentiality.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-45349-0_9 fatcat:ry5t7qh4efbc3ihkg4oau6lajm

Secure databases: constraints, inference channels, and monitoring disclosures

A. Brodsky, C. Farkas, S. Jajodia
2000 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  
AbstractÐThis paper investigates the problem of inference channels that occur when database constraints are combined with nonsensitive data to obtain sensitive information.  ...  The Disclosure Inference Engine generates all the information that can be disclosed to a user based on the user's past and present queries and the database and metadata constraints.  ...  Techniques to detect and remove inference channels can be organized into two categories: The first category includes techniques that detect inference channels during database design; any channels are removed  ... 
doi:10.1109/69.895801 fatcat:kzonkp5svndzzbuksdhjx5xoju

The Inference Problem and Updates in Relational Databases [chapter]

Csilla Farkas, Tyrone S. Toland, Caroline M. Eastman
2002 Database and Application Security XV  
In this paper, we extend the Disclosure Monitor (DiMon) security mechanism (Brodsky et al. [I]) to prevent illegal inferences via database constraints in dynamic databases.  ...  We show that UpCon and CID, when integrated into the DiMon architecture, guarantee conjidentiality (completeness property ofthe data-dependent disclosure inference aIgorithm) and maximal availability (  ...  database constraint and updates.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35587-0_13 fatcat:3gmz66fc7vau5ivg464cmhvgvi

A Tool for Inference Detection and Knowledge Discovery in Databases [chapter]

Surath Rath, Dominic Jones, John Hale, Sujeet Shenoi
1996 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
Latent dependencies and relationships between groups of attributes in databases can produce inference channels that pose serious security threats.  ...  This paper uses a powerful knowledge discovery formalism for modeling and identifying latent inference channels in relational databases.  ...  by the secure channel.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-34932-9_20 fatcat:xlkbmzopebd6fbkflu4lj3q4pa

Toward a MAC policy framework [chapter]

Xiaolei Qian, Teresa F. Lunt
1996 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
Our framework could be used to capture and resolve MAC policy mismatches in the trusted interoperation of heterogeneous multilevel relational databases.  ...  We propose a formal policy framework of MAC policies in multilevel relational databases. We identify the important components of such policies and their desirable properties.  ...  Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and U.S. Air Force Rome Laboratory under contracts F30602-91-C-0092 and F30602-92-C-0140.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-34932-9_11 fatcat:exkyeaxdyre5fmqpzihgromdku

Confidentiality vs Integrity in Secure Databases [chapter]

Adrian Spalka, Armin B. Cremers
2002 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing  
The problem of enforcing confidentiality in the presence of integrity constraints in secure and, in particular, in multi level databases is still open.  ...  In this work we argue that there can never be a trade-off between these two properties for integrity is a fundamental quality of every database, ie also a secure one.  ...  There is a static inference channel if data at a low security level does not satisfy the integrity constraints, and there is a dynamic channel if data with a high security level force an update operation  ... 
doi:10.1007/0-306-47008-x_18 fatcat:5qw2pckw6fckfd4wdaiq5iu7me

Inference Analysis During Multilevel Database Design [chapter]

R. K. Burns
1996 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
The integration of these two tools provides a robust and modem development environment that is tailored to address multilevel database security.  ...  Keywords Multilevel security, database design, computer-aided software engineering.  ...  Any constraint that is not satisfied represents a potential inference channel in the database design.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-34932-9_19 fatcat:mon3cln44vbmvgv2gnfow2u22q

Dynamic Disclosure Monitor (D 2 Mon): An Improved Query Processing Solution [chapter]

Tyrone S. Toland, Csilla Farkas, Caroline M. Eastman
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We further show that inferences that are computed by D 2 Mon using our extension are sound and complete.  ...  The Dynamic Disclosure Monitor (D 2 Mon) is a security mechanism that executes during query processing time to prevent sensitive data from being inferred.  ...  The inference engine uses first order logic to represent queries, security constraints, environment information, and real world information.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11552338_9 fatcat:jhmm4guox5bfhmunqpt6fpdtwq

