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2019 Issues in Information Systems  
However, few studies have thoroughly and objectively studied the effectiveness of specific Data Mining software (both commercially-licensed and open-source), on learning outcomes.  ...  ), and on a commercially-licensed data mining tool (i.e., XLMiner from Frontline Solvers).  ...  In terms of the highest-ranked, commercially-licensed data mining tool, the authors recommended SAS Enterprise Miner (consistent with other evaluations of commercially-licensed data mining software).  ... 
doi:10.48009/4_iis_2019_130-136 fatcat:rrbbkpuzkzfjjdruji24dmnqiq

An Analytical Review of Data Mining Tools

Igiri Chinwe Peace
2015 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
Data mining plays a vital role in the contemporary society and the corporate world as a whole.  ...  tools and are provided under the GNU GPL licenses while GhostMiner is commercial.  ...  Importantly, while RapidMiner is an open source data mining software, it also have a number of versions that are commercial available. 3) Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME) Konstanz Information Miner  ... 
doi:10.17577/ijertv4is040611 fatcat:vg7iuq2ggjdenedjdwdsle47li

The Chamois Reconfigurable Data-Mining Architecture

Won Kim, Ki-Joon Chae, Dong-Sub Cho, Byoungju Choi, Anmo Jeong, Myung Kim, KiHo Lee, Meejeong Lee, Minsoo Lee, Sang-Ho Lee, Seung-Soo Park, Hwan-Seung Yong (+3 others)
2002 Journal of Object Technology  
A variety of software tools are available for each of the stages. KDD environments, objectives of KDD, and types of data to be mined affect the choice of software tools in each stage.  ...  The process of knowledge discovery in data (KDD) stored in computers in general requires iterations of three stages: data preparation, data mining, and results analysis.  ...  Commercial Software Adapters are runtime libraries that dynamically convert proprietary APIs of commercial software to the Chamois common API.  ... 
doi:10.5381/jot.2002.1.2.c2 fatcat:xsjfyas2wrdc5j6qp5m4hxcque

A Process Mining Software Comparison [article]

Daniel Viner, Matthias Stierle, Martin Matzner
2021 arXiv   pre-print
www.processmining-software.com is a dedicated website for process mining software comparison and was developed to give practitioners and researchers an overview of commercial tools available on the market  ...  Being an academic endeavour, the non-commercial nature of the study ensures a less biased assessment as compared with reports from analyst firms.  ...  We conducted a non-commercial process mining software analysis and published the results on www.processmining-software.com.  ... 
arXiv:2007.14038v3 fatcat:zgdw6juparg6ncxmrgmwxpbo6i

Comparative Analysis of Various Tools for Data Mining and Big Data Mining

Ahamed Lebbe Sayeth Saabith, Eastern University Sri Lanka
2018 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
Data mining tools which are helpful to achieve above data mining techniques. This research analysis various data mining and big data mining tools with different perspectives.  ...  This research will help for researchers to select appropriate data mining tool or tools for their research.  ...  the tools, Traditional Commercial Data Mining tools, and Big data mining.  ... 
doi:10.17577/ijertv7is110039 fatcat:en2daeogubhipm42n7wuvzcd3q

Process mining: from theory to practice

Chris J. Turner, Ashutosh Tiwari, Richard Olaiya, Yuchun Xu
2012 Business Process Management Journal  
An outline of the practice of business process mining is given along with an analysis of the main techniques developed by academia and commercial entities.  ...  Design/methodology/approach -Secondary research has been completed to establish the main commercial business process mining tool vendors for the market.  ...  All of the commercial business process mining software tools reviewed here can be used to identify bottlenecks in business processes.  ... 
doi:10.1108/14637151211232669 fatcat:zm3eh344g5cyvcpyj3jqmgewai

Open-Source Tools for Data Mining in Social Science [chapter]

Pako Konjevoda, Nikola tambuk
2012 Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Social Sciences and Knowledge Management  
Conclusion Open-source data mining software is completely comparable to commercial programs according to the criteria of functionality and reliability.  ...  The reason for using open-source software is not just commercial. Many open-source programs have such a quick development cycle that commercial software can not compete with.  ... 
doi:10.5772/38803 fatcat:lx5iwmexwvg7jfvdh7fid3tqcu

A Review Study of various Data Mining Classification and Clustering Techniques

Karambeer Kaur, Mr Surender Singh
2017 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development  
Data mining application includes a variety of methodologies that have been developed by commercial & research centers. This technique has been used for industrial, commercial and scientific purposes.  ...  The WEKA contains a set of visualization tools & algorithms for data analysis and predictive modeling, together with graphical user interfaces for simple access to this functionality.  ...  INTRODUCTION The Data mining software application includes various methodologies that have been developed by both commercial and research centers.  ... 
doi:10.31142/ijtsrd135 fatcat:faftldo3tvdbtlmxuglcwcbzmy

