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Comparing a rule-based versus statistical system for automatic categorization of MEDLINE documents according to biomedical specialty

Susanne M. Humphrey, Aurélie Névéol, Allen Browne, Julien Gobeil, Patrick Ruch, Stéfan J. Darmoni
2009 Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology  
We evaluate and compare the performance of these systems against a gold standard of humanly assigned categories for one hundred MEDLINE documents, using six measures selected from trec_eval.  ...  This paper focuses on automatic categorization of documents from the biomedical literature into broad discipline-based categories.  ...  Darmoni to the to the Lister Hill Center Visitors Program, sponsored by the National Library of Medicine and administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education.  ... 
doi:10.1002/asi.21170 pmid:19956557 pmcid:PMC2782854 fatcat:plvb4imuwjfr5fjrtjuqenea7m

Supporting E-Health Information Seekers: From Simple Strategies to Knowledge-Based Methods [chapter]

Lina F., Badisse Dahamna, Stefan J.
2012 eHealth and Remote Monitoring  
The MeSH thesaurus was originally used to index biomedical scientific articles for the MEDLINE database.  ...  To obtain more precise rules we performed experiments on categorized documents according to groups of users: students in medicine, health professionals, and general public to evaluate the influence of  ... 
doi:10.5772/50348 fatcat:xd2g7yxqerd7rdvygeom2opljq

Biomedical question answering: A survey

Sofia J. Athenikos, Hyoil Han
2010 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine  
Conclusion: Corresponding to the growth of biomedical information, there is a growing need for QA systems that can help users better utilize the ever-accumulating information.  ...  Based on the framework, we first conducted a survey of open-domain or non-biomedical-domain QA approaches that belong to each of the three subcategories.  ...  Acknowledgement We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful feedback. r e f e r e n c e s  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2009.10.003 pmid:19913938 fatcat:tv4sel4llbcnjppnn7g2tygqze

Collecting specialty-related medical terms: Development and evaluation of a resource for Spanish

Pilar López-Úbeda, Alexandra Pomares-Quimbaya, Manuel Carlos Díaz-Galiano, Stefan Schulz
2021 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making  
Conclusion The creation and validation of SCOVACLIS support the hypothesis that specific term sets reduce the level of ambiguity when compared to a specialty-independent and broad-scope vocabulary.  ...  However, most of them are unambiguous within text limited to a given clinical specialty. This is one rationale besides others to classify clinical text by the clinical specialty to which they belong.  ...  The number of required texts may vary according to the diversity of terms for each specialty; however, a minimum amount of texts is desirable.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12911-021-01495-w pmid:33947365 pmcid:PMC8094531 fatcat:sckaqdycc5henmwj3fzurv2gai

Summarization from medical documents: a survey

Stergos Afantenos, Vangelis Karkaletsis, Panagiotis Stamatopoulos
2005 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine  
Objective: The aim of this paper is to survey the recent work in medical documents summarization.  ...  Discussion and conclusions: The paper discusses thoroughly the promising paths for future research in medical documents summarization.  ...  Many thanks also to Ms. Eleni Kapelou and Ms. Irene Doura for checking the use of English.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2004.07.017 pmid:15811783 fatcat:n7u6ji5t2rgkvjktacjf4rdire

How to Choose a Journal: Scientific and Practical Considerations [chapter]

Thomas F. Babor, Dominique Morisano, Kerstin Stenius, Judit H. Ward
2017 Publishing Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed  
ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing journals; Garfield, 1994) .  ...  In the remainder of this chapter, we discuss the merits of publishing in addiction specialty journals, which offer a range of opportunities to prospective authors that are comparable to those available  ... 
doi:10.5334/bbd.c fatcat:3bjgxn5sfbaxfewvuhadwoypzi

Information retrieval in medicine: The electronic medical record as a new domain

Catherine Arnott Smith
2007 Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology  
The medical record is a material form of public memory," Berg (1996) writes, "a structured distributing and collecting device, where all tasks concerning a patient's trajectory must begin and end..."  ...  Unfortunately, of the 130 articles published about medicine in almost 36 years of JASIST, although 70 (54%) deal with information retrieval, communication and the work processes behind them, only 2 of  ...  "An Experimental Study in Automatically Categorizing Medical Documents", presented a study of automatic classification using the International Code of Diseases (Ribeiro-Neto, Laender, & de Lima, 2001)  ... 
doi:10.1002/meet.1450430190 fatcat:5fcnsaceujeqhbd2nfx2yovn5i

Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

2019 Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation  
Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago.  ...  This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared  ...  Campana 28 , Nicholas A. Kurniawan 29 , David Lalaouna 30 , Felix J. Hüttner 31 , Brooke A. Ammerman 32 , Felix Ehret 33 , Paul A.  ... 
doi:10.1093/database/baz085 pmid:33326193 pmcid:PMC7291946 fatcat:floik5bx6bdxpnvxnl64ryqhou

