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Color based skin classification

Rehanullah Khan, Allan Hanbury, Julian Stöttinger, Abdul Bais
2012 Pattern Recognition Letters  
component of a color space, (3) the appropriate pixel based skin color modeling technique and finally, (4) the effect of color constancy algorithms on color based skin classification.  ...  decreases performance, (3) the selection of an appropriate skin color modeling approach is important and that the tree based classifiers (Random forest, J48) are well suited to pixel based skin detection  ...  and finally, (4) the effect of color constancy algorithms on color based skin classification.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2011.09.032 fatcat:urgyul2fdzcwfcjc7hw47zmcji

Consistent image-based measurement and classification of skin color

M. Harville, H. Baker, N. Bhatti, S. Susstrunk
2005 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005  
Little prior image processing work has addressed estimation and classification of skin color in a manner that is independent of camera and illuminant.  ...  To this end, we first present new methods for 1) fast, easy-to-use image color correction, with specialization toward skin tones, and 2) fully automated estimation of facial skin color, with robustness  ...  In general, classification performed best when color transforms were based only on skin-colored target patches, declining by about 40% (in terms of average rank of correct label) when "skin+gray" or "all  ... 
doi:10.1109/icip.2005.1530070 dblp:conf/icip/HarvilleBBS05 fatcat:xhsyjm3ycvdkbb2psrjpbif6ve

Soft Biometrics Authentication

2022 Journal of Information Technology Research  
In the classification process, we first perform facial skin detection by segmentation using the thresholding method in the HSV color space.  ...  This manuscript presents the design of a new approach of human skin color authentication. Skin color is one of the most popular soft biometric modalities.  ...  But none of these methods offers an authentication approach based on the results of skin color detection and classification.  ... 
doi:10.4018/jitr.298620 fatcat:l3c7nnpzsrhwfbv6xkr43k5b24

Supervised Learning Methods for Skin Segmentation Based on Pixel Color Classification

Ahmad Taan, Zakarya Farou
2021 Central-European Journal of New Technologies in Research Education and Practice  
In this paper, we offer a comparison between five major supervised learning algorithms for skin segmentation based on the color of individual pixels in images.  ...  Using YCbCr representation gave a better performance in skin/non-skin classification.  ...  Indeed, based on Table 7 and Figure 11 Model Conclusion In this study, we addressed the skin segmentation problem based on pixel color using SL methods.  ... 
doi:10.36427/cejntrep.3.1.779 fatcat:v2lto5vxwvd4pcs5earmbgni2q

Preferred Racial Skin Color Reproduction in an Image based on Race Classification

Dae-Chul Kim, Wang-Jun Kyung, Yeong-Ho Ha
2015 Journal of Imaging Science and Technology  
Kim, Kyung, and Ha: Preferred racial skin color reproduction in an image based on race classification Figure 1. Block diagram of the proposed skin color reproduction.  ...  Based on this classification, the racial preferred skin color for each detected skin region is then selected from candidate racial preferred skin colors that are predefined in a database generated through  ...  Based on this classification, the preferred skin color for each detected skin region is selected from a database of candidate racial preferred skin colors.  ... 
doi:10.2352/j.imagingsci.technol.2015.59.2.020504 fatcat:24bzpm3gxzcn7bp2j5mh3jn5wi

Automatic classification of skin lesions using color mathematical morphology-based texture descriptors

Victor Gonzalez-Castro, Johan Debayle, Yanal Wazaefi, Mehdi Rahim, Caroline Gaudy-Marqueste, Jean-Jacques Grob, Bernard Fertil, Fabrice Meriaudeau, Olivier Aubreton
2015 Twelfth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision 2015  
In this paper an automatic classification method of skin lesions from dermoscopic images is proposed.  ...  This method is based on color texture analysis based both on color mathematical morphology and Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps (SOM), and it does not need any previous segmentation process.  ...  In this paper an automatic classification method of skin lesions from dermoscopic images with no need of segmentation is proposed.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.2182592 fatcat:gp2zhcrd2ngbvbqlmm3ngy56qu


Andi Sadri Agung, Amin Farid Dirgantara SR, Muh Syachrul Hersyam, Andi Baso Kaswar, Dyah Darma Andayani
2023 Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif)  
So it can be concluded that the method used has gone well in classifying tomato image quality based on color features and skin characteristics.  ...  Therefore, in this research, a method of classification of tomatoes was carried out using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Backpropagation algorithm by utilizing color features and skin characteristics  ... 
doi:10.52436/1.jutif.2023.4.5.730 fatcat:hcnjpngakjaw5fnn6e75ysla44

A Color and Texture Based Hierarchical K-NN Approach to the Classification of Non-melanoma Skin Lesions [chapter]

