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Retransmission-Based Distributed Video Streaming with a Channel-Adaptive Packet Scheduler

Young H. JUNG, Hong-Sik KIM, Yoonsik CHOE
2010 IEICE transactions on communications  
distributed media streaming, peer-to-peer, stored-video streaming  ...  This paper describes a channel-adaptive packet scheduler for improved error control performance in a peer-cooperative distributed media streaming system.  ...  We use two different identities for each packet during streaming to check for packet loss based on the sequence gap and channel status.  ... 
doi:10.1587/transcom.e93.b.696 fatcat:46fb66gbbraubo4yupv6am4z5i

Low Latency Video Streaming Over Peer-To-Peer Networks

Eric Setton, Jeonghun Noh, Bernd Girod
2006 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo  
The protocol is combined with an adaptive scheduling algorithm which ensures packets destined to a large number of peers, or particularly important to decode the video, are sent in priority.  ...  For low latency video streaming, the prioritization algorithm offers large performance gains, especially for large audiences.  ...  packet scheduling is adapted to a multicast tree-building protocol.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icme.2006.262472 dblp:conf/icmcs/SettonNG06 fatcat:2cssizubdnc6zjr366jfwmcg7q

Enabling adaptive video streaming in P2P systems [Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Streaming]

Dan Jurca, Jacob Chakareski, Jean-Paul Wagner, Pascal Frossard
2007 IEEE Communications Magazine  
In particular, we show how video-streaming applications can benefit from the diversity offered by P2P systems and implement distributed-streaming and scheduling solutions with multi-path packet transmission  ...  This article presents an overview of application and network layer mechanisms that enable successful streaming frameworks in peer-to-peer systems.  ...  PACKET DELIVERY MECHANISMS IN P2P NETWORKS RATE-DISTORTION EFFICIENT SCHEDULING Packets of a media stream do not contribute evenly to the video quality at a receiving peer, and a packet is useful to  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcom.2007.374427 fatcat:6b3kgcbckffyjoong7h3yx3zae

NeuroCast: Adaptive Multi-source P2P Video Streaming Application for Wireless Networks [chapter]

Carlos Gañán, Juan Caubet, Sergi Reñé, Jorge Mata-Díaz, Juan J. Alins, Óscar Esparza
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Thus, NeuroCast becomes suitable for wireless scenarios due to its capability to adapt to changing network conditions.  ...  In this paper we present the design and implementation of NeuroCast: an unstructured P2P application for video streaming.  ...  The buffer : It manages and stores the incoming packets temporally to allow a retransmission posterior.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21560-5_23 fatcat:nu7nibbupzgwbadeu4nvqf73um

A survey of schemes for Internet-based video delivery

Kevin J. Ma, Radim Bartoš, Swapnil Bhatia
2011 Journal of Network and Computer Applications  
., caching, traffic shaping, path diversity, and load balancing) have been adapted to address the needs of Internet-based video delivery.  ...  Video quality is directly tied to the underlying networks' ability to deliver data in time for playout.  ...  to network packet scheduling.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2011.02.001 fatcat:acozf5a24vddvpx3hjc5ihuivm

QoS monitoring in real-time streaming overlays based on lock-free data structures

Franco Tommasi, Valerio De Luca, Catiuscia Melle
2021 Multimedia tools and applications  
AbstractPeer-to-peer streaming is a well-known technology for the large-scale distribution of real-time audio/video contents.  ...  Playback continuity is another key aspect in these cases: in presence of peer churning and network congestion, a peer-to-peer overlay should quickly rearrange connections among receiving nodes to avoid  ...  For the peer keepalive thread we use two FIFO queues to manage the scheduling of the slots assigned to the channels: the thread starts from a main queue containing the indices of all the five channels  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11042-020-10198-9 fatcat:sttn3rjwrrgcvgtnujf6uedt54

MAC Layer Support for Delay Tolerant Video Transport in Disruptive MANETs [chapter]

Morten Lindeberg, Stein Kristiansen, Vera Goebel, Thomas Plagemann
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The core idea of our approach is to reduce the number of MAC layer retransmissions that are likely to fail. We do not drop packets that could not be sent after the final retransmission.  ...  The overall goal of this work is to improve video delivery in emergency and rescue scenarios using sparse MANETs that might be prone to frequent link breaks and network partitions.  ...  The authors would like to thank Sergio Cabrero, Isaías Martínez Yelmo and Daniel Rodríguez-Fernández for valuable insights.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-20757-0_9 fatcat:5rwn2ozlv5hllnqs67cp3wuyza

