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Guest Editors' Introduction: Configurable computing

F.J. Kurdahi, N. Bagherzadeh, P. Athanas, J.L. Munoz
2000 IEEE Design & Test of Computers  
Coniigurable computing machines (CCMs) are emerging as a technology capable of providing high computational performance on a diversity of applications, including ID and 2D signal processing, image processing  ...  Peter Athanas is an associate professor in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. His research interests focus on configurable computing and microslwtronics.  ...  Many multimedia applications and embedded computing applications fall into these categories.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mdt.2000.825673 fatcat:7knsnwp7dngttn6cuurrw3obxu

Guest Editors' Introduction: Advances in Configurable Computing

P. Lysaght, P.A. Subrahmanyam
2005 IEEE Design & Test of Computers  
These include the authors who submitted articles, the reviewers, the editor in chief, and the editorial and production staff at the IEEE Computer Society.  ...  His research interests include configurable computing systems and applications; wireless/sensor networks and security; embedded systems; and design technology.  ...  The technology to realize Estrin's reconfigurable computer did not exist in 1960, but the vision survived intact and has become possible with the development of FPGA technology.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mdt.2005.36 fatcat:tormrzxfcrfvpnl6ujpeueug64

Guest Editors' Introduction

Kartashev, Kartashev
1986 Computer  
Introduction Svetlana Kartashev and Steven Kartashev Dynamic Computer Architecture, Inc.  ...  ; (2) increased sophistication and complexity ofreal-time application algorithms, which requires an expansion in spatial concurrency extended to instruction and data streams and the introduction of more  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.1986.1663144 fatcat:tnakzjqbtzelphxkqwc7lgr4gq

Guest Editors' Introduction: Autonomic Computing

Daniel Menasce, Jeffrey Kephart
2007 IEEE Internet Computing  
and Adaptive Systems (TAAS; www.acm.org/ pubs/taas). 20 www.computer.org/internet/ IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING Guest Editors' Introduction Resources R eaders interested in background literature on  ...  resources in accordance with those objectives, and install and configure various application modules on those resources.  ...  Autonomic Computing I IE EE EE E P Pe er rv va as si iv ve e C Co om mp pu ut ti in ng g  ... 
doi:10.1109/mic.2007.11 fatcat:u2gcy2w3zrdjvfscxqukcfdop4

Guest editors' introduction

F. Lombardi, M. Sami
2000 IEEE transactions on computers  
His research interests are fault-tolerant computing, testing and design of digital systems, configurable computing, defect tolerance, and CAD VLSI.  ...  She has been an associate editor of IEEE Design and Test and IEEE Transactions on Computers, a member of the advisory board of Computer, and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Systems Architecture.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tc.2000.862212 fatcat:3gfsdnz5tnhanhf5xqhngvga6m

Guest Editor Introduction

2018 ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  
Guest Editor Introduction: Neuromorphic Computing Neuromorphic systems have the potential to transform the way we use computers and hold the possibility of breakthroughs in machine understanding and intelligence  ...  , and most likely not well addressed by other computing technologies.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3283217 fatcat:p44rouxzybeb7cncpd6d3dvyra

Guest Editors' Introduction: Fault-Tolerant Computing

Toy, Morganti
1984 Computer  
On of software compared with harwr.ence, Fl' was de the contrary, it evolved simultaneously with the computer, facto relegated to critical applications only-such as Tsteadily evolved to support the increasing  ...  from COMPUTER  ...  central configuration management.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.1984.1659212 fatcat:ydmvrpugpbccznj3bauh7qa6ay

Guest editors' introduction: board test

M. Lobetti-Bodoni, R.G. Ben Bennetts
2003 IEEE Design & Test of Computers  
The embedded-test methodology can accommodate various types of traditional tests (such as boundary scan for interconnect test and in-system configuration), and can Guest Editors' Introduction: Board  ...  Bennetts has a BS in aeronautical engineering from Farnborough Technical College; and an MS in electronics and a PhD in computer science, both from Southampton University.  ...  The problem then is to extract meaningful and actionable information from the resulting sea of data. Enjoy this special issue on board test. I  ... 
doi:10.1109/mdt.2003.1188256 fatcat:u7ezrqk5evetdhpguratg4s3im