Lucia Ballerini, Robert B. Fisher, Ben Aldridge, Jonathan Rees
2013 Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics  
This chapter proposes a novel hierarchical classification system based on the K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) model and its application to nonmelanoma skin lesion classification.  ...  Color and texture features are extracted from skin lesion images. The hierarchical structure decomposes the classification task into a set of simpler problems, one at each node of the classification.  ...  Conclusions We have presented an algorithm based on a novel hierarchical K-NN classifier, and its application as the first classification of 5 most common classes of nonmelanoma skin lesion from color  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-94-007-5389-1_4 fatcat:frvgckorfzbrxgvh6dq33g7ymi

Skin Lesion Classification Based on Surface Fractal Dimensions and Statistical Color Cluster Features Using an Ensemble of Machine Learning Techniques

Simona Moldovanu, Felicia Anisoara Damian Michis, Keka C. Biswas, Anisia Culea-Florescu, Luminita Moraru
2021 Cancers  
As a main contribution, this work proposes a descriptor that combines skin surface fractal dimension and relevant color area features for skin lesion classification purposes.  ...  have not been previously used for skin lesion classification purpose.  ...  Conclusions In this paper, a study based on the skin surface fractal dimensions and relevant average percentages of the color area features was conducted for skin lesion classification.  ... 
doi:10.3390/cancers13215256 pmid:34771421 pmcid:PMC8582408 fatcat:z3gko23y6za5vp2nytwgpqblv4

Classification of Banana Maturity Levels Based on Skin Image with HSI Color Space Transformation Features Using the K-NN Method

Adhe Irham Thoriq, Muhamad Haris Zuhri, Purwanto Purwanto, Pujiono Pujiono, Heru Agus Santoso
2022 Journal of Development Research  
Classification of the level of ripeness of plantain fruit is done with the help of the rapidminer tool. The method used is K-NN.  ...  In this study, the author focuses on identifying the level of ripeness of bananas using the image of a plantain fruit that is still intact and its skin.  ...  The stages carried out in this study are based on the proposed method, the stages carried out include preprocessing, skin image transformation with color space transformation on the skin using RGB and  ... 
doi:10.28926/jdr.v6i1.200 fatcat:d7uhbog3v5b7pehc5rmrxz64gq

Threshold Based Skin Color Classification

Sasan Karamizadeh, Shahidan Abdullah, Jafar Shayan, Parham Nooralishahi, Behnaz Bagherian
Our approach was based multi-skin color Hue, Saturation, and Value color space and multi-level segmentation.  ...  Moreover, in this formula, we adopted Gaussian-based weight k-NN algorithm for skin classification.  ...  CLASSIFICATION OF SKIN COLOUR The aim of skin color pixel classification is to determine if a color pixel is a skin color or non-skin color.  ... 

Simple mathematical operations based classification of the light color values of the images for skin cell detection

Selahaddin Akben
These methods are mostly based on skin color classification because the color change in skin is important for medical doctors.  ...  However, proposed classification methods are based on complex mathematical equations.  ...  In this study, a new classification algorithm based on simple mathematical operations and light color of skin images was proposed.  ... 

Skin Color detection Using Stepwise Neural Network and Color Mapping Co-occurrence Matrix

Ghazali Osman, Muhammad Suzuri Hitam
Most of skin classification researches are focused on using pixel-based method to classify skin and non-skin pixels.  ...  The performance of each skin color classifier was measured based on true and false positive value.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to express my sincere appreciation to Professor Javier, Ruiz-del-Solar [26] from Universidad de Chile and Professor Hsu, Rein-Lien [27] from Michigan State University for their skin  ... 
doi:10.24297/ijct.v12i7.3076 fatcat:3hcluoynmjernpi3q5qhl2q624

Skin segmentation using color and edge information

S.L. Phung, A. Bouzerdoum, D. Chai
2003 Seventh International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, 2003. Proceedings.  
We show that Bayesian skin color model outperforms many other models such as the piece-wise linear models, Gaussian models and model based on multilayer perceptrons.  ...  An algorithm for segmenting skin regions in color images using color and edge information is presented. Skin colored regions are first detected using a Bayesian model of the human skin color.  ...  Most existing skin segmentation approaches are based on skin color. Skin regions are detected by looking for pixels that have skin colors.  ... 
doi:10.1109/isspa.2003.1224755 dblp:conf/isspa/PhungBC03 fatcat:do7lalgn7ras3j2ezczk2f3veq

A Person and Context Specific Approach for Skin Color Classification

M. Wimmer, B. Radig, M. Beetz
2006 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06)  
Skin color is an important feature of faces. Various applications benefit from robust skin color detection.  ...  This approach is capable to distinguish skin color from extremely similar colors, such as lip color or eyebrow color.  ...  They describe the main color spaces and the skin color models and categorize the classification techniques.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpr.2006.151 dblp:conf/icpr/WimmerRB06 fatcat:naj57gswbzbqdnuskjrb7u6elm
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