Introduction to the Special Issue on Streaming Media

W. Zeng, K. Nahrstedt, P.A. Chou, A. Ortega, P. Frossard, H.H. Yu
2004 IEEE transactions on multimedia  
In the paper "Peer-to-peer based multimedia distribution service," Xiang et al. propose a novel framework for multimedia distribution service based on P2P network.  ...  provide adaptive quality of service to layered coded video for improved performance of video streaming over wireless local area networks.  ...  , and steering committee member for many conferences.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmm.2004.824219 fatcat:4brjusrszzgclcyocupr2l36oy

Streaming video over the Internet: approaches and directions

Dapeng Wu, Y.T. Hou, Wenwu Zhu, Ya-Qin Zhang, J.M. Peha
2001 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology (Print)  
Furthermore, for video multicast, it is difficult to achieve both efficiency and flexibility. Thus, Internet streaming video poses many challenges.  ...  Due to the explosive growth of the Internet and increasing demand for multimedia information on the web, streaming video over the Internet has received tremendous attention from academia and industry.  ...  After the adaptation, the transport protocols packetize the compressed bit-streams and send the video/audio packets to the Internet.  ... 
doi:10.1109/76.911156 fatcat:aputdwikj5as7g7jxa4vg5qxzy

MUVIS: Multi-source video streaming service over WLANs

Danjue Li, Chen-Nee Chuah, Gene Cheung, S. J. Ben Yoo
2005 Journal of Communications and Networks  
Index Terms: Caching strategies, multi-source video streaming, rate-distortion optimized packet scheduling.  ...  Video streaming over wireless networks is challenging due to node mobility and high channel error rate.  ...  Content discovery among peers In general, the remote media server stores a full copy of the desired video file while peers may only have part of it.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jcn.2005.6387862 fatcat:i57dusrnrfft5cbgc6244qwc3q

Distributed Markov decision process in cooperative peer-to-peer repair for WWAN video broadcast

Zhi Liu, Gene Cheung, Yusheng Ji
2011 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo  
Previous cooperative solutions for multi-homed devices listening to the same video broadcast call for local recovery via packet sharing: assuming peers are physically located more than one transmission  ...  wavelength apart, channels to the streaming source are statistically independent, and peers can exchange different subsets of received packets with neighbors via a secondary network like ad hoc Wireless  ...  Moreover, a streaming server cannot tailor retransmission for every lost packet experienced by each client due to the well-known NAK implosion problem [1] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/icme.2011.6012176 dblp:conf/icmcs/LiuCJ11 fatcat:rfe2ghcewfdbvby57vsc6ud2wy

Media Coding for Streaming in Networks with Source and Path Diversity [chapter]

Nikolaos Thomos, Pascal Frossard
2010 Studies in Computational Intelligence  
In order to take advantage of this diversity for delay-sensitive media streaming applications, the network systems can employ efficient mechanisms based on source, channel and even network coding.  ...  When they are used independently at each server, they permit to avoid explicit coordination between the senders that only have to provide the receivers with enough innovative packets.  ...  Unicast video streaming over packet erasures channel is further examined in [23] . The video is Raptor encoded to combat packet losses.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-11686-5_9 fatcat:psqstixkjjhazctih57rt4o534

Network Coding Meets Multimedia: A Review

Enrico Magli, Mea Wang, Pascal Frossard, Athina Markopoulou
2013 IEEE transactions on multimedia  
After introducing these general concepts, the paper reviews in detail two applications that lend themselves naturally to NC via the cooperation and broadcast models, namely peer-to-peer multimedia streaming  ...  NC extends the concept of "encoding" a message beyond source coding (for compression) and channel coding (for protection against errors and losses).  ...  of the peers in P2P systems, and the adaptation of video quality to the capabilities of each client.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmm.2013.2241415 fatcat:bq5weiyipbcwnbbgwqsyj3dgsi

A light-weight federated video adaptation system for P2P overlays

Razib Iqbal, Shervin Shirmohammadi
2009 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo  
for the video stream originators and the peers in the overlay.  ...  This paper presents a lightweight but effective mastersender-driven multiple parent approach for online video adaptation and streaming to heterogeneous clients.  ...  LITERATURE REVIEW In [4] , authors propose adaptive frame scheduling for video streaming.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icme.2009.5202697 dblp:conf/icmcs/IqbalS09 fatcat:ozfwrfecmvd5rg7lr6cyoutspm

Hierarchical analysis of RealMedia streaming traffic on an IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN

Tianbo Kuang, Carey Williamson
2004 Computer Communications  
packet losses due to buffer overflow in the network path.  ...  Finally, the application layer's NACK-based error control is effective in recovering missing packets when needed. Our results demonstrate the viability of multimedia streaming on future wireless LANs.  ...  Despite the challenges of the wireless environment, the general wireless streaming quality is quite robust for all but the poorest channel conditions.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2003.08.019 fatcat:v25jbph5szairkfqxndqvy525q
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