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Sustaining Modern Infrastructure For Political And Social Event Data

Patrick Brandt, Latifur Khan, Vito D'Orazio, Javier Osorio
2022 Zenodo  
Event data in this context refers to a machine-coded description of someone doing something to someone else as extracted from news reports.  ...  Our system scrapes contemporaneous news reports in English, Spanish, and other languages, and automatically encodes relevant political events for data analysts.  ...  violence [1]. • Available at github.com/eventdata/ConfliBERT • CoMe-KE: Transformers-based method for discovering political actors and extracting relevant role and location information from text sources  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6858997 fatcat:fkzqarahu5h5xcb335lqizswhq

MuseumLab al Louvre: nuovi modelli cognitivi nella trasmissione del patrimonio artistico? [article]

Scatturin Cecilia
Alessia Monti and the CeRiN staff for the useful discussions on the application scenario sketched above.  ...  Acknowledgments This work has been realized also thanks to the support from the Provincia autonoma di Trento and the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto.  ...  by leaning on a cognitively modeled knowledge base.  ... 
doi:10.15168/11572_86912 fatcat:uqoo4muorfapjiwmpln6jm2ztq