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345,052 Hits in 2.0 sec

Cluster Forests

Donghui Yan, Aiyou Chen, Michael I. Jordan
2013 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis  
With inspiration from Random Forests (RF) in the context of classification, a new clustering ensemble method---Cluster Forests (CF) is proposed.  ...  The search for good local clusterings is guided by a cluster quality measure kappa. CF progressively improves each local clustering in a fashion that resembles the tree growth in RF.  ...  However, the most direct motivation for our work is the Random Forests (RF) methodology for classification (Breiman, 2001) .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.csda.2013.04.010 fatcat:tuscrqy2nzhgvelgbi4x5fmgei

Spectral Clustering, Bayesian Spanning Forest, and Forest Process [article]

Leo L. Duan, Arkaprava Roy
2022 arXiv   pre-print
To fill this gap, we propose the Bayesian forest model as a generative graphical model for spectral clustering.  ...  This is motivated by our discovery that the posterior connecting matrix in a forest model has almost the same leading eigenvectors, as the ones used by normalized spectral clustering.  ...  In comparison, the clustering of the forest model shows much less sensitivity to model specification. Pr(c i = c j | y) from the forest model. (c) Pr(K | y) from the forest model.  ... 
arXiv:2202.00493v2 fatcat:2dqjt7pfabd5bkxkrv4ttan32i

Meaningful Clustered Forest: an Automatic and Robust Clustering Algorithm [article]

Mariano Tepper, Pablo Musé, Andrés Almansa
2011 arXiv   pre-print
the detection of less-populated, but still salient, clusters.  ...  We propose a new clustering technique that can be regarded as a numerical method to compute the proximity gestalt.  ...  Then, one can detect the meaningful clustered forest among non-background points, yielding a stabilized meaningful clustered forest.  ... 
arXiv:1104.0651v3 fatcat:xt2czxlgynhj5g4rg37wp546qy

The Sum-over-Forests clustering

Mathieu Senelle, Marco Saerens, François Fouss
2014 The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks  
This work introduces a novel way to identify dense regions in a graph based on a mode-seeking clustering technique, relying on the Sum-Over-Forests (SoF) density index [1] (which can easily be computed  ...  Experiments on articial and real datasets show that the proposed index performs well in nodes clustering.  ...  → k is present in forest ϕ.  ... 
dblp:conf/esann/SenelleSF14 fatcat:pzkopqhscbaizigos2o4uln5be

Fair Correlation Clustering in Forests [article]

Katrin Casel, Tobias Friedrich, Martin Schirneck, Simon Wietheger
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We give an overview of the distributions and types of forests where Fair Correlation Clustering turns from tractable to intractable.  ...  The unfair version of Correlation Clustering is trivial on forests, but adding fairness creates a surprisingly rich picture of complexities.  ...  If G is a forest, then no cluster in a minimum-cost fair clustering is of size more than 4. Proof.  ... 
arXiv:2302.11295v1 fatcat:hcvboisgwbfbvovoo2k6r2gmse

Differentiable Clustering with Perturbed Spanning Forests [article]

Lawrence Stewart, Felipe Llinares López, Quentin Berthet
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We introduce a differentiable clustering method based on stochastic perturbations of minimum-weight spanning forests.  ...  This allows us to include clustering in end-to-end trainable pipelines, with efficient gradients.  ...  Acknowledgements We thank Jean-Philippe Vert for discussions relating to this work and Simon Legrand for conversations relating to the CLEPS computing cluster.  ... 
arXiv:2305.16358v3 fatcat:xifm3vtl4ff55og6axex34jslu

Forest Fire Clustering for Single-cell Sequencing with Iterative Label Propagation and Parallelized Monte Carlo Simulation [article]

Zhanlin Chen, Jeremy Goldwasser, Philip Tuckman, Jason Liu, Jing Zhang, Mark Gerstein
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Overall, Forest Fire Clustering is a useful tool for rare cell type discovery in large-scale single-cell analysis.  ...  Here, we introduce Forest Fire Clustering, an efficient and interpretable method for cell-type discovery from single-cell data.  ...  Benchmarking Forest Fire Clustering on MCA data: a) Forest Fire cluster labels. b) Posterior exclusion probability for the Forest Fire cluster labels. c) Entropy for the Forest Fire cluster labels. d)  ... 
arXiv:2103.11802v4 fatcat:lhmjndie5bffzk6jhnyb3jddbm

Feature-Weighting and Clustering Random Forest

Zhenyu Liu, Tao Wen, Wei Sun, Qilong Zhang
2020 International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems  
Classical random forest (RF) is suitable for the classification and regression tasks of high-dimensional data.  ...  In this paper, a novel method of node split of the decision trees is proposed, which adopts feature-weighting and clustering.  ...  Table 5 5 The accuracy of FWCRF compared with Adaboost and random forest (RF).  ... 
doi:10.2991/ijcis.d.201202.001 fatcat:qfbfbgex7rdwtlkt37o26n6ume

