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Communication environment for sharing fond memories

Masumi Shimizu, Mie Nakatani, Hirokazu Kato, Shogo Nishida
2004 Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology - ACE '04  
Utilizing this property, we propose to develop an environment where people can share their feelings for fond memories, as well as empathize and communication with each other.  ...  Instead of benches or fountains, we provide some triggers for fond memories. We named this environment "Reminiscence Park".  ...  Our goal is to create an environment which people can feel a bond with each other by sharing a sense for fond memory, even if they have just met for the first time.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1067343.1067384 dblp:conf/ACMace/ShimizuNKN04 fatcat:vkbsk5zoxbgi3ktbqrem6gj74m

Communication Environment for Sharing Fond Memories [chapter]

Mie Nakatani, Seiko Myojin, Masumi Shimizu, Hirokazu Kato, Shogo Nishida
Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Utilizing this property, we propose to develop an environment where people can share their feelings for fond memories, as well as empathize and communication with each other.  ...  Instead of benches or fountains, we provide some triggers for fond memories. We named this environment "Reminiscence Park".  ...  Our goal is to create an environment which people can feel a bond with each other by sharing a sense for fond memory, even if they have just met for the first time.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73354-6_13 dblp:conf/hci/NakataniMSKN07 fatcat:2izoh6k74vcnvgshgfyxyeqm4i

In Dedication to Chandler S. Robbins (1918–2017)

Keith L. Pardieck
2017 The Condor  
In gratitude and with fond memories, we thank Chandler S. Robbins for his foresight, creativity, and generosity in developing the BBS.  ...  Even Eleanor, Chan's wife and most ardent supporter, voiced her doubt during the survey's formative years, as did most of his colleagues within the scientific community.  ... 
doi:10.1650/condor-17-99.1 fatcat:46dg7ipddjbi7ka3i453t6rpda

Page 140 of Anthropological Quarterly Vol. 28, Issue 4 [page]

1955 Anthropological Quarterly  
No informant had any memory of divorce or permanent separation in the community. Social intercourse between spouses is minimal. Husbands and wives do not share their leisure.  ...  Only secondarily do spouses mention that they have tired of each other’s presence and yearn for a change of environment.  ... 

Resilience as a communal concept: Understanding adolescent resilience in the context of the Syrian refugee crisis in Bar Elias, Lebanon

Y. Nagi, H. Sender, M. Orcutt, F. Fouad, R.A. Burgess, D. Devakumar
2021 Journal of Migration and Health  
Syrian adolescents highlighted supportive relationships, communal activities and spaces, memories of home, employment, and shared environments as integral elements to their personal adaptation.  ...  These communal aspects of the adolescents' lives also connect to their memories of home, current environment, and future aspirations.  ...  To the brilliant research team, thank you for your guidance and help along the way.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jmh.2021.100046 pmid:34405191 pmcid:PMC8352196 fatcat:mxzzo3g4mvfhbnhzgpcxc3cbre

Open Social Knowledge Creation and Library and Archival Metadata

Dean Seeman, Heather Dean
2019 KULA knowledge creation dissemination and preservation studies  
and shared by many.  ...  There is increasingly a call to address prejudiced language and perspectives in finding aids and the need to shift and share authority with communities of creators rather than situating descriptive authority  ...  In response to the advent of computers and the internet, the archival community developed content standards, XML schemas, and software for managing and describing archives (such as Access-to-Memory and  ... 
doi:10.5334/kula.51 fatcat:pfuxmf4vivf5piw35wrinkm7oa

Review: Environments of Empire: Networks and Agents of Ecological Change, edited by Ulrike Kirchberger and Brett M. Bennett

Jon T. Coleman
2021 Pacific Historical Review  
In his account, native title was, to British actors, an inconsequential sideshow to their struggles for jurisdiction and economic self-interest, not an end in itself.  ...  inadvertent record) rather than sources (the self-conscious official record) allows us to notice how historical actors mobilized ideas about native title and Indigenous sovereignty in a range of different communicative  ...  An accidental relic, it prompts fond memories of leaving home to share breathing space with clever strangers.  ... 
doi:10.1525/phr.2021.90.4.541 fatcat:3movy2ttbzfkvjtrnfp6o4bpqe