Process Mining Tools Comparison

2018 AJIT-e Online Academic Journal of Information Technology  
Process mining is a new era in the science of data mining and is a subset of business intelligence.  ...  According to the obtained results, the usefulness, performance and reporting features of the software used in a process analysis are revealed.  ...  Process mining tools should support the filtering data in order the avoid malfunction of software. Obviously, these programs must implement the process discovery and provide some models.  ... 
doi:10.5824/1309-1581.2018.4.007.x fatcat:zzdr5ms5qbdwhfwwjbsxs2seoe

Overcoming R angst. The tools that help statisticians learn and use R effectively

Adrian Oţoiu, Emilia Ţiţan
2018 Revista Română de Statistică  
mining procedures and algorithms.  ...  For standard statistical analysis, RCommander proves to be the best solution that not only offers standard functionalities that are similar to commercial statistical software, but allows users to visualize  ...  The interfaces to be examined are RStudio, the most popular R environment, RCommander, an interface similar to commercial software packages, and Rattle, an interface dedicated for performing data mining  ... 
doaj:80f585070a6b428281db4cda5674a14a fatcat:oobhizwfezgbzpaatjujnrxd7e

Application of Data Mining Technology in CRM System of Commercial Banks

Yu-ping XI, Min CHEN
2017 DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research  
Data mining analyses the massive data in the CRM system of commercial banks effectively, by turning the information into knowledge, data mining benefits the banks with making better business decision.  ...  application fields of data mining in CRM system, and then introduces its application in these research fields in detail.  ...  in recent years there had been some empirical analysis of data mining application in customer relationship management of commercial banks, but almost all concentrated in the use of the software.  ... 
doi:10.12783/dtetr/eeta2017/7759 fatcat:gwzfcyxpzjgpxop6eucgisxjue

A Survey of Agent Based Pre-Processing and Knowledge Retrieval

Sapna Pujara
2013 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering  
Over the decades, researchers have implemented the concept of multi agents to get the process of data mining done by focusing on its various steps.  ...  This article will provide a review of the integration of these two emerging fields of software agents and knowledge retrieval process with the focus on data pre-processing step.  ...  Software agents are designed to perform data mining in various fields like travelling agents, academic management, business intelligence, data-stream mining, distributed data mining & many more areas.  ... 
doi:10.9790/0661-1534447 fatcat:2di4raonujgm3cytwix4z7vqy4

App store mining and analysis

Afnan Al-Subaihin, Anthony Finkelstein, Mark Harman, Yue Jia, William Martin, Federica Sarro, Yuanyuan Zhang
2015 Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Development Lifecycle for Mobile - DeMobile 2015  
For more traditional applications, this data would simply be too commercially sensitive for public release.  ...  Software engineering researchers have never had available, a more rich, wide and varied source of information about software products.  ...  APP STORE MINING AND ANALYSIS We believe that app stores are scientifically, technically, sociologically and commercially very different from traditional software deployment mechanisms [7, 19, 20] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/2804345.2804346 dblp:conf/sigsoft/Al-SubaihinFHJM15 fatcat:v75lxk7spjdvhm4qxportaweze

The patterns of accessing learning management system among students

Akibu Mahmoud Abdullahi, Mokhairi Makhtar, Suhailan Safie
2019 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  
Educational data mining is a way of evaluating and using methods for examining the unique and large dataset that come from educational field, and applying those in order to understand how students learn  ...  <p>Learning Management System (LMS) is an online software that was hosted on a server and designed specifically to manage learners' information, course registration, learning content, and assessment tool  ...  Some of the tools will be discussed below: Commercial educational data mining tools are software developed by commercial companies.  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijeecs.v13.i1.pp15-21 fatcat:s474rpqegfcsloy2rm4netsl5i

A survey of data mining and knowledge discovery software tools

Michael Goebel, Le Gruenwald
1999 SIGKDD Explorations  
We propose a feature classification scheme that can be used to study knowledge and data mining software.  ...  This scheme is based on the software's general characteristics, database connectivity, and data mining characteristics.  ...  Among others, there is a list more than 60 data mining software vendors, a list with software patents related to data mining, and general information (tutorials and papers) related to data mining.  ... 
doi:10.1145/846170.846172 fatcat:733gyr2r2vbexp6zw5eq5f347e
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