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Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques Applied to the Classification of Masses and Microcalcification Clusters in Breast Cancer Computer-Aided Detection

Edén A. Alanís-Reyes, José L. Hernández-Cruz, Jesús S. Cepeda, Camila Castro, Hugo Terashima-Marín, Santiago E. Conant-Pablos
2012 Journal of Cancer Therapy  
Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems can support the radiologists' work, by performing a double-reading process, which provides a second opinion that the physician can take into account in the detection  ...  Microcalcification clusters and masses are two major indicators of malignancy in the early stages of this disease, when mammography is typically used as the screening technology.  ...  This research effort was supported by the Evolutionary Optimization Research Group of Tecnológico de Monterrey and the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT), under grant 41515.  ... 
doi:10.4236/jct.2012.36132 fatcat:wou6t4vcenbudpulybhkop2lh4

A Survey on the Analysis of Segmentation Techniques in Mammogram Images

M. P. Sukassini, T. Velmurugan
2015 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
In medical field, automated detection and quantitative analysis of the radiological images and other images are processed by Computer Aided Diagnosis(CAD) tool to detect the abnormalities present in images  ...  Application/Improvements: The segmentation techniquesare implemented to analyse mammogram images in future by means of a practical approach.  ...  Dheeba J and Tamil Selvi discussed about the detection of microcalcification using hybrid of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and FCM 22 . The result produced 88.5% of detection rate.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i22/79105 fatcat:wc5r2mavyfc4fha6tgrcwj5hai

Automatic detection of abnormalities in mammograms

Zobia Suhail, Mansoor Sarwar, Kashif Murtaza
2015 BMC Medical Imaging  
In recent years, an increased interest has been seen in the area of medical image processing and, as a consequence, Computer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) systems.  ...  Our focus is on developing a low-cost CAD system. Today, most of the CAD systems regarding mammogram classification target automatic detection of calcification and abnormal mass.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors thankfully acknowledge the help of the following during my  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12880-015-0094-8 pmid:26545584 pmcid:PMC4636811 fatcat:anh24dti7zeyvp5qze4rgocij4

Multiresolution mammogram analysis in multilevel decomposition

Essam A. Rashed, Ismail A. Ismail, Sherif I. Zaki
2007 Pattern Recognition Letters  
A multiresolution analysis system for interpreting digital mammograms is proposed and tested.  ...  This system is based on using fractional amount of biggest wavelets coefficients in multilevel decomposition. A set of real labeled database is used in evaluating the proposed system.  ...  A computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system was developed by Yu and Guan (2000) for automatic identification of microcalcification clusters in digitized mammogram films.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2006.07.010 fatcat:tgferbasfnf3zo5fbwg4nedkbe

Descriptive analysis of computational methods for automating mammograms with practical applications [article]

Aparna Bhale, Manish Joshi
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we descriptively discuss computational advancement in digital mammograms to serve as a compass for research and practice in the domain of computational mammography and related fields.  ...  and a host of others.  ...  In this section, authers have discussed such diverse Computer Aided Detection Computer Aided Detection (CADe) and Computer Aided Diagnosis (CADx) with reference to breast cancer are measures in medicine  ... 
arXiv:2010.03378v1 fatcat:5mokkfho6ffvbai7rcdpytszj4

A Survey of Image Processing Algorithms in Digital Mammography [chapter]

Jelena Bozek, Mario Mustra, Kresimir Delac, Mislav Grgic
2009 Studies in Computational Intelligence  
To help radiologists provide an accurate diagnosis, a computer-aided detection (CADe) and computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) algorithms are being developed.  ...  This chapter gives a survey of image processing algorithms that have been developed for detection of masses and calcifications.  ...  Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02900-4_24 fatcat:yugcbf3fx5hvdlk7ukoqeab4xi

Review on Mammogram Mass Detection by Machine Learning Techniques

Valliappan Raman, Putra Sumari, H.H. Then, Saleh Ali K. Al-Omari
2011 International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering  
For this reason, a lot of research is currently being done to develop systems for computer aided detection to improve the accuracy.  ...  In this paper, review of mammogram mass detection and segmentation is focused. The main aim of the paper is to summarize and compares the method of mass detection in mammogram images.  ...  The author thank department of computer science, university saints Malaysia and institute of post graduate studies for accessing the facilities to conduct experiments and test the system.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijcee.2011.v3.436 fatcat:i2vyc4kedfahdplre3ebzybrn4

Comparing Methods for segmentation of Microcalcification Clusters in Digitized Mammograms [article]

Hajar Moradmand, Saeed Setayeshi, Hossein Khazaei Targhi
2012 arXiv   pre-print
So, early detection of microcalcification clusters (MCCs) in mammograms can be helpful for cancer diagnosis and better treatment of breast cancer.  ...  In this paper a computer method has been proposed to support radiologists in detection MCCs in digital mammography.  ...  Mohammad Esmail Akbari master of Iranian Cancer Research Center for his sincere contributions.  ... 
arXiv:1201.5938v1 fatcat:atmh4q2ntvgctohw6yvu74h5pa

