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Characterizing Multi-Domain False News and Underlying User Effects on Chinese Weibo [article]

Qiang Sheng, Juan Cao, H. Russell Bernard, Kai Shu, Jintao Li, Huan Liu
2022 pre-print
The code and new anonymized dataset are available at https://github.com/ICTMCG/Characterizing-Weibo-Multi-Domain-False-News.  ...  Based on the distributions and spreads of the multi-domain dataset, we observe that false news in domains that are close to daily life like health and medicine generated more posts but diffused less effectively  ...  Acknowledgments The authors thank Carole Bernard, Xirong Li, and Amrita Bhattacharjee for their proofreading and feedback on the manuscript. The  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ipm.2022.102959 arXiv:2205.03068v1 fatcat:d62tj77re5eybcuronlfihwbdm

Misinformation vs. Situational Awareness: The Art of Deception and the Need for Cross-Domain Detection

Constantinos-Giovanni Xarhoulacos, Argiro Anagnostopoulou, George Stergiopoulos, Dimitris Gritzalis
2021 Sensors  
Our evaluation process is based on a set of criteria, including a predefined set of performance metrics, data pre-processing features, and domains of implementation.  ...  This paper explores the evolving field of misinformation detection and analytics on information published in news articles, with an emphasis on methodologies that handle multiple dimensions of the fake  ...  NewsWire, SLN (English) LUN (English) Weibo (Chinese) RCED (Chinese) of Campina Grande Fake news classification based on subjective language Multi-Cross Domains (Politics, Sports,  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21165496 pmid:34450937 pmcid:PMC8401861 fatcat:r4u3jxnlabfh5jhs2qkx3zowzq

Evaluating Rumor Debunking Effectiveness During the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: Utilizing User Stance in Comments on Sina Weibo

Xin Wang, Fan Chao, Guang Yu
2021 Frontiers in Public Health  
postings of five false rumors related to COVID-19 (dated from January 20, 2020, to June 28, 2020) belonging to three categories, authoritative, social, and political, on Sina Weibo in China were randomly  ...  The spread of rumors related to COVID-19 on social media has posed substantial challenges to public health governance, and thus exposing rumors and curbing their spread quickly and effectively has become  ...  False news around COVID-19 circulated less on Sina Weibo than on Twitter. How to overcome false information? Int Multidisc J Social Sci.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.770111 pmid:34926388 pmcid:PMC8678741 fatcat:el5rp2lzmngjjme2dlosz4xkoe

The Web of False Information: Rumors, Fake News, Hoaxes, Clickbait, and Various Other Shenanigans [article]

Savvas Zannettou, Michael Sirivianos, Jeremy Blackburn, Nicolas Kourtellis
2019 arXiv   pre-print
of false information; 3) detecting and containing false information on the Web; and 4) false information on the political stage.  ...  A new era of Information Warfare has arrived.  ...  Acknowledgments This work is supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie "ENCASE" project (Grant Agreement No. 691025).  ... 
arXiv:1804.03461v3 fatcat:n6tcgwt3wfcpnlrcfiwrz7trj4

The Web of False Information: Rumors, Fake News, Hoaxes, Clickbait, and Various Other Shenanigans [article]

Savvas Zannettou, Michael Sirivianos, Jeremy Blackburn, Nicolas Kourtellis
2018 Zenodo  
of false information; 3) detecting and containing false information on the Web; and 4) false information on the political stage.  ...  A new era of Information Warfare has arrived.  ...  [183] (B), Golbeck and Hansen [72] (B), Jackson and Welles [90] (P), Hegelich and Janetzko [81] (P), Zannettou et al. [193] (P) Howard and Kollanyi [88] (P), Shin et al.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1479936 fatcat:ocyoy7z7dfcjzhhhxym47j5bhy

Research status of deep learning methods for rumor detection

Li Tan, Ge Wang, Feiyang Jia, Xiaofeng Lian
2022 Multimedia tools and applications  
Besides, this work summarizes 30 works into 7 rumor detection methods such as propagation trees, adversarial learning, cross-domain methods, multi-task learning, unsupervised and semi-supervised methods  ...  Then, this work divides deep learning models of rumor detection into CNN, RNN, GNN, Transformer based on the model structure, which is convenient for comparison.  ...  Choosing a good embedding method plays an essential role in obtaining the underlying nature of news and successfully detecting false information on the Internet.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11042-022-12800-8 pmid:35469150 pmcid:PMC9022167 fatcat:h5vjukpkyzdhnjhikgtpj347e4

TheWeb of False Information: Rumors, Fake News, Hoaxes, Clickbait, and Various Other Shenanigans

Savvas, Michael, Jeremy, Nicolas
2018 Zenodo  
of false information; 3) detecting and containing false information on the Web; and 4) false information on the political stage.  ...  A new era of Information Warfare has arrived.  ...  Acknowledgments This work is supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie "ENCASE" project (Grant Agreement No. 691025).  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1216801 fatcat:tm3jtrnxurfqtbhccjkabjazci

