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Collision-Free and Curvature-Continuous Path Smoothing In Cluttered Environments

Jia Pan, Liangjun Zhang, Dinesh Manocha
2011 Robotics: Science and Systems VII  
The algorithm performs local spline refinement to compute smooth, collision-free paths in narrow passages and satisfy velocity and acceleration constraints.  ...  We highlight the performance of our algorithm on complex benchmarks, including path computation for rigid and articulated models in tight spaces and cluttered environments.  ...  Our formulation can compute curvature-continuous trajectories and also works well in cluttered environments.  ... 
doi:10.15607/rss.2011.vii.032 dblp:conf/rss/PanZM11 fatcat:e5c3ldioxnbuvjtildrfy4iy7q

Collision Free Smooth Path for Mobile Robots in Cluttered Environment Using an Economical Clamped Cubic B-Spline

Iram Noreen
2020 Symmetry  
An optimal path for a mobile robot is measured by various factors such as path length, path smoothness, collision-free curve, execution time, and the total number of turns.  ...  However, most of the planners generate a non-smooth less optimal and linear piecewise path. Post processing smoothing is applied at the cost of increase in path length.  ...  generating a collision free smooth path shown in Figure 7f .  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym12091567 fatcat:nbhthvjv5rh2hazqpgizmacele

Experimental Comparison of Global Motion Planning Algorithms for Wheeled Mobile Robots [article]

Eric Heiden, Luigi Palmieri, Kai O. Arras, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Sven Koenig
2020 arXiv   pre-print
cluttered cities or parking), and propose metrics for planning efficiency and path quality.  ...  Planning smooth and energy-efficient motions for wheeled mobile robots is a central task for applications ranging from autonomous driving to service and intralogistic robotics.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Ziang Liu for his contributions to the software repository and testing of various algorithms.  ... 
arXiv:2003.03543v1 fatcat:qpoingbrizcldonqydxyvwpevm

A Real-Time Hydrodynamic-Based Obstacle Avoidance System for Non-holonomic Mobile Robots with Curvature Constraints

Pei-Li Kuo, Chung-Hsun Wang, Han-Jung Chou, Jing-Sin Liu
2018 Applied Sciences  
Furthermore, the pure pursuit controller is implemented to achieve a smooth transition between the streamline paths in the environment with multiple obstacles.  ...  , and predictable paths for obstacle avoidance.  ...  Robot X80 in a cluttered indoor environment.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app8112144 fatcat:x4lhleuskrftvogfnhhs6nqqoq

UAV Path Planning Framework Under Kinodynamic Constraints in Cluttered Environments [chapter]

Liang Yang, Juntong Qi, Yang Cao, Yuqing He, Jianda Han, Jizhong Xiao
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
A novel kinodynamic planning framework, which covers path panning, smoothing, tracking and emergency threat managing, is proposed.  ...  The Bezier curve guarantees both G 1 and G 2 continuity to decrease the tracking error of our LQI based tracking controller, where two Bezier curves with different continuity order are discussed.  ...  UAV path planning typically focuses on time efficiency of finding a collision free path.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-22876-1_22 fatcat:nlbxjj5n2bepzf47ekrmjdwrmq

Optimal Vehicle Path Planning Using Quadratic Optimization for Baidu Apollo Open Platform [article]

Yajia Zhang, Hongyi Sun, Jinyun Zhou, Jiacheng Pan, Jiangtao Hu, Jinghao Miao
2021 arXiv   pre-print
How to generate a kinematically feasible and smooth path, that can avoid collision in complex environment, makes path planning a challenging problem.  ...  For urban driving scenarios, autonomous vehicles need the ability to navigate in cluttered environment, e.g., roads partially blocked by a number of vehicles/obstacles on the sides.  ...  Path optimization procedure computes a path (green strip) with multiple curves to avoid collisions in the cluttered environment. second-order continuity of the path.  ... 
arXiv:2112.02132v1 fatcat:qngb6vegurao7l6i4yjqzptg7y

A G3-Continuous Extend Procedure for Path Planning of Mobile Robots with Limited Motion Curvature and State Constraints

Tomasz Gawron, Maciej Michałek
2018 Applied Sciences  
In this paper, we consider the planning of G 3-continuous planar paths with continuous and limited curvature in a motion environment that is bounded and contains obstacles modeled by a set of (non-convex  ...  To solve the planning problem under those stringent constraints, we improve upon known path primitives, such as Reeds–Shepp (RS) and CC-steer (curvature-continuous) paths.  ...  The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app8112127 fatcat:wxhtizsj35dndhpog6ynuua6jy

Collision-Free Path Planning Method for Robots Based on an Improved Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree Algorithm

Xinda Wang, Xiao Luo, Baoling Han, Yuhan Chen, Guanhao Liang, Kailin Zheng
2020 Applied Sciences  
The proposed algorithm is simulated in different environments.  ...  In addition, because this method can efficiently use boundary nodes, it has a stronger applicability to narrow environments compared with existing RRT algorithms and can effectively improve the success  ...  Additionally, thanks to Shanda Wang, Yan Jia and Lei Wang for the language help. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app10041381 fatcat:mjujlp723rdktpbm6j4mhj53am

