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NLP Community Perspectives on Replicability

Margot Mieskes, University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Germany, Karën Fort, Aurélie Névéol, Cyril Grouin, Kevin Cohen, Sorbonne Université, EA STIH Paris, France, Université Paris-Saclay, France, Université Paris-Saclay, France, Computational Bioscience Program, University of Colorado, USA
2019 Proceedings - Natural Language Processing in a Deep Learning World  
views the topic of replicability in general.  ...  With recent efforts in drawing attention to the task of replicating and/or reproducing 1 results, for example in the context of COLING 2018 and various LREC workshops, the question arises how the NLP community  ...  The task of creating guidelines falls to the community and the adherence of such guidelines could become part of the reviewing process. Experiments in replication fail more often than not.  ... 
doi:10.26615/978-954-452-056-4_089 dblp:conf/ranlp/MieskesFNGC19 fatcat:xh3wx7dbcnavrhgprigrjbb74e

The biocommunication method: On the road to an integrative biology

Guenther Witzany
2016 Communicative & Integrative Biology  
KEYWORDS communicative actions; key levels of biocommunication; natural languages; RNA consortia; viruses CONTACT Guenther Witzany witzany@sbg.at Telos-Philosophische Praxis, Vogelsangstr. 18c, 5111-Buermoos  ...  Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/kcib.  ...  natural languages and codes and the results of natural communication communities.  ... 
doi:10.1080/19420889.2016.1164374 pmid:27195071 pmcid:PMC4857777 fatcat:ibdkvlankfbljdkp5y34sl4nxm

Book Review: Cognitive Neuroscience of Natural Language Use

Giosuè Baggio
2015 Frontiers in Psychology  
A book review on Cognitive Neuroscience of Natural Language Use Edited by Roel M.  ...  Despite its emphasis on "natural" language use, the book's philosophy is quite far removed from the idea that one should observe cognitive processes naturalistically, as they occur in non-laboratory settings  ...  A book review on Cognitive Neuroscience of Natural Language Use Edited by Roel M.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01527 fatcat:olo4s6dlbverpnh4jetzuqqd4y

Life is physics and chemistry and communication

Guenther Witzany
2014 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences  
Unfortunately, Eigen ignored the results of the philosophy of science discourse on essential features of natural languages and codes: a natural language or code emerges from populations of living agents  ...  that communicate.  ...  A natural language or code emerges and is used by populations of living agents that communicate to organize and coordinate.  ... 
doi:10.1111/nyas.12570 pmid:25557438 fatcat:22laynufc5dovjtqqlgzuoy5pa

A Comparative Study of Biological Evolution and Cultural Evolution from the Perspective of Evolution

Shuyan Zhao
2021 OALib  
In order to reach a consistent view on language evolution, more assumptions and discussions are needed.  ...  This paper reviews the origin of evolutionism language view, focuses on two viewpoints of language origin research under the framework of evolutionism: Gradualism and Mutation Theory.  ...  A meme is a unit of information in the human brain that can affect the development of events and can be replicated in other people's brains, and is a cultural communication instruction.  ... 
doi:10.4236/oalib.1107673 fatcat:trgmlfdmofg2lm3nsv3r6oz3a4

Evolution and Language: Overview [chapter]

William Croft
2015 International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences  
In the 20th century, evolutionary theory did not have much influence on linguistics, in part due to the advent of structuralism and the focus on synchronic linguistic analysis.  ...  In the past two decades, there has been a considerable increase in interest in the relationship between language and evolution. The interest has  ...  In one modeling project from this perspective, the agents are robots that have perceptual and motor abilities, and the modeling includes visual processing and the establishment of joint attention on the  ... 
doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-097086-8.81033-8 fatcat:3z3fc75ryzch5cyvnalnhlwcim

An Empirical Study of Memetics Applied in Optimizing SLT

Lihua Zhu
2012 Journal of Language Teaching and Research  
Memetics, a new branch of study researching into the replicate, proliferation and evolution of meme based on Neo-Darwinism, probes dynamically into the cultural medium: meme, in the perspective of culture  ...  As the hosts to meme, the individuals continue their proliferating and self-proliferating among the whole community and result in enhancing the evolution of society, culture and language.  ...  Memetics argues that imitation is one of the most important natures of human beings.  ... 
doi:10.4304/jltr.3.5.1009-1014 fatcat:mv4wbklxvjcv7nc6h5umptlir4

Page 231 of American Anthropologist Vol. 111, Issue 2 [page]

2009 American Anthropologist  
natural se- lection as “a one-way influence between organism and .  ...  Indeed, niche construction emerges as a richly sugges- tive notion capable of traveling across a number of func- tional and process perspectives in evolutionary thought.  ... 

