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State Space Methods for Coloured Petri Nets

Lars Michael Kristensen
2000 DAIMI Report Series  
Such a state space is often much smaller than the ordinary, full state space, but it does allow derivation of many verification results. State spaces with equivalence classes is not our invention.  ...  <br /> The first paper considers state space analysis of Coloured Petri Nets.  ...  The state spaces had up to 150,000 nodes and 250,000 arcs. Communication Gateways at AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCES.  ... 
doi:10.7146/dpb.v29i546.7080 fatcat:6m5iv66devhdhcuiri644cytca


2010 Pacific Philosophical Quarterly  
does the object appear the colour it really is?  ...  daylight that we are able to perceive the real colours of objects.  ...  Rigidification is supposed to help respect the intuition that the colours of objects would not 'really' change if the prevailing conditions changed, and thereby capture some of the intuitive pull of the  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1468-0114.2009.01355.x fatcat:z2gwck2kovcsznnnjdqyqoqjha


David A. Denby
2006 The Philosophical Quarterly  
But the problem he points out with classifying selection as internal is really just an instance of the general problem of how we manage to grasp underdetermined predicates, is not peculiar to magical ersatzism  ...  Lewis writes that Properties of charge, mass, quark colour and flavour, and the like, might perhaps do (if they could somehow be shared by abstract simples ...).  ...  same colour as y, then any duplicate of x is also taller than or the same colour as any duplicate of y.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1467-9213.2006.00435.x fatcat:loobnw7h2zb45giccbb6bqxawq

In Defence of Sartori

Jocelyn A. J. Evans
2002 Party Politics  
But the elasticity of space cannot be measured using a simple Left-Right placement scale: the area is bounded by the extremes of the scale which may in fact be stretching over time in a single nation.  ...  Although the methodological notions of types and classes are rigorous and perhaps not always intuitive, Sartori cannot be accused of obscuring this argument.  ... 
doi:10.1177/1354068802008002001 fatcat:ihyfr2ggqzdnjg3yidhqtnkr5y

The Doctrine of Sufficiency: A Defence

2005 Utilitas  
Or, suppose a person needs certain vitamins, but his lack of them may have no effect on his wellbeing.  ...  This sufficientarian conviction, I propose, stems from a different way of conceptualizing the well-being space.  ...  Two deeply incompatible views can be offered as the theoretical background to this intuition. The first is the DE-priority view.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0953820805001676 fatcat:6vyjftkhtjdbxgy7f6l5tb2t54

In defence of error theory

Chris Daly, David Liggins
2009 Philosophical Studies  
Preserving our intuitive judgments is one goal of theory-construction, but there is no guarantee that that the most virtuous theory will have this particular virtue: a theory which sacrifices many intuitive  ...  We are happy to contribute to the defence of these expressivist theories.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11098-009-9346-1 fatcat:gh3bmgu5jzbcdjr2ztbwi4rwuy

In defence of biodiversity

Joanna Burch-Brown, Alfred Archer
2017 Biology & Philosophy  
seems intuitively to be more diverse.  ...  Thanks to an anonymous referee for raising this concern.In defence of biodiversity  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10539-017-9587-x pmid:29563655 pmcid:PMC5842252 fatcat:3nel5vjivngeffhinp63x6gri4

Neuromorphic technologies for defence and security

Paul Kirkland, Gaetano Di Caterina, John Soraghan, George Matich, Maria Farsari, John G. Rarity, Francois Kajzar, Attila Szep, Richard C. Hollins, Gerald S. Buller, Robert A. Lamb, Martin Laurenzis (+7 others)
2020 Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence V; and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Micro- and Nanosystems in Security and Defence III  
Despite the highly promising advances in Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) in recent years, DL requires significant hardware acceleration to be effective, as it is rather computationally expensive  ...  This paper reports on the current state of the art in the field of NM systems, and it describes three application scenarios of SNN-based processing for security and defence, namely target detection and  ...  These features are utilised through the decoding network to map the latent feature space back onto the original pixel space.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.2575978 fatcat:basxvhxo4veunpn3hn36jwathq

