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Combining Statistics of Geometrical and Correlative Features for 3D Face Recognition

Y. Huang, Y. Wang, T. Tan
2006 Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2006  
The proposed method is based on both global statistics of geometrical features and local statistics of correlative features of facial surfaces.  ...  Finally, the two kinds of features are supposed to be complementary to some extent, and the combination of them is proven to be able to improve the recognition performance.  ...  Global statistical analysis of geometrical features This experiment aims to evaluate the performance of using global statistics of geometrical features (GSGF) for 3D face recognition.  ... 
doi:10.5244/c.20.90 dblp:conf/bmvc/HuangWT06 fatcat:irfwdn6uoncdtfrle7mnxit5fq

Cross-pose Face Recognition by Canonical Correlation Analysis [article]

Annan Li, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, Bingpeng Ma, Shuicheng Yan, Wen Gao
2015 arXiv   pre-print
The pose problem is one of the bottlenecks in automatic face recognition.  ...  In our method, based on the data set with coupled face images of the same identities and across two different poses, CCA learns simultaneously two linear transforms, each for one pose.  ...  It was supported in part by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Contract 61173065, 61025010, 61222211, and 61003103; and the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (New Technologies and Methods in  ... 
arXiv:1507.08076v1 fatcat:airjyjndxvgtvlrol7i4hg2kwa

Spotting the Details: The Various Facets of Facial Expressions

Carl Martin Grewe, Gabriel Le Roux, Sven-Kristofer Pilz, Stefan Zachow
2018 2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2018)  
Abstract-3D Morphable Models (MM) are a popular tool for analysis and synthesis of facial expressions.  ...  This expression code can be used, for instance, as a feature in automatic facial expression recognition.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We kindly thank Sophie Buchner and Alexander Tack for their valuable support and discussions during preparation of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1109/fg.2018.00049 dblp:conf/fgr/GreweRPZ18 fatcat:vj3yxyn2azg25gxydekwxsf2yu

Quantifying Facial Expression Abnormality in Schizophrenia by Combining 2D and 3D Features

Peng Wang, Christian Kohler, Fred Barrett, Raquel Gur, Ruben Gur, Ragini Verma
2007 2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
The features include 2D and 3D geometric features, and the moment invariants combining both 3D geometry and 2D textures.  ...  Facial expression recognition experiments on actors demonstrate that our combined features can better characterize facial expressions than either 2D geometric or texture features.  ...  Acknowledge We would like to acknowledge support from NIH grants 1R01MH73174-01 (for method development) and R01-MH060722 (for data acquisition).  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2007.383061 dblp:conf/cvpr/WangKBGGV07 fatcat:qtpkneynjranjknrw23dbswat4

Face Recognition in the Presence of Expressions

Xia Han, Moi Hoon Yap, Ian Palmer
2012 Journal of Software Engineering and Applications  
To investigate how the use of distances can help the recognition process, a feature set of diagonal distance patterns, were determined and extracted to distinguish face models.  ...  The results of the study have indicated that our proposed analysis methods of facial expressions, was capable of undertaking face recognition using a minimum set of features improving efficiency and computation  ...  combination with the texture (2D intensity image) is used for the purpose of recognition.  ... 
doi:10.4236/jsea.2012.55038 fatcat:q54iem6v4bawrehwgh6mz4sqw4

Face Verification for Access Control [chapter]

Wen Gao, Shiguang Shan
2002 Biometric Solutions  
In this chapter, we discuss the research issues and state-of-the-art of face verification for access control.  ...  We start by analyzing a typical face verification system for access control, and then explore the dominant technologies in the field.  ...  Systems using geometric features for face recognition can be found in [8, 14, 9, 10, 12, 50] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-1053-6_13 fatcat:t4lye7kgtvbildz6i7hx4n6b74

Learning structurally discriminant features in 3D faces

Sreenivas R. Sukumar, Hamparsum Bozdogan, David L. Page, Andreas F. Koschan, Mongi A. Abidi
2008 2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing  
The feature-subsets that we infer as the output establishes domain knowledge for the challenging problem of 3D face recognition with dense 3D gallery models and sparse or low resolution probes.  ...  Index Terms-3D face recognition, feature learning, dimensionality reduction, informative-discrimant face features.  ...  The alternative pattern recognition approach to 3D face recognition using geometric feature measurements would have been to use ideas like PCA [9] or LDA [8] on face features and search for the nearest  ... 
doi:10.1109/icip.2008.4712154 dblp:conf/icip/SukumarBPKA08 fatcat:jraejddabrcpvnt424lq2vfgui

A unified probabilistic framework for automatic 3D facial expression analysis based on a Bayesian belief inference and statistical feature models

