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Towards Effective Network Intrusion Detection: From Concept to Creation on Azure Cloud

Smitha Rajagopal, Poornima Panduranga Kundapur, K. S Hareesha
2021 IEEE Access  
In the proposed study, we have presented a meta-classification approach using decision jungle to perform both binary and multiclass classification.  ...  We have established the robustness of our approach by configuring an optimal set of hyper-parameters coupled with relevant feature subsets using a production-ready environment namely Azure machine learning  ...  Additionally, misuse (signature-based) and anomaly-based are the other two types of IDS based on detection mechanisms.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3054688 fatcat:bp3g5iqds5fuxokzwup2o5cvmm

An Anomaly Mitigation Framework for IoT Using Fog Computing

Muhammad Aminu Lawal, Riaz Ahmed Shaikh, Syed Raheel Hassan
2020 Electronics  
The anomaly-based module using the XGBoost classifier detects attacks with an accuracy of 99% and at least 97% for average recall, average precision, and average F1 score for binary and multiclass classification  ...  We evaluated the performance of both modules using an IoT-based dataset in terms response time for the signature-based module and accuracy in binary and multiclass classification for the anomaly-based  ...  Probe iii.R2L NSL KDD An Ensemble Learning 9 based Network Intrusion Detection System (ELNIDS) Anomaly-based Ensemble ML Experiments Routing attacks.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics9101565 fatcat:jzvsxl3wkffvrif6lickyrzvcm

Improving the Performance of Machine Learning-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems on the UNSW-NB15 Dataset

Soulaiman Moualla, Khaldoun Khorzom, Assef Jafar, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos
2021 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
Our proposed system is a dynamically scalable multiclass machine learning-based network IDS. It consists of several stages based on supervised machine learning.  ...  The new directions of the IDSs aim to leverage the machine learning models to design more robust systems with higher detection rates and lower false alarm rates.  ...  Acknowledgments e authors thank the Department of Telecommunications at the Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology for full support.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/5557577 fatcat:s3z2jh4z6jh6ld56jtwhxx6ga4

Authors Index

2021 2021 Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS)  
Hala Abdel-Galil Ensemble Model-based Weighted Categorical Cross-entropy Loss for Facial Expression Recognition Hala M.  ...  Ghaleb Content-based Image Retrieval based on Convolutional Neural Networks Mostafa Alaa A Survey on Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Systems for IoT Networks Mostafa Essa Anomaly Detection using Unsupervised  ...  Radwa Reda Attention Detection using Electro-oculography  ... 
doi:10.1109/icicis52592.2021.9694196 fatcat:bx3n453xyrafjbbbelaxqhmbfm

GTF: An Adaptive Network Anomaly Detection Method at the Network Edge

Renjie Li, Zhou Zhou, Xuan Liu, Da Li, Wei Yang, Shu Li, Qingyun Liu, Yuyu Yin
2021 Security and Communication Networks  
In this paper, we propose an adaptive ensemble-based method, named GTF, which combines TabTransformer and GBDT to leverage categorical and numerical features effectively and introduces Focal Loss to mitigate  ...  Network Anomaly Detection (NAD) has become the foundation for network management and security due to the rapid development and adoption of edge computing technologies.  ...  As a result, network security is a critical concern in our daily lives and business operations. ere is an urgent need for efficient and reliable anomaly detection mechanisms to shield our network.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/3017797 fatcat:lkswlqk4pnfkfo6imo32eub33a

Design and Development of RNN Anomaly Detection Model for IoT Networks

Imtiaz Ullah, Qusay H. Mahmoud
2022 IEEE Access  
First, this paper proposes a novel deep learning model for anomaly detection in IoT networks using a recurrent neural network.  ...  Finally, a lightweight deep learning model for binary classification was proposed using LSTM, BiLSTM, and GRU based approaches.  ...  [79] used machine learning approaches to design and evaluate an anomaly based IoT NIDS.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2022.3176317 fatcat:3haetnnq2nfjxgpphsc7rvxgti

An Optimal NIDS for VCN Using Feature Selection and Deep Learning Technique

Pankaj Kumar Keserwani, Mahesh Chandra Govil, E. S. Pilli, Prajjval Govil
2021 International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics  
The existing approaches that use the conventional neural network cannot utilize all information for identifying the intrusions. In this paper, the anomaly-based NIDS for VCN is proposed.  ...  The protection of VCN is required to maintain the faith of the cloud users. Intrusion detection is essential to secure any network.  ...  detection, where ML techniques, ensemble techniques, DL techniques, and shallow learning techniques are utilized.  ... 
doi:10.4018/ijdcf.20211101.oa10 fatcat:wsr5o3naivasjldacavcpcz3ua

A Review on IoT Intrusion Detection Systems Using Supervised Machine Learning: Techniques, Datasets, and Algorithms

