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CoMutDB: the landscape of somatic mutation co-occurrence in cancers

Limin Jiang, Hui Yu, Jijun Tang, Yan Guo, Christina Kendziorski
2022 Bioinformatics  
Motivation Somatic mutation co-occurrence has been proven to have a profound effect on tumorigenesis.  ...  Results Using multi-omics data from over 30 000 subjects and 1747 cancer cell lines, we present the Cancer co-mutation database (CoMutDB), the most comprehensive resource devoted to describing cancer co-mutations  ...  CoMutDB is the first database dedicated to the curation and description of the landscape of mutation co-occurrence in cancers.  ... 
doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btac725 pmid:36355452 pmcid:PMC9805589 fatcat:izjnf262nrdmxje552fkw77dqy

Interactive Data Collection Using CARLA and OpenCDA for Reinforcement Learning. Abstract presented at: International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM 2022); August 08, 2022; Philadelphia, PA, USA [article]

Alan Chen, Joseph Clemmons, Umar Jamil, Ashley Land, Sara Ahmed, Yu-Fang Jin
2023 figshare.com  
A python script was developed that randomized the yaml file's parameters such that the characteristics of the CAVs in a platoon and the speed of the platoon and ego AV varied during each episode.  ...  SUMO's python API was utilized to develop XML files for different traffic environments, such as the number of vehicles in the system, their initial locations, initial speed, and final locations during  ...  Keywords: Genetic epidemiology, Mendelian randomization, White blood cells, Obesity CoMutDB: The Landscape of Somatic Mutation Co-occurrence in Cancers Chaoyi T.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.23691105.v1 fatcat:nejb7e2zlvdcjfubosr5wsbtce