Hierarchical Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving in Low-speed Driving Scenarios Based on RRT and Optimization [article]

Yuying Chen, Haoyang Ye, Ming Liu
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Additionally, it is essential to treat these scenarios differently as, in most cases, the driving environment is narrow, dynamic, and rich with obstacles, which also causes the planning in such environments  ...  Though great effort has been put into the study of path planning on urban roads and highways, few works have studied the driving strategy and trajectory planning in low-speed driving scenarios, e.g., driving  ...  The trajectory planner generates the collision-free path (green curve) and optimizes the timestamp (yellow text) of the nodes (green dots) along the path.  ... 
arXiv:1904.02606v1 fatcat:pswdert72rdz7gw3pzw3gylvau

Modified A-Star (A*) Approach to Plan the Motion of a Quadrotor UAV in Three-Dimensional Obstacle-Cluttered Environment

Ghulam Farid, Silvio Cocuzza, Talha Younas, Asghar Abbas Razzaqi, Waqas Ahmad Wattoo, Ferdinando Cannella, Hongwei Mo
2022 Applied Sciences  
In this formalism, the complete motion planning is divided into shortest path search problem and smooth trajectory generation.  ...  This new approach significantly reduces the path length and renders only those nodes that are obstacle-free. The latter is ensured using a collision detection algorithm during the truncation process.  ...  collision-free path between initial and final positions.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12125791 fatcat:75ip2mu7jfdpncpok2zlfpak4q

Safe Low-Altitude Navigation in Steep Terrain with Fixed-Wing Aerial Vehicles [article]

Jaeyoung Lim, Florian Achermann, Rik Girod, Nicholas Lawrance, Roland Siegwart
2024 arXiv   pre-print
A sampling-based planner creates collision-free and kinematically feasible paths that begin and end in safe periodic (circular) paths.  ...  We show that, in realistic terrain, using circular periodic paths can simplify the goal selection process by making it yaw agnostic and constraining yaw.  ...  and curvature for planning collisionfree paths in alpine environments.  ... 
arXiv:2401.04831v2 fatcat:ek2chxwrmjcaxcobrzgrb4z2ke

Collision-free and smooth trajectory computation in cluttered environments

Jia Pan, Liangjun Zhang, Dinesh Manocha
2012 The international journal of robotics research  
The algorithm performs local spline refinement to compute smooth, collision-free trajectories and it works well even in environments with narrow passages.  ...  We highlight the performance of our algorithm on complex benchmarks, including path computation for rigid and articulated models in cluttered environments.  ...  Acknowledgment This work was supported in part by ARO Contract W911NF-10-1-0506, NSF awards 0917040, 0904990 and 1000579, and RDE-COM Contract WR91CRB-08-C-0137.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0278364912453186 fatcat:45g6zhbshna7ne6y5hupos7yhy

Path Smoothing Techniques in Robot Navigation: State-of-the-Art, Current and Future Challenges

Abhijeet Ravankar, Ankit Ravankar, Yukinori Kobayashi, Yohei Hoshino, Chao-Chung Peng
2018 Sensors  
The aim of this paper is to succinctly summarize and review the path smoothing techniques in robot navigation and discuss the challenges and future trends.  ...  Finally, the paper discusses the current and future challenges in optimal trajectory generation and smoothing research.  ...  In [39] , S.R. Chang et al. propose a collision free continuous G 2 path using interpolation.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s18093170 pmid:30235894 pmcid:PMC6165411 fatcat:z5al7h5jkbharpydasnnhbtl3e

RRT* Combined with GVO for Real-time Nonholonomic Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environment [article]

Yuying Chen, Ming Liu
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Special concern is given to path generation, including curvature check, making the generated path feasible for nonholonomic robots. We experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of the framework.  ...  Challenges persist in nonholonomic robot navigation in dynamic environments. This paper presents a framework for such navigation based on the model of generalized velocity obstacles (GVO).  ...  Then a collision free and smooth path is generated by RRT* and spline interpolation.  ... 
arXiv:1710.07102v2 fatcat:bkor6apuk5fnhgtu4icud4idrq

A Robocentric Motion Planner for Dynamic Environments Using the Velocity Space

Eduardo Owen, Luis Montano
2006 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
The method maps the dynamic environment into a model in the velocity space, computing the times to potential collision and potential escape and the associated robot velocities.  ...  This paper addresses a method to optimize the robot motion planning in dynamic environments, avoiding the moving and static obstacles while the robot drives towards the goal.  ...  In [17] , smooth paths composed by curves which maintain the curvature continuity (clothoids and arc of circles), obtaining feasible trajectories are proposed. But no time considerations are made.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2006.282012 dblp:conf/iros/OwenM06 fatcat:hapuy53j4bdrvdm2lmryqqypxm
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