Transactive memory directories in small work units

Vesa Peltokorpi
2004 Personnel Review  
Further, interpersonal communication mediates the impact of value congruence and psychological safety to directories.  ...  Despite the increased importance for companies to control their intangible assets, little empirical research has been made on the linkages between single and distributed cognition in organizations.  ...  Acknowledgements This study was funded by Liikesivistysrahasto, Näringslivet fond, and Svenska handelhögskolan stiftelse.  ... 
doi:10.1108/00483480410539515 fatcat:ccg7ewbcvjhtfg563bgn4eob3a

Remembering Camp Dreamcatcher: Art Therapy with Children Whose Lives Have Been Touched by HIV/AIDS

Kathy D Hrenko
2005 Art Therapy  
This article describes one art therapist's experience of "giving back" to the community by volunteering to provide art therapy at a therapeutic camp for children whose lives have been touched by HIV/AIDS  ...  This report demonstrates the value of art therapy in a therapeutic camp setting, as well as some of the benefits volunteerism can hold for art therapists who wish to contribute more to their communities  ...  The campfire created a special environment in which to share thoughts and dreams.  ... 
doi:10.1080/07421656.2005.10129464 fatcat:y7rz4t433ja6nh736lpnrl4rta

Page 250 of Community College Journal Vol. 14, Issue 6 [page]

1944 Community College Journal  
The ways are slowly opening that we Japanese-Americans can begin again to fit into the Caucasian environment.  ...  My experiences at Chesbrough have been numerous, but I am happy to say that each experience has made me be- come more fond of my alma mater.  ... 

"When I was little, I loved to play". Describing play experiences using a community-based lens

2019 Scottish Educational Review  
It is concluded that a community project can elicit fond memories of playful learning and the wider range of play experiences.  ...  This study has implications for community engagement and supporting play as a vehicle for community learning across diverse communities.  ...  This project would not be possible without support from Bettye Ferguson of the Belmont Alliance Civic Association, The Belmont Charter Network, Smith Memorial Playground and Playhouse, and the  ... 
doi:10.51166/ser/512schlesingeretal fatcat:bihnwuzx5jbqxagzjvc4qthf2a

The symbol grounding problem has been solved, so what's next? [chapter]

Luc Steels
2008 Symbols and EmbodimentDebates on meaning and cognition  
It focuses on community memories.  ...  Three upcoming technologies are discussed for creating community memories: high performance volunteer computing, participatory mobile sensing, and social tagging.  ...  Community Memories are set up for another purpose than simply archiving, sharing, and retrieving media materials.  ... 
doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199217274.003.0012 fatcat:m7qoxw4fqngxtjbu6vklodvqpm

St Cuthbert's Mission Station: Fragments of living heritage, the archive and documentary filmmaking – 'the future of the past'

Louw Lieza
2022 Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology  
This paper offers a reflection on a research project undertaken over a period of nearly five years at the St Cuthbert's Anglican community near Tsolo in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.  ...  The elders recall their experiences with fondness and it was only at a later stage that the researcher encountered dichotomous reactions to the missionary project in the area.  ...  Pierre Nora argues that because of globalisation, "There are no longer sites of memory, because there are no longer real environments of memory".  ... 
doi:10.7832/50-0-321 fatcat:w3bss2p57zaprbp6d7a5gqxqeu

Encoded Archival Description

Daniel V. Pitti
1999 D-Lib Magazine  
A diverse set of descriptive elements is available for describing the whole of a collection or fonds.  ...  Finally, there must be a standard communication format or syntax representing the structural standard. The communication standard enables information sharing between computers and between people.  ... 
doi:10.1045/november99-pitti fatcat:ctqv7imm75bs5lnqynv7so35va

Potential of Art Classes in Preparing Adolescents and Youth to Participation in Festivals

Olga Igorevna RADOMSKAYA, Ekaterina Vyachslavovna BOYAKOVA, Philipp Sergeevich SITNIKOV
2020 Zenodo  
It was found that the potential of participating in a festival is based on the preference of a certain type of art and the desire to share one's achievements with peers.  ...  The article aims to determine whether art classes during the educational process and free time prepare students for participation in festivals and to identify the preferences of adolescents and youth in  ...  Most students strive for an aesthetically designed object and spatial environment.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3984245 fatcat:orlwtfjx3vhizeemdtxur3cnmi
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