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Signal Simulation of Dual-Polarization Weather Radar and Its Application in Range Ambiguity Mitigation

Shaojun Dai, Xuehua Li, Zhichao Bu, Yajun Chen, Jianxin He, Minghua Li, Maojie Xiong
2022 Atmosphere  
Results show that the performance of the phase coding mode for mitigating range ambiguity is better than that of the batch mode.  ...  In addition, to evaluate the performance of range ambiguity mitigation using phase coding and batch working modes, two different simulation methods for the radar signal are established on the method above  ...  Data Availability Statement: Data set available on request to corresponding authors. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/atmos13030432 fatcat:zoya7ksk7jgfxkfcz3k32nsvy4

Interpulse Frequency Diversity System for Second-Trip Suppression and Retrieval in a Weather Radar

V. Chandrasekar, Mohit Kumar
2020 Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology  
This technique can recover the weather radar moments over a much higher dynamic range of the second-trip contamination than the popular interpulse phase codes, for second-trip suppression and retrieval  ...  A new interpulse frequency diverse technique is introduced for weather radar second-trip suppression and retrieval.  ...  The authors acknowledge the support of the NASA GPM-GV team for this research.  ... 
doi:10.1175/jtech-d-19-0223.1 fatcat:3hqdlz5rnrh3hncvezf3ebcydq

Doppler Radar for USA Weather Surveillance [chapter]

Dusan S.
2012 Doppler Radar Observations - Weather Radar, Wind Profiler, Ionospheric Radar, and Other Advanced Applications  
To mitigate the ambiguity problem the WSR-88D has some options one of which is special phase coding and processing.  ...  Amplitude and phase of the "burst" is sampled upon each transmission to monitor power, compensate for phase instabilities, and use in phase codes for mitigating range ambiguities.  ... 
doi:10.5772/38960 fatcat:xgdr7mqp3rbffnfrn7cdkjpuya

Inter Pulse Frequency Diversity System for Second Trip Suppression and Retrieval in a Weather Radar [article]

V Chandrasekar, Mohit Kumar
2020 arXiv   pre-print
This technique can recover the weather radar moments over a much higher dynamic range of the other trip contamination as compared with the popular systematic phase code, for second trip suppression and  ...  The simulations and tests of performance are evaluated keeping in mind NASA dual-frequency, dual-polarization, Doppler radar (D3R).  ...  Generalized Chu codes for second trip mitigation and retrieval: The most popular inter-pulse code, are the systematic phase codes, commonly known as SZ Code, for the retrieval of parameters of overlaid  ... 
arXiv:2003.05365v1 fatcat:jzfplvyj2jfmdkknnpdsjmvj6q

Range and velocity ambiguity mitigation techniques for the WSR-88D weather radar

Dusan S. Zrnic Sebastian M. Torres
IEEE International IEEE International IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004. IGARSS '04. Proceedings. 2004  
Keywords-Doppler weather radar; range and velocity ambiguity mitigation; systematic phase coding; staggered pulse repetition time I.  ...  Several mechanisms are currently provided to alleviate effects of range overlaid echoes and velocity aliasing in the Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D).  ...  Various schemes have been proposed to mitigate the effects of ambiguities, but few have been tested and even fewer are available on operational Doppler weather radars.  ... 
doi:10.1109/igarss.2004.1370665 dblp:conf/igarss/TorresZ04 fatcat:ne5qfxex4nhyhj3pwe5me7asr4

12th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems

2004 IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine  
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to give special thanks to Patrice Guillard for his support during the phase of the MatLab GPS simulator design, to Abdelahad Benhallam from Ecole Nationale d'Aviation  ...  Acknowledgments The support of the Survey Department of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works is gratefully acknowledged.  ...  to errors in the code and carrier phase observations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/maes.2004.1346941 fatcat:z6zxudmnzbfgziagfqln3emo5y

The 18th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems

2011 IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine  
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to give special thanks to Patrice Guillard for his support during the phase of the MatLab GPS simulator design, to Abdelahad Benhallam from Ecole Nationale d'Aviation  ...  Acknowledgments The support of the Survey Department of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works is gratefully acknowledged.  ...  to errors in the code and carrier phase observations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/maes.2011.6070282 fatcat:6bww25yu4fcmtoszue6f3mc7im

13th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems

M. Grishina
2006 IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine  
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to give special thanks to Patrice Guillard for his support during the phase of the MatLab GPS simulator design, to Abdelahad Benhallam from Ecole Nationale d'Aviation  ...  Acknowledgments The support of the Survey Department of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works is gratefully acknowledged.  ...  to errors in the code and carrier phase observations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/maes.2006.1705169 fatcat:xzwrwxgqvbgbjgudu75rvy7oui

The 18th saint petersburg international conference on integrated navigation systems

2010 IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine  
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to give special thanks to Patrice Guillard for his support during the phase of the MatLab GPS simulator design, to Abdelahad Benhallam from Ecole Nationale d'Aviation  ...  Acknowledgments The support of the Survey Department of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works is gratefully acknowledged.  ...  to errors in the code and carrier phase observations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/maes.2010.5638804 fatcat:5fa2imjo4naavfgcdaju6lswvi

Journal of Geodesy

Hermann Drewes
2012 Journal of Geodesy  
IGS is recently also named co-chair of a new ICG sub-committee on GNSS Monitoring. The sub-committee will be co-chaired by government representatives of China and Japan, and the IGS.  ...  This is recognition that IGS, due to multi-GNSS ob-  ...  The research will focus on the following areas: the development of new augmentation corrections to mitigate fractional initial phase biases to recover the integer property of the undifferenced ambiguities  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00190-012-0584-1 fatcat:rhvipyvqgbch3atsknpfgfzfqa