Database Security Protection Via Inference Detection [chapter]

Yu Chen, Wesley W. Chu
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
A semantic inference model (SIM) is constructed based on the data dependency, database schema and semantic relationship among data.  ...  However, malicious users can exploit the correlation among the data and infer sensitive information from a series of seemingly innocuous data access.  ...  Furthermore, to provide scalable inference in large systems, feasible inference channels that are based on query and database schema are generated to guide the data inference [CCH94] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/11760146_40 fatcat:hhfyu2aadzegno3goyw6eavoka

Neighborhood data and database security

Kioumars Yazdanian, Frédéric Cuppens
1993 Proceedings on the 1992-1993 workshop on New security paradigms - NSPW '92-93  
Data protection in a database involves inference controls which are sometimes of a semantic nature.  ...  The notion of neighborhood in a given context between two data is considered and a representation for context and neighborhood is proposed as well as a measurable definition for the neighborhood based  ...  Hosmer and J. Manning for their help in english improvement.  ... 
doi:10.1145/283751.283829 dblp:conf/nspw/YazdanianC93 fatcat:sgwtr2ftwrcj3pc5x5rid3ffhi

The Inference Problem and Pervasive Computing

Catherine Ann Dwyer
2009 Social Science Research Network  
This paper will discuss methods used in data mining to limit the inference problem, and discuss their application to pervasive computing.  ...  The promise of pervasive computing systems, which flood an environment with sensors and smart devices, has been diminished by an inability to adequately address privacy concerns.  ...  The concept of inference channels has been used to improve security within databases.  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1508513 fatcat:koqg2knlvnhcfkr5bokkx5zkb4

Automating Isolation and Least Privilege in Web Services

Aaron Blankstein, Michael J. Freedman
2014 2014 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy  
In order to limit components to their least privilege, Passe uses dynamic analysis on developer-supplied end-to-end test cases to learn data and control-flow relationships between database queries and  ...  Passe limits communication between those components and the types of accesses each component can make to shared storage, such as a backend database.  ...  This research is supported by NSF Award CSR-0953197 (CAREER) and a Sloan Research Fellowship.  ... 
doi:10.1109/sp.2014.16 dblp:conf/sp/BlanksteinF14 fatcat:3k2bbtqdhzaixmxobpwnyii2pm

Implementing Inference Revelation System for a Database

R. Kirubakaramoorthi, D. Arivazhagan, K. Ganeshkumar
2017 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Acceptance will be a system a client could use ought to whip right control instruments to database structure.  ...  In perspective of the space of the database semantic acceptance distinguishing proof system will be framed.  ...  To instances the place, the edge can't be further brought down to fulfil those affectability constraints, we might piece those entry of the closest quality of the security hub on the vast majority touchy  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i48/108971 fatcat:ziw4zmqzjfel7lkwsg26vennle

Communicate to Learn at the Edge [article]

Deniz Gunduz, David Burth Kurka, Mikolaj Jankowski, Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri, Emre Ozfatura, Sreejith Sreekumar
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we challenge the current approach that treats these problems separately, and argue for a joint communication and learning paradigm for both the training and inference stages of edge learning  ...  Information and coding theory have laid the foundations of reliable and efficient communications in the presence of channel imperfections, whose application in modern wireless networks have been a tremendous  ...  bandwidth constraints, interference among devices, and time-varying channel fading.  ... 
arXiv:2009.13269v1 fatcat:t6dcbiwzffbrveyyfzyzstb5ea

Privacy constraint processing in a privacy-enhanced database management system

Bhavani Thuraisingham
2005 Data & Knowledge Engineering  
Next it describes architecture for a privacy-enhanced database management system and discusses algorithms for privacy constraint processing.  ...  This paper views the privacy problem as a form of inference problem. It first provides an overview of the privacy problem and then introduces the notion of privacy constraints.  ...  Acknowledgment I thank the National Science Foundation and the MITRE Corporation for their support of my research on security issues for sensor data management.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.datak.2005.03.001 fatcat:eto7i6ghjveyff5z4lsgmdikwy
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