Using Machine Learning to Automate Mammogram Images Analysis [article]

Xuejiao Tang, Liuhua Zhang, Wenbin Zhang, Xin Huang, Vasileios Iosifidis, Zhen Liu, Mingli Zhang, Enza Messina, Ji Zhang
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, a computer-aided automatic mammogram analysis system is proposed to process the mammogram images and automatically discriminate them as either normal or cancerous, consisting of three consecutive  ...  Early detection of breast cancer in X-ray mammography is believed to have effectively reduced the mortality rate.  ...  In this paper, we focus on breast cancer detection using a computer-aided automatic mammogram analysis system to improve the accuracy of diagnosis.  ... 
arXiv:2012.03151v2 fatcat:lknbprqjjvfgllokfvu563kza4

Breast Cancer-Early Detection and Classification Techniques: A Survey

Anu Appukuttan, Sindhu L.
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
So there is a need of an automated computer aided diagnosis system and it is proposed here.  ...  This survey paper focus on highlighting different techniques on enhancement, detection and classification of breast cancer along with its accuracy.  ...  So there is a need of early detection of breast cancer to reduce the death rate. So automated computer aided detection is inaveitable.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2015907557 fatcat:fg3ul3xosvbclpfpfkgppkocuq

Detection of Abnormalities in Digital Mammogram Images by Analysing Optical Parameters

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
According to the survey, the mortality rate of females is increasing due to the belated detection of breast cancer. In recent years, Mammograms plays a vital role in breast cancer detection.  ...  In this study, an algorithm is used to detect the microcalcification of the mammogram by calculating its optical characteristics.  ...  A very simple novel computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) scheme of breast cancer in digitized mammograms.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.d5404.118419 fatcat:reszecieanf73ggl7ss5njlclq

Breast Cancer Detection via Mammographic Images : A Survey

Mary Walowe Mwadulo, Raphael Angulu, Stephen Makau Mutua
2020 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology  
cancer databases, and a review of mammographic breast cancer detection studies are presented.  ...  This paper analyzes mammographic detection of breast cancer by providing an explanation on development and classification of Breast Cancer, Image representation models for breast tumor, mammography technologies  ...  Kong, "Involvement of Machine Learning for Breast Cancer Image Classification : A Survey," Hindawi Comput. Math. Methods Med., vol. 2017, no. i, p. 29, CADx," 2015.[3] P.  ... 
doi:10.32628/cseit20633 fatcat:5ivxt3yt4vczlge5v5277m76bu

An Effective Texture Features Based Mammogram Mass Detection System

K Rajendra Prasad, T Suneetha Rani, Suleman Basha
2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
The identification of Mammogram is a very complicated application in Bio-medical field, it has complicated tissues.  ...  For these reasons, numerous computer-aided recognition systems have been residential to aid Bio-medical in detecting mammographic lesions which may point out the existence of breast cancerthis revision  ...  Tumor Detection in Mammogram In this technique for displaying and grouping miniaturized scale calcification bunches in mammograms in light of their topological (In arithmetic topology is worried about  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i3.12.16437 fatcat:ki43kprzrrgkvdye3xg242jemm

Efficient Technique to Detect the Region of Interests in Mammogram Images

Moussa H. Abdallah, Ayman A. AbuBaker, Rami S. Qahwaji, Mohammed H. Saleh
2008 Journal of Computer Science  
The development of efficient technique to early detect the region of microcalcifications mammogram images is a must.  ...  Results: The application of the technique on 386 mammogram images from the MIAS and the USF databases showed that the method is so sensitive in detecting the microcalcifications in mammogram images with  ...  Mammogram topology: Sheshardi and kandaswamy [6] produced a new computer Aided Diagnosis approach that can detect the microcalcification in MIAS database.  ... 
doi:10.3844/jcssp.2008.652.662 fatcat:vffqwlozznfghkuiy4xvir5hde

Classification of Mammograms Using Decision Trees

L. Vibha, G Harshavardhan, K Pranaw, P Shenoy, K Venugopal, L Patnaik
2006 Proceedings - International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium  
Results of screening the mammograms are organised by classification and finally grouped into three categories i.e., Normal, Cancerous and Benign.  ...  Mammography is a medical imaging technique that combines, low-dose radiation and high-contrast, highresolution film for examination of the breast and screening for breast cancer.  ...  Related Work A brief survey of the related work in the area of mammograms is presented in this section.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ideas.2006.14 dblp:conf/ideas/VibhaHPSVP06 fatcat:waemmt2xyfggxfe3bcqu6xocoq
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