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Collision-free and smooth trajectory computation in cluttered environments

Jia Pan, Liangjun Zhang, Dinesh Manocha
2012 The international journal of robotics research  
The algorithm performs local spline refinement to compute smooth, collision-free trajectories and it works well even in environments with narrow passages.  ...  We present a novel trajectory computation algorithm to smooth piecewise linear collision-free trajectories computed by samplebased motion planners.  ...  Liangjun Zhang was supported in part by NSF Computing Innovation Fellowship under Grant #0937060 to the Computing Research Association.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0278364912453186 fatcat:45g6zhbshna7ne6y5hupos7yhy

Collision-Free and Curvature-Continuous Path Smoothing In Cluttered Environments

Jia Pan, Liangjun Zhang, Dinesh Manocha
2011 Robotics: Science and Systems VII  
We present a novel trajectory computation algorithm to smooth jerky collision-free paths computed by samplebased motion planners.  ...  The algorithm performs local spline refinement to compute smooth, collision-free paths in narrow passages and satisfy velocity and acceleration constraints.  ...  Our formulation can compute curvature-continuous trajectories and also works well in cluttered environments.  ... 
doi:10.15607/rss.2011.vii.032 dblp:conf/rss/PanZM11 fatcat:e5c3ldioxnbuvjtildrfy4iy7q

DS-MPEPC: Safe and Deadlock-Avoiding Robot Navigation in Cluttered Dynamic Scenes [article]

Senthil Hariharan Arul, Jong Jin Park, Dinesh Manocha
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We present a novel trajectory cost formulation that significantly reduces the conservative and deadlock behaviors and generates smooth trajectories.  ...  Moreover, we propose a terminal state cost based on the expected time-to-goal and time-to-collision values that helps in avoiding trajectories that could result in deadlock.  ...  DenseCAvoid [23] uses reinforcement learning and trajectory predictions to generate smooth, collision-free trajectories. Arpino et al.  ... 
arXiv:2303.10133v1 fatcat:rf67g2r6gvhgdf5yssll3hugfi

Time-Continuous Real-Time Trajectory Generation for Safe Autonomous Flight of a Quadrotor in Unknown Environment

Yonghee Park, Woosung Kim, Hyungpil Moon
2021 Applied Sciences  
In this paper, we present an efficient global and local replanning method for a quadrotor to complete a flight mission in a cluttered and unmapped environment.  ...  A minimum-snap global path planner generates a global trajectory that comprises some waypoints in a cluttered environment.  ...  A UAV has to replan the global trajectory in order to fly in an unmapped and cluttered environment.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app11073238 fatcat:lx6csuo4rjfdtedyi5ufueqw7q

Collision Free Smooth Path for Mobile Robots in Cluttered Environment Using an Economical Clamped Cubic B-Spline

Iram Noreen
2020 Symmetry  
An optimal path for a mobile robot is measured by various factors such as path length, path smoothness, collision-free curve, execution time, and the total number of turns.  ...  The test cases used for experiments include a simple structure environment, complex un-structured environment, an environment full of random cluttered narrow obstacles, and a case study of an indoor narrow  ...  • Collision-free smoothness: It is the most crucial metric as a smooth path obtained in minimal computational time with required continuity and short length will be of no use if it is not free from  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym12091567 fatcat:nbhthvjv5rh2hazqpgizmacele

Time-Optimal Path Parameterization of Rigid-Body Motions: Applications to Spacecraft Reorientation

Huy Nguyen, Quang-Cuong Pham
2016 Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics  
constraints in cluttered environments.  ...  Finally, the first and second derivatives are smooth and easy to compute, which is useful for TOPP where we need smooth and easy-to-compute first and second derivatives.  ... 
doi:10.2514/1.g001600 fatcat:un2f2oexabgcpkj7n3bqi6oliq

Physics-based trajectory optimization for grasping in cluttered environments

Nikita Kitaev, Igor Mordatch, Sachin Patil, Pieter Abbeel
2015 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  
We present novel cost objectives and identify failure modes relevant to grasping in cluttered environments.  ...  Grasping an object in a cluttered, unorganized environment is challenging because of unavoidable contacts and interactions between the robot and multiple immovable (static) and movable (dynamic) obstacles  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research has been funded in part by AFOSR-YIP Award #FA9550-12-1-0345, by NSF under award IIS-1227536, by a DARPA Young Faculty Award #D13AP00046, and by a Sloan Fellowship.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra.2015.7139625 dblp:conf/icra/KitaevMPA15 fatcat:eridxhzfxzawjfbcggpnasjpxu

Fast smoothing of manipulator trajectories using optimal bounded-acceleration shortcuts

Kris Hauser, Victor Ng-Thow-Hing
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
Experiments on reaching tasks in cluttered human environments demonstrate that the technique can generate smooth, collision-free, and natural-looking motion in seconds for a PUMA manipulator and the Honda  ...  These trajectory segments consist of parabolic and straight-line curves, and can be computed in closed form.  ...  Experimental results on a PUMA manipulator and the Honda ASIMO robot demonstrate that the algorithm can smooth trajectories in moderately cluttered environments in seconds.  ... 
doi:10.1109/robot.2010.5509683 dblp:conf/icra/HauserN10 fatcat:6ocb2smkinca5j7vlokphxqlde