Azeez Rahman Abdulla, Noor Ghazi M. Jameel
2023 UHD Journal of Science and Technology  
Then, based on evaluating and contrasting recent studies in the field of IoT intrusion detection, a review regarding the IoT IDSs is offered with regard to the methodologies, datasets and machine learning  ...  Even though the IoT network is protected by encryption and authentication, cyber-attacks are still possible. Consequently, it's crucial to have an intrusion detection system (IDS) technology.  ...  An intelligent anomaly detection system called Anomaly Detection IoT (AD-IoT) which used the UNSW-NB15 dataset and RF to identify binary labeled categorization had been proposed.  ... 
doi:10.21928/uhdjst.v7n1y2023.pp53-65 fatcat:bhhrunxsgvhi7eco74alv2oi2u

Comparison and analysis of supervised machine learning algorithms

Alaa Abdulhussein Daleh Al-magsoosi, Ghassan Nashat Mohammed, Zamen Abood Ramadhan
2021 Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN)  
In terms of detection rate, accuracy, false alarm rate, and Matthews correlation coefficient, supervised machine learning techniques surpass other algorithms.  ...  Based on distance measurements, this study proposes algorithms for supervised machine learning.  ...  A vector-based machine learning approach, SVM is generally a supervised model [18] . Two classes and two people are shown to be making use of categorization learning methods in Figure 1 .  ... 
doi:10.21533/pen.v9i4.2507 fatcat:sxr7lbwa3nfejgfsd75fgi7xxa

Using Machine Learning to Detect Cyber Attacks

Ravi B Prakash, Prof Rajeshwari K
2024 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews  
The study delves into the intricacies of feature selection, data preprocessing, and model evaluation techniques, pivotal components in refining the accuracy and efficiency of ML-based cybersecurity systems  ...  This paper provides an in-depth exploration of the application of ML techniques in the realm of cyber attack detection.  ...  In this paper [2] , a transfer learning and ensemble learning-based IDS is proposed for IoV systems using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and hyper-parameter optimization techniques.  ... 
doi:10.55248/gengpi.5.0224.0555 fatcat:ck5trqwxwzbqfmvesekr7hjhcq

Ensemble Models for Intrusion Detection System Classification

Geethamanikanta Jakka, Izzat M. Alsmadi
2022 International Journal of Smart Sensor and Adhoc Network.  
In this scope, we evaluated the usage of state-of-the-art ensemble learning models in improving the performance and efficiency of IDS/IPS.  ...  of detection and high efficiency.  ...  In the SDN environment, anomalies can be detected. This paper has discussed and applied a deep learning idea for detecting anomalies based on the flow.  ... 
doi:10.47893/ijssan.2022.1209 fatcat:m5hflzegz5es3kbscv4lpu5khq

Table of Contents

2021 2021 Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS)  
..................... 154 Predicting the Big Five for social network users using their personality characteristics 160 Ensemble Model-based Weighted Categorical Cross-entropy Loss for Facial Expression  ...  Using BERT Transformers .............. 207 Attention Detection using Electro-oculography Signals in E-learning Environment .... 213 Technologies, tools, and resources -driving forces in construction sector  ... 
doi:10.1109/icicis52592.2021.9694157 fatcat:qnwadgegdfbbrds3tvrz4wpr4q

An Approach for the Application of a Dynamic Multi-Class Classifier for Network Intrusion Detection Systems

Xavier Larriva-Novo, Carmen Sánchez-Zas, Víctor A. Villagrá, Mario Vega-Barbas, Diego Rivera
2020 Electronics  
Most of the studies use a unique machine learning model, identifying anomalies related to possible attacks. In other cases, machine learning algorithms are used to identify certain type of attacks.  ...  Currently, the use of machine learning models for developing intrusion detection systems is a technology trend which improvement has been proven.  ...  We used the method based on an ensemble model based on XGBoost to improve the detection rate.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics9111759 fatcat:mpw4ckwaurc2vi2kwoikrocgxq

Towards Automated Machine Learning: Evaluation and Comparison of AutoML Approaches and Tools [article]

Anh Truong, Austin Walters, Jeremy Goodsitt, Keegan Hines, C. Bayan Bruss, Reza Farivar
2019 arXiv   pre-print
There has been considerable growth and interest in industrial applications of machine learning (ML) in recent years.  ...  Automated machine learning (AutoML) has emerged as a way to save time and effort on repetitive tasks in ML pipelines, such as data pre-processing, feature engineering, model selection, hyperparameter optimization  ...  H2O-Automl uses the combination of random grid search with stacked ensembles, as diversified models improve the accuracy of ensemble method.  ... 
arXiv:1908.05557v2 fatcat:vjvoor6gufemralwjqrhxzkuya

The Use of Ensemble Models for Multiple Class and Binary Class Classification for Improving Intrusion Detection Systems

Celestine Iwendi, Suleman Khan, Joseph Henry Anajemba, Mohit Mittal, Mamdouh Alenezi, Mamoun Alazab
2020 Sensors  
Machine Learning Ensemble Models with base classifiers (J48, Random Forest, and Reptree) were built.  ...  Binary classification, as well as Multiclass classification for KDD99 and NSLKDD datasets, was done while all the attacks were named as an anomaly and normal traffic.  ...  Another multiclass classification that uses a heterogeneous ensemble model and outlier detection in a combination of numerous approaches and ensemble methods was developed by [3] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/s20092559 pmid:32365937 fatcat:mogkts24tfajbkdxvmtbzf4bta
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