Guest Editors' Introduction: High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing

Duncan Buell, Tarek El-Ghazawi, Kris Gaj, Volodymyr Kindratenko
2007 Computer  
integer applications.  ...  H igh-performance reconfigurable computers (HPRCs) 1,2 based on conventional processors and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) 3 have been gaining the attention of the high-performance computing community  ...  H igh-performance reconfigurable computing has demonstrated its potential to accelerate demanding computational applications.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.2007.91 fatcat:jkzmltwyp5gy5ajn4yewgz5txe

Guest Editors' Introduction

Neil Jacobstein, Bruce W. Porter
2006 The AI Magazine  
IAAI is the premier venue for learning about AI's impact through deployed applications and emerging AI application technologies.  ...  Case studies of deployed applications with measurable benefits arising from the use of AI technology provide clear evidence of the impact and value of AI technology to today's world.  ...  IAAI is the premier venue for learning about AI's impact through deployed applications and emerging AI application technologies.  ... 
doi:10.1609/aimag.v27i3.1888 dblp:journals/aim/JacobsteinP06 fatcat:7t5givr2xzgfjn6zidfeenlrja

Smart Camera Networks [Guest editors' introduction]

2014 Computer  
Thanks to the confluence of simultaneous recent advances in four key technologies-computer vision, image sensors, embedded computing, and sensor networks-smart camera networks have emerged.  ...  AN EMERGING FIELD Smart camera networks are real-time, distributed, embedded systems that perform computer vision tasks using multiple cameras; they are considered an emerging technology for various applications  ...  COMPUTING computer.org/cloudcomputing IEEE Computer Society's newest magazine tackles the emerging technology of cloud computing. Subscribe today!  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.2014.134 fatcat:ub2lako2ungj5dhgjjwdfjwy4i

Guest Editors' Introduction: Resource Virtualization Renaissance

R. Figueiredo, P.A. Dinda, J. Fortes
2005 Computer  
Central to resource virtualization is the introduction of an indirection layer below the execution environment seen by applications and operating systems.  ...  The articles in this special issue of Computer bring the reader up to date on the state of the art in resource virtualization technologies and show how virtualization has been, is, and can be further used  ...  Renato Figueiredo is an assistant professor in the José Fortes is a professor and a BellSouth Eminent  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.2005.159 fatcat:x2jmscg3m5cgfgfdryo3qhvsci

Guest Editors' Introduction: Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips

A. Jerraya, H. Tenhunen, W. Wolf
2005 Computer  
SoC designers can customize configurable processors to connect multiprocessors, providing even more computing power.  ...  Ahmed Jerraya TIMA Hannu Tenhunen Royal University of Technology, Stockholm Wayne Wolf Princeton University M ultiprocessor systems-on-chips are one of the key applications of VLSI technology today  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.2005.231 fatcat:ddegaas42zbkdlkgylycvyslqi

Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Cloud Computing

Vojislav B. Misic, Rajkumar Buyya, Dejan Milojicic, Yong Cui
2013 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  
of modern wireless and cellular technologies into the Cloud paradigm, and the development of new virtualization, scheduling, and transport schemes to achieve energy saving and enable green computing to  ...  and operational expenditure and shorter turnaround times for new services and applications.  ...  Misic Rajkumar Buyya Dejan Milojicic Yong Cui Guest Editors Vojislav B. Misic received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, in 1993.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpds.2013.126 fatcat:2u7o2kuhobgihbeog3vowuwv3y

Guest editors' introduction: clockless VLSI systems

S. Hassoun, Yong-Bin Kim, F. Lombardi
2003 IEEE Design & Test of Computers  
This special issue consists of six articles selected to cover a wide spectrum of techniques and applications encountered in the design and manufacture of today's clockless VLSI systems.  ...  It does not perform operations on data, it simply orchestrates the many computational parts of a digital system (whether chip, board, or computer).  ...  He is the associate editor in chief of the IEEE Transactions on Computers, an associate editor for IEEE Design & Test, and the founding general chair of the IEEE Symposium on Network Computing and Applications  ... 
doi:10.1109/mdt.2003.1246158 fatcat:767q6eliqfchjchnfqchuas4tq
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