Randomized Clustering Forests for Image Classification

F. Moosmann, E. Nowak, F. Jurie
2008 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
We introduce Extremely Randomized Clustering Forests-ensembles of randomly created clustering trees-that are more accurate, much faster to train and test, and more robust to background clutter compared  ...  Finally, we show that our ERC-Forests are used very successfully for learning distances between images of never-seen objects.  ...  Combining these ideas, we introduce Extemely Randomized Clustering Forests (ERC-Forests), which are ensembles of randomly created clustering trees.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpami.2007.70822 pmid:18617720 fatcat:ylezgvgx6ze5lpl56bsfm7lclu

Boundary-Forest Clustering: Large-Scale Consensus Clustering of Biological Sequences [article]

Defne Surujon, José Bento, Tim van Opijnen
2020 bioRxiv   pre-print
Here, we present Boundary-Forest Clustering (BFClust), a method that addresses these challenges in three main steps: 1) The approximate-nearest-neighbor retrieval method Boundary-Forest is used as a representative  ...  selection step; 2) Downstream clustering of the representatives is performed using Markov Clustering (MCL); 3) Consensus clustering is applied across the Boundary-Forest, improving clustering accuracy  ...  one clustering output, the whole 162 Boundary-Forest thus leading to an ensemble of possible clustering outputs.  ... 
doi:10.1101/2020.04.28.065870 fatcat:nh4hhmyqn5etjkmrcdmpjbfxxe

Forest Fire Prediction Using K-Mean Clustering and Random Forest Classifier

Prasetyo Mimboro, Bayu Yanuargi, Romdhi Surimba, Kusrini Kusrini, Khusnawi Khusnawi
2022 CSRID Journal  
Based on the clustered data, the data training and data test given for random forest classifier for model development, the composition of the data training and data test is 70:30.  ...  The clustering process needed to give a label to the data with five class label, very low risk, low risk, medium risk, high risk, very high risk.  ...  Using K-Mean method that data have been clustered to be 5 cluster and produce below cluster. D. Random Forest Classifier Random forest is one of the methods used for classification and regression.  ... 
doi:10.22303/csrid.14.2.2022.157-165 fatcat:lnz33g62f5f4rll66mzq5jgbly

Higher order clustering of Lyα forest [article]

Soumak Maitra
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Higher order clustering statistics of Lyα forest provide a unique probe to study non-gaussianity in Intergalactic matter distribution up to high redshifts and from large to small scales.  ...  The observational side of this involves redshift-space clustering of low-z (z<0.48) and high-z (1.7<z<3.5) Lyα absorbers.  ...  Higher order clustering, however, remains largely unexplored in Lyα forest.  ... 
arXiv:2312.15761v1 fatcat:epwib6osa5hw5de6tsgsxyg33y

Combining clustering of variables and feature selection using random forests [article]

Marie Chavent
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Numerical performances of the proposed approach are compared with direct applications of random forests and variable selection using random forests on the original p variables.  ...  The novel methodology proposed in this paper combines clustering of variables and feature selection.  ...  Rectangles indicate the partition in K * = 9 clusters (in green, the m = 6 clusters selected by VSURF, and in red the remaining unrelevant clusters). • CoV/RF: random forests are applied on the K * synthetic  ... 
arXiv:1608.06740v2 fatcat:5q2gwadarvev5almvph4cxc3vm

Fuzzy clustering based on Forest optimization algorithm

Arash Chaghari, Mohammad-Reza Feizi-Derakhshi, Mohammad-Ali Balafar
2018 Journal of King Saud University: Computer and Information Sciences  
In this paper, the combination of one of the recent optimization algorithms called Forest optimization algorithm and one of the local search methods called gradient method are used to perform fuzzy clustering  ...  By analyzing and comparing the results of the proposed method with the results of algorithms GGAFCM (fuzzy clustering based on genetic algorithm) and PSOFCM (fuzzy clustering based on particle swarm optimization  ...  Using the Forest optimization algorithm, optimized cluster centers can be obtained.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jksuci.2016.09.005 fatcat:4qlm6irwvralzgnkeuqystewva

Creating health typologies with random forest clustering

Ping Sun, Irena Begaj, Iris Fermin, Jim McManus
2010 The 2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)  
(ii) A novel random forest clustering algorithm is used for generating clusters and it has several obvious advantages over the commonly used k-means algorithm in practice.  ...  As we use a novel random forest clustering algorithm which is immune to this kind of transformation in the clustering stage, it can retain the original flavor of the data as much as possible.  ...  There are three parameters to be pre-specified for the random forest model: number of variables considered at each node split at tree construction, number of trees and number of forests.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ijcnn.2010.5596554 dblp:conf/ijcnn/SunBFM10 fatcat:5sn7vgerp5fmhgx4sczqch2eju
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