What is Life?

Guenther Witzany
2020 Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences  
By applying the known features of natural languages and communication, a new twenty-first century definition of life can be reached in which communicative interactions are central to all processes of life  ...  In searching for life in extraterrestrial space, it is essential to act based on an unequivocal definition of life.  ...  languages and the codes used in communication processes.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fspas.2020.00007 fatcat:avvdb2bwejdo7cvhwdf55gzawa

Chat with ChatGPT on Life and Death

Gregor Mobius
2023 Zenodo  
This could lead to a future where AI plays a more central role in shaping and influencing human experience, as people interact with intelligent systems in new and innovative ways.  ...  At the same time, there may be concerns about the impact of AI on human society, including issues related to job displacement, privacy, and ethics.  ...  vehicles, and natural language processing.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7684286 fatcat:a3mhtydfwnfp5hkark5ehd7z7e

Standardised and transparent model descriptions for agent-based models: Current status and prospects

Birgit Müller, Stefano Balbi, Carsten M. Buchmann, Luís de Sousa, Gunnar Dressler, Jürgen Groeneveld, Christian J. Klassert, Quang Bao Le, James D.A. Millington, Henning Nolzen, Dawn C. Parker, J. Gary Polhill (+6 others)
2014 Environmental Modelling & Software  
Keywords: Agent-based modelling Domain specific languages Graphical representations Model communication Model comparison Model development Model design Model replication Standardised protocols a b s t  ...  However, we suggest a minimum standard of model description for good modelling practice, namely the provision of source code and an accessible natural language description, and argue for the development  ...  Acknowledgements We thank all participants of the workshop "Human decisions in agent-based models (ABM) for natural resource use -need for protocols" at the 6th International Congress on Environmental  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.01.029 fatcat:62ylftam3fd5ffycum6t6fgydq

Chat with ChatGPT on Life and Death

Gregor Mobius
2023 Zenodo  
This could lead to a future where AI plays a more central role in shaping and influencing human experience, as people interact with intelligent systems in new and innovative ways.  ...  At the same time, there may be concerns about the impact of AI on human society, including issues related to job displacement, privacy, and ethics.  ...  The output of this process is then returned to you in the form of natural language text.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7678675 fatcat:rtvgkjs6rbcmbouausjzqcnfgq

Chat with ChatGPT on Life and Death

Gregor Mobius
2023 Zenodo  
This could lead to a future where AI plays a more central role in shaping and influencing human experience, as people interact with intelligent systems in new and innovative ways.  ...  At the same time, there may be concerns about the impact of AI on human society, including issues related to job displacement, privacy, and ethics.  ...  The output of this process is then returned to you in the form of natural language text.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7678676 fatcat:mhohdan7tzal3pwnovgbwa7zkq

Adaptation, Optimality and Diachrony

William Croft
1999 Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft  
Partial motivation of linguistic forms as a result of competing motivations is one of the chief theoretical constructs of most functionalist approaches to language, as Haspelmath notes in his paper.  ...  Haspelmath argues that the substantive principles proposed by optimality theorists, at least the ones most widely invoked and assumed to be universal across languages, are in fact identical to the substantive  ...  Trudgill warns us against assuming that "natural" language change -the "adaptive" ones -are universally "natural" (see especially Trudgill 1989).  ... 
doi:10.1515/zfsw.1999.18.2.206 fatcat:dgavf7qjkjeo3kpvphecw6aml4

Page 770 of Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts: LLBA Vol. 23, Issue 2 [page]

1989 Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts: LLBA  
Brathwaite’s “Kingston in the Kingdom of This World” /“Mont Blanc” French rendition; 8902735 poetic/standard language relationship, communication instrument vs processing material; 8903790 poetry translation  ...  Aronoff’s “one affix—one rule” model; 8902997 natural categorization, functional sentence perspective; English/Polish feature-weighted model of topic prototypicality proposed; 8902853 Polish discourse,  ... 
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