A Decade of In-text Citation Analysis based on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Techniques: An overview of empirical studies [article]

Sehrish Iqbal, Saeed-Ul Hassan, Naif Radi Aljohani, Salem Alelyani, Raheel Nawaz, Lutz Bornmann
2020 arXiv   pre-print
to measure the impact of scientific publications in contextual terms.  ...  This has led to technical developments in citation context and content analysis, citation classifications, citation sentiment analysis, citation summarisation, and citation-based recommendation.  ...  Acknowledgment The authors (Salem Alelyani and Saeed-Ul Hassan) are grateful for the financial support received from King Khalid University for this research Under Grant No. R.G.P2/100/41.  ... 
arXiv:2008.13020v1 fatcat:jijpqtyhhrf6nbpmzybtylseka

Vaidurya: A multiple-ontology, concept-based, context-sensitive clinical-guideline search engine

Robert Moskovitch, Yuval Shahar
2009 Journal of Biomedical Informatics  
search, which relies on first semi-structuring the guidelines according to a given ontology, then searching for terms within specific labeled text segments.  ...  We conclude by analyzing the limitations and advantages of the approach, and the steps that we have started to take to extend it based on user feedback.  ...  Kumar for his contribution in the extraction rules and the assessment of the query interfaces. We also thank T. Lavie for her contribution in the HCI aspects of the query interfaces and Dr.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2008.07.003 pmid:18721900 fatcat:mpskzpizxnemtag3vepn4h3cx4

Medical expert systems--knowledge tools for physicians

E H Shortliffe
1986 Western Journal of Medicine  
One experimental system, ONCOCIN, provides a glimpse of the kinds of knowledge-based tools that will someday be available to physicians.  ...  Recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence have led to the emergence of expert systems, computational tools designed to capture and make available the knowledge of experts in a field.  ...  In addition, only the first of the four sample rules shown allows a conclusion to be reached with certainty (a so-called categorical rule).  ... 
pmid:3811349 pmcid:PMC1307157 fatcat:gvea3unchndwlj4jrxopulvacq

Accuracy of PubMed-based author lists of publications and use of author identifiers to address author name ambiguity: a cross-sectional study

Paul Sebo, Sylvain de Lucia, Nathalie Vernaz
2021 Scientometrics  
Methods: In this Swiss study conducted in 2019, 300 hospital-based senior physicians were asked to generate a list of their publications in PubMed and complete a questionnaire (type of query used, number  ...  Objective: To assess the accuracy of PubMed-based author lists of publications and use of author identifiers to address author name ambiguity.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to warmly thank all the physicians who participated in the study. Funding Open Access funding provided by Université de Genève.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11192-020-03845-3 dblp:journals/scientometrics/SeboLV21a fatcat:bqwviqlqqbglplzgogwj3qjiwy

Integration and Beyond: Linking Information from Disparate Sources and into Workflow

W. W. Stead, R. A. Miller, M. A. Musen, W. R. Hersh
2000 JAMIA Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association  
A b s t r a c t The vision of integrating information-from a variety of sources, into the way people work, to improve decisions and process-is one of the cornerstones of biomedical informatics.  ...  This review identified three distinct generations of "integration" projects. First-generation projects create a database and use it for multiple purposes.  ...  Clinical algorithms can also automatically determine patient eligibility for guideline-based care and provide convenient Web-based forms to allow physicians to order related protocol-based medications,  ... 
doi:10.1136/jamia.2000.0070135 pmid:10730596 pmcid:PMC61466 fatcat:spcet2irsnahhoznv4y4gjvkrm

Towards Personalized and Human-in-the-Loop Document Summarization [article]

Samira Ghodratnama
2021 arXiv   pre-print
The experimental results prove the efficiency of the proposed approaches compared to other state-of-the-art models.  ...  It further intends to facilitate the analysis of documents to support personalised information extraction.  ...  Another example is LetSum, a summarisation system for legal [41] and biomedical texts [42] .  ... 
arXiv:2108.09443v2 fatcat:245c3byhg5htrnmbnoofexzh3u

Category Definitions [chapter]

Dean F. Sittig
2017 Clinical Informatics Literacy  
usually allowed only by clinicians with a medical degree (MD, DO) Clinical Specialty A clinical specialty is a name for a particular branch of medicine.  ...  Address ( Data Type The term data type is used in different scientific contexts to refer to the methods of classifying data according to the possible values for that type, the operations (e.g., statistical  ...  American A business philosophy, focused on customer satisfaction that leads to a set of actions or system to manage the activities and tasks needed to maintain a desired level of consistency or even excellence  ... 
doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-803206-0.00001-8 fatcat:ts57p4xi2nflrpo4j5jthqov4u
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