Hybrid DDP in Clutter (CHDDP): Trajectory Optimization for Hybrid Dynamical System in Cluttered Environments [article]

Shushman Choudhury, Yifan Hou, Gilwoo Lee, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa
2017 arXiv   pre-print
By first solving the relaxed problem of getting an obstacle-free, dynamically feasible trajectory and then solving for both obstacle-avoidance and optimality, we can generate smooth, locally optimal control  ...  We present an algorithm for obtaining an optimal control policy for hybrid dynamical systems in cluttered environments.  ...  The set of all configurations in collision with the environment and in self-collision (if applicable) is denoted as X obs and the complement of this is the free space X f ree " X zX obs .  ... 
arXiv:1710.05231v1 fatcat:vg2jdlgnbvaxnl4qzlfv7kiqcu

EGO-Swarm: A Fully Autonomous and Decentralized Quadrotor Swarm System in Cluttered Environments [article]

Xin Zhou, Jiangchao Zhu, Hongyu Zhou, Chao Xu, Fei Gao
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Then agents generate safe, smooth, and dynamically feasible trajectories in only several milliseconds using an unreliable trajectory sharing network.  ...  In order to improve robustness and escape local minima, we incorporate a lightweight topological trajectory generation method.  ...  In the bottom figure, the environment is more cluttered.  ... 
arXiv:2011.04183v3 fatcat:s3w3773fejgndjixp53mcg36b4

Learning Goal-Directed Object Pushing in Cluttered Scenes with Location-Based Attention [article]

Nils Dengler and Juan Del Aguila Ferrandis and João Moura and Sethu Vijayakumar and Maren Bennewitz
2024 arXiv   pre-print
The presence of clutter in the environment further complicates this task, introducing the need to include more sophisticated spatial analysis to avoid collisions.  ...  clutter.  ...  Finally, we evaluated the robustness of our approach in a physical hardware setup, demonstrating smooth and precise trajectories under various challenging clutter layouts, including dynamic obstacles.  ... 
arXiv:2403.17667v1 fatcat:tky6uibhmngx5lkmjjwb6564ei

Motion Planning for Humanoid Robots [chapter]

James Kuffner, Koichi Nishiwaki, Satoshi Kagami, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue
2005 Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics  
In order to improve the autonomy and overall functionality of these robots, reliable sensors, safety mechanisms, and general integrated software tools and techniques are needed.  ...  We show experimental results obtained by implementations running within a simulation environment as well as on actual humanoid robot hardware. P. Dario and R.  ...  This research was supported in part by a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Scholars in Science and Engineering, and by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Research  ... 
doi:10.1007/11008941_39 fatcat:v47kxl4tlzhtflv4zfxda2tpt4

Autonomous Aerial Filming with Distributed Lighting by a Team of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Vit Kratky, Alfonso Alcantara, Jesus Capitan, Petr Stepan, Martin Saska, Anibal Ollero
2021 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters  
trajectories even in cluttered environments.  ...  in dynamic environments.  ...  A decentralized planner computes UAV trajectories considering smoothness, shot diversity, collision avoidance, and mutual visibility.  ... 
doi:10.1109/lra.2021.3098811 fatcat:vhpwk4gbenhrraioehrhzhrchi

3D-OGSE: Online Safe and Smooth Trajectory Generation using Generalized Shape Expansion in Unknown 3-D Environments [article]

Vrushabh Zinage, Senthil Hariharan Arul, Dinesh Manocha, Satadal Ghosh
2021 arXiv   pre-print
A collision-free path is computed by sampling points in the generalized shape and is used to generate a smooth, time-parametrized trajectory by minimizing snap.  ...  In this paper, we present an online motion planning algorithm (3D-OGSE) for generating smooth, collision-free trajectories over multiple planning iterations for 3-D agents operating in an unknown obstacle-cluttered  ...  Generating smooth feasible collision-free trajectories for such 3-D agents, especially in obstacle-dense or cluttered 3-D environments, forms a key problem.  ... 
arXiv:2005.13229v6 fatcat:ohvps3kopzct7dyoeqck7yzrui

Autonomous Flight through Cluttered Outdoor Environments Using a Memoryless Planner [article]

Junseok Lee, Xiangyu Wu, Seung Jae Lee, Mark W. Mueller
2021 arXiv   pre-print
The RAPPIDS motion planner generates collision-free flight trajectories at high speed with low computational cost using only the latest depth image.  ...  Therefore, in this paper we introduce solutions to each of the above problems and propose a system for the successful operation of the RAPPIDS planner in an outdoor cluttered flight environment.  ...  For instance, in [6] , a local map map of the environment is used and a nonconvex, nonlinear optimization problem is solved to get collision-free smooth trajectories.  ... 
arXiv:2103.12156v1 fatcat:eeyvhiegfnduriqd3m4ojutc3u
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