Xi Zhao, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Jianhua Zou, Liming Chen
2013 Image and Vision Computing  
The proposed BBN performs Bayesian inference based on Statistical Feature Models (SFM) and Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution and feature a hybrid approach in fusing both geometric and appearance features along  ...  When using manually labeled landmarks, the proposed framework achieved an average recognition rate of 94.2% and 85.6% for the 7 and 16 AU on face data from the Bosphorus dataset respectively, and 89.2%  ...  3D Face Analyzer project under the grant ANR 2010 INTB 0301 01.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.imavis.2012.10.001 fatcat:j4kcualxa5e4vep2wderfsiiqq

Modeling Stylized Character Expressions via Deep Learning [chapter]

Deepali Aneja, Alex Colburn, Gary Faigin, Linda Shapiro, Barbara Mones
2017 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We also show that the ranking order predicted by the proposed features is highly correlated with the ranking order provided by a facial expression expert and Mechanical Turk experiments.  ...  We first train two Convolutional Neural Networks to recognize the expression of humans and stylized characters independently.  ...  ), and Bonnie (Josh Sobel Rigs).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54184-6_9 fatcat:skwhiteavjhqdgq34kpgh4baaa

Applying fusion in thermal face recognition

Jan Vana, Stepán Mrácek, Martin Drahanský, Ahmad Poursaberi, Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
2012 Biometrics and Electronic Signatures  
This paper investigates combinations of manymethods, used for thermal face recognition, and introduces some new and modified algorithms, which have not been used in the area as of yet.  ...  Recently,there has been an increased interest in face recognition in the thermal infra-red spectrum, because it solves some problems of the visible spectrum recognition.  ...  Therefore, to maximize the performance of the thermal face recognition, amultialgorithmic fusion must be applied. 5A cknowledgment This work waspartially supported by the following grants: NATO CBP.EAP.CLG  ... 
dblp:conf/biosig/VanaMDPY12 fatcat:h6wm4xakurc6ro6ngam6b7xfz4

Adaptive Analysis of Different Methodologies for 2D and 3D Face Recognition Framework

Shilpi Singh, Tapas Kumar
2016 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
We are trying to improve efficiency and recognition rate also proposed an algorithm for recognizing 3D face images which exploits the feature of principal component analysis and eigenfaces.  ...  We are trying to give an idea of the state of the art for 3D face recognition technology. We are trying to improve efficiency and recognition rate.  ...  G.V.Ramaraju Lingaya's university Faridabad, and faculty members of school of computer science for valuable guidance and support for writing this paper.  ... 
doi:10.17577/ijertv5is100377 fatcat:gspxh3hpzbfovnnvvdrwerrlty

Multi-Camera Face Recognition by Reliability-Based Selection

Binglong Xie, Terry Boult, Visvanathan Ramesh, Ying Zhu
2006 2006 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety  
A reliability measure is trained using the features extracted from both face detection and recognition processes, to evaluate the inherent quality of channel recognition.  ...  In each channel, real-time component-based face detection detects the face with moderate pose and illumination changes with fusion of individual component detectors for eyes and mouth, and the normalized  ...  TABLE I COMMON I COMBINING RULES FOR MULTIPLE CLASSIFIERS USING DISTANCES Method Rule Minimal geometric mean ω k TABLE II BREAKDOWN II OF FUSED FACE RECOGNITION. comparison of selection and common  ... 
doi:10.1109/cihsps.2006.313294 fatcat:rt5swqwdtbg2hird4qxxaqpbem

A 3D Face Recognition Algorithm Using Histogram-based Features [article]

Xuebing Zhou, Helmut Seibert, Christoph Busch, Wolfgang Funk
2008 Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, EG 3DOR  
The actual region of the face to be analyzed is determined using a simple statistical method.  ...  Subsequently, the face is realigned in a coordinate system derived from the nose tip and the symmetry axis, resulting in a normalized 3D model.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work presented in this paper was supported in part by the European Commission under Contract 3D FACE [EU06], a European Integrated Project funded under the European Commission IST FP6  ... 
doi:10.2312/3dor/3dor08/065-071 fatcat:6p437ytjcrgzplohhltzkqwrr4

Maximizing intra-individual correlations for face recognition across pose differences

Annan Li, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao
2009 2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
In the first, we transform non-frontal face into frontal for recognition. And in the second, we perform recognition in the media subspace with probabilistic modeling.  ...  The variations of pose lead to significant performance decline in face recognition systems, which is a bottleneck in face recognition.  ...  Of these, pose change is one of the most important and difficult issues for face recognition.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2009.5206659 dblp:conf/cvpr/LiSCG09 fatcat:5lbofscpvbh3dolhhp43yr5ro4

Face Recognition Techniques: A Survey

V.Vi jayakumari
2013 World Journal of Computer Application and Technology  
Face is the index of mind. It is a complex multidimensional structure and needs a good computing technique for recognition.  ...  While using automatic system for face recognition, computers are easily confused by changes in illumination, variation in poses and change in angles of faces.  ...  Hence, their face descriptor contains quite enough 3D information of a person's face to help for recognition and eventually for search, retrieval, and browsing of photographs, videos, and 3D-facial model  ... 
doi:10.13189/wjcat.2013.010204 fatcat:zv5jrbcmazexnigyzim5smajpa
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