The Value of Attack-Defence Diagrams [chapter]

Holger Hermanns, Julia Krämer, Jan Krčál, Mariëlle Stoelinga
2016 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper introduces Attack-Defence Diagrams as a formalism to describe intricate attackdefence scenarios that can represent the above mentioned situational conditions.  ...  A diagram's semantics naturally corresponds to a game where its players, the attacker and the defender, compete to turn the game's outcome from undecided into a successful attack or defence, respectively  ...  A Gentle Introduction to Attack Defence Diagrams In this section we provide an intuitive discussion of the attack defence diagram formalism using a running example.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-49635-0_9 fatcat:velxui7w5bgini7uaqmkg6jh6i

Enhancing Challenge Framing in Defence Organisations: Towards Reflexive Methods

Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard, Philippe Dufort
2020 Honvédségi Szemle  
This article contributes to problem solving, design, and planning in defence organisations by arguing that a 'problem' or a 'challenge' is never objective, natural or ready-made.  ...  The article supports these recommendations and methods through insights gleaned from philosophy of knowledge, design theory, and on design experiences with the North American Aerospace Defence Command  ...  They may not be aware of it, but these leaders are echoing an intuition expressed in the Albert Einstein quotations above.  ... 
doi:10.35926/hdr.2020.2.2 fatcat:pp7tqijqbfczlmmuc3vzuoq5xa

A defence of informational structural realism [chapter]

Luciano Floridi
2011 The Philosophy of Information  
Intuitively, the smaller, abstract, type {red, amber, green} is a projection of the larger.  ...  The ontological problem is explainable by means of a simple formalism.  ... 
doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199232383.003.0015 fatcat:lfzkrtnbnzefzpntujhluf3zke

Defence against adversarial attacks using classical and quantum-enhanced Boltzmann machines [article]

Aidan Kehoe, Peter Wittek, Yanbo Xue, Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens
2020 arXiv   pre-print
We provide a robust defence to adversarial attacks on discriminative algorithms.  ...  We use Boltzmann machines for discrimination purposes as attack-resistant classifiers, and compare them against standard state-of-the-art adversarial defences.  ...  Peter was a great leader and mentor, which had great impact not only in the authors' careers, but in that of so many others. Peter, you would have enjoyed so much the advances we are witnessing.  ... 
arXiv:2012.11619v1 fatcat:hcnmgznvsffdbnygdm6ydvkx3q

A defence of informational structural realism

Luciano Floridi
2007 Synthese  
Intuitively, the smaller, abstract, type {red, amber, green} is a projection of the larger.  ...  The ontological problem is explainable by means of a simple formalism.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11229-007-9163-z fatcat:yrqcttscvzbcdavrsby75juqay

Vulnerabilities of Connectionist AI Applications: Evaluation and Defence [article]

Christian Berghoff and Matthias Neu and Arndt von Twickel
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Based on this and the observation that adaptive attackers may circumvent any single published AI-specific defence to date, the article concludes that single protective measures are not sufficient but rather  ...  The discussion of mitigations is likewise not restricted to the level of the AI system itself but rather advocates viewing AI systems in the context of their supply chains and their embeddings in larger  ...  Table 1 shows that the size of the input space for some common tasks is extremely large. Even rather simple and academic AI models as e.g.  ... 
arXiv:2003.08837v1 fatcat:mhkwfkm5kva73lkugzquz22kuy

In Defence of Direct Realism

2006 Philosophy and Phenomenological Research  
That would, in effect, be to capitulate to the Argument [sc. from illusion] . . .  ...  that its apparent distance is any jot less an intrinsic feature of it than its colour, as straightforwardly phenomenologically false.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1933-1592.2006.tb00624.x fatcat:6iufywznhbcz7naft246ofpysm
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