"Why Drones for Ordinary People?" Digital Representations, Topic Clusters, and Techno-Nationalization of Drones on Zhihu

Hamm, Lin
2019 Information  
Users engage in digital representational technologies publicly and collectively to raise questions and represent their views on new technologies.  ...  At the same time, the sense-making process of drone-related discussions evokes emerging sets of narrative user identities with potential political effects.  ...  Acknowledgments: We thank the chairs of the 2019 ICA Preconference Digital Asia for their encouraging feedback to this study and especially the support of Muneo Kaigo.  ... 
doi:10.3390/info10080256 fatcat:itcvethvlbhgzjkni33uyfifim

Online collective action in China: a new integrated framework

Ting Xue Tianjin, Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Bert Klandermans
2016 Sociopedia  
Weibo is a type of China-based micro-blogging service and social network platform, based on relationships and sharing brief real-time information. 3.  ...  Notes 'Netizens' refers to Internet users in China.  ...  In the final section, we summarize the features of this new form of political participation for Chinese people and analyze its effects on social and political development in China.  ... 
doi:10.1177/205684601661 fatcat:7jlz5dpgujbynnay342rjspozu

Identifiability, Risk, and Information Credibility in Discussions on Moral/Ethical Violation Topics on Chinese Social Networking Sites

Xi Chen, Chenli Huang, Yi Cheng
2020 Frontiers in Psychology  
In this study, we constructed a model based on the literature and tested it on a sample of 218 frequent SNS users.  ...  One heated argument in recent years concerns whether requiring real name supervision on social media will inhibit users' participation in discoursing online speech.  ...  To validate our hypotheses, we conducted a survey on the use of WeChat and Weibo by Chinese users.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.535605 pmid:33192777 pmcid:PMC7644537 fatcat:q5fbdzjlyrctzbmru4uon4vqta

Structured Learning from Heterogeneous Behavior for Social Identity Linkage

Siyuan Liu, Shuhui Wang, Feida Zhu
2015 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  
maximize the structure and behavior consistency on users' core social structure across different platforms, thus the task of identity linkage can be performed on groups of users, which is beyond the individual  ...  matching against high noise and information missing, and the behavior similarity are described by multi-dimensional similarity vector for each user pair; (II) we build structure consistency models to  ...  The authors also thank Jinbo Zhang and Ramayya Krishnan for valuable discussions and support.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tkde.2015.2397434 fatcat:vh2kmavkgrhcneipro2d2ydfii

Sentiment Analysis of Rumor Spread Amid COVID-19: Based on Weibo Text

Peng Wang, Huimin Shi, Xiaojie Wu, Longzhen Jiao
2021 Healthcare  
rumors" after conducting topic model analysis on Weibo texts; in study 2, we explored the emotional changes of netizens before and after rumor dispelling information was released and found people's positive  ...  ., various rumors appeared and spread wildly, and the Internet became a hotbed of rumors. (2) Methods: the study selected Weibo as the research media, using topic models, time series analysis, sentiment  ...  level and classifying the overall opinion on a multi-point scale.  ... 
doi:10.3390/healthcare9101275 pmid:34682955 fatcat:haktdfdv75fxnbelrxjw24oxpa

Rumor Detection with Self-supervised Learning on Texts and Social Graph [article]

Yuan Gao, Xiang Wang, Xiangnan He, Huamin Feng, Yongdong Zhang
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of SRD for automatic rumor detection on social media.  ...  In this work, we explore contrastive self-supervised learning on heterogeneous information sources, so as to reveal their relations and characterize rumors better.  ...  [16] studies two new features, the client program used and event location, and extends the original work to Chinese. Ma et al.  ... 
arXiv:2204.08838v1 fatcat:ybmyd4ipxfh3zamwxcd53ha7k4

FakeGPT: Fake News Generation, Explanation and Detection of Large Language Models [article]

Yue Huang, Lichao Sun
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Explanation -- We obtain nine features to characterize fake news based on ChatGPT's explanations and analyze the distribution of these factors across multiple public datasets.  ...  Consequently, we further probe into the potential extra information that could bolster its effectiveness in detecting fake news.  ...  CHINESE RUMOR Dataset (Song et al., 2018) : This dataset is obtained from Weibo and contains Chinese rumors along with their original text and reposts or comments information.  ... 
arXiv:2310.05046v2 fatcat:sffnapfs2jarhcwbf7nwwz6bru

Towards Understanding the Information Ecosystem Through the Lens of Multiple Web Communities [article]

Savvas Zannettou
2019 arXiv   pre-print
community to another and how we can model and quantify the influence between Web communities; 2) characterizing the role of emerging Web communities and services on the Web, by studying Gab and two Web  ...  news and memes.  ...  To further study the problem, they collect data ,pertaining to a dispute between two big Chinese IT companies, from users of 2 popular Chinese news sites (namely Sohu [22] and Systems Biased.  ... 
arXiv:1911.10517v1 fatcat:piuwv7zv7zghlof5tqhuhnukla
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