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7,233 Hits in 8.5 sec

The Nexus of Industry 4.0 and Circular Procurement: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda

Abderahman Rejeb, Andrea Appolloni
2022 Sustainability  
Since circular procurement (CP) is an essential part of circular supply chain management, it can provide fresh chances for organizations to become more efficient and sustainable.  ...  A conceptual framework is also developed to evaluate the antecedents, enablers, and performance outcomes of Industry-4.0-enabled CP.  ...  Furthermore, the IoT has the potential to improve demand forecasting, resource allocation, inventory visibility, and sustainable supplier relationship management for businesses.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su142315633 fatcat:4uemihs4rbf3fg2bmul5rxlcne

Understanding how digital transformation can enable SMEs to achieve sustainable development: A systematic literature review

Simon Philbin, Radhakrishnan Viswanathan, Arnesh Telukdarie
2022 Small Business International Review  
Innovation through digital transformation has the capacity to enable sustainability, competitiveness and customisation in products and services.  ...  Correlation of the data through bibliographic analysis is provided on the type of technology enabling SMEs towards a pathway for sustainable development as well as synthesis of future research directions  ...  The authors would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive feedback and insightful comments that have helped to improve the quality of the article.  ... 
doi:10.26784/sbir.v6i1.473 fatcat:x3qcqkfn3rdc3kw34mv2v4yvui

A comprehensive review of big data analytics throughout product lifecycle to support sustainable smart manufacturing: A framework, challenges and future research directions

Shan Ren, Yingfeng Zhang, Yang Liu, Tomohiko Sakao, Donald Huisingh, Cecilia M.V.B. Almeida
2019 Journal of Cleaner Production  
Smart manufacturing has received increased attention from academia and industry in recent years, as it provides competitive advantage for manufacturing companies making industry more efficient and sustainable  ...  As one of the most important technologies for smart manufacturing, big data analytics can uncover hidden knowledge and other useful information like relations between lifecycle decisions and process parameters  ...  ) and the 111 Project Grant (B13044).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.025 fatcat:qggzourcsbac5eq45kajzlc4ay

Big Data in Cyber-Physical Systems, Digital Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

Wang Lidong, Wang Guanghui
2016 International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing  
Big Data analytics is very important for cyber-physical systems (CPSs), digital manufacturing, and Industry 4.0.  ...  Industry 4.0 can make manufacturing more efficient, flexible, and sustainable through communication and intelligence; therefore, it can increase the competitiveness.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors are very much thankful to the reviewers for their comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.5815/ijem.2016.04.01 fatcat:fzf26w65kngltarycpcr4ybzxe

Strategic sustainable development of Industry 4.0 through the lens of social responsibility: The role of human resource practices

Sumona Mukhuty, Arvind Upadhyay, Holly Rothwell
2022 Business Strategy and the Environment  
We show that HRM can be a crucial enabler for sustainable Industry 4.0 development through socially responsible human resource practices.  ...  can enable sustainable development of Industry 4.0 in a socially responsible manner.  ...  HRM can also aid sustainable and socially responsible digital development by facilitating a learning culture and developing knowledge sharing processes and networks within manufacturing firms and the industry  ... 
doi:10.1002/bse.3008 fatcat:xynrn5hnhzh6hixilf3zy5lhoi

The Application of Industry 4.0 Technological Constituents for Sustainable Manufacturing: A Content-Centric Review

Tan Ching Ng, Sie Yee Lau, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Masood Fathi, Meng Suan Liang
2022 Sustainability  
This study describes how these cutting-edge technologies are used in sustainable manufacturing.  ...  As a result, manufacturers must evaluate the role of these innovative technologies in sustainable development, as these technologies have the potential to address prevalent sustainability issues.  ...  , and responsiveness to demand.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su14074327 fatcat:mjgzcdanl5dqximxfokjeajhh4

Mapping Enabling Technologies for Supply Chains with Future Scenarios [chapter]

Pedro Pinho Senna, Markus Stute, Sebastien Balech, Andrea Zangiacomi
2021 Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering  
For this purpose, the mapping of enabling technologies to future scenarios becomes a valuable tool for practitioners and researchers alike, especially when considering the disruptive events that surround  ...  This research sets forth to fill this gap by presenting a technology mapping of enabling technologies based on technology portfolio approach, expert elicitation and literature.  ...  This work was financially supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Grant Agreement No. 768884 for the project NEXT-NET: Next generation Technologies for  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-63505-3_7 fatcat:rxma5i2f6fevxb736dgr7dj5t4

A Conceptual Definition and Future Directions of Urban Smart Factory for Sustainable Manufacturing

Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Sajadieh, Yoo Ho Son, Sang Do Noh
2022 Sustainability  
A literature review on related fields, mass personalization, sustainable manufacturing, urban factory, and smart factory was conducted to analyze the benefits, challenges, and correlations.  ...  The integration of smart factory technologies and urban manufacturing is proposed as the urban smart factory which has three major characteristics, human-centric, sustainable, and resilient.  ...  The United Nations recognizes sustainable industrialization and responsible production as part of the 17 goals established as a worldwide strategy in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).  ... 
doi:10.3390/su14031221 fatcat:o5nwy6gbxjasjm6fxrieqjyiqe

The dilemma of scope and scale for construction professional service firms

Carol Jewell, Roger Flanagan, Weisheng Lu
2014 Construction Management and Economics  
Construction professional service (CPS) firms sell expertise founded on knowledge, experience, technical competence, and provide innovative solutions.  ...  The aim of this paper is twofold: (a) to investigate the dilemma of scope and scale for CPS firms; and (b) to investigate the factors influencing the decisions in dealing with the dilemma.  ...  for CPS firms' strategies.  ... 
doi:10.1080/01446193.2013.879194 fatcat:hnf6aji47zgcjjbjofbm7ypqga

A review of the digitalization of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) toward sustainability

Asif Raihan
2024 Global Sustainability Research  
The utilization of digital transformation as a means of fostering innovation has the potential to facilitate sustainability, enhance competitiveness, and enable customization in both products and services  ...  This study makes a significant contribution to the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) and offers vital insights for policymakers and SMEs seeking to transition their production practices  ...  Smart Industry 4.0, cloud computing, and CPS enable technology strategies for cross-disciplinary value creation in Taiwanese clothing SMEs (Chen, 2020) .  ... 
doi:10.56556/gssr.v3i2.695 fatcat:zd6xraumm5e2bf26m4nyfqjj7m

Environmental Sustainability of Digitalization in Manufacturing: A Review

Xiaoxia Chen, Mélanie Despeisse, Björn Johansson
2020 Sustainability  
The analysis and categorization of selected articles resulted in two main findings: (1) Digitalization in manufacturing contributes positively to environmental sustainability by increasing resource and  ...  This study identified key implications of digitalization on environmental sustainability in manufacturing to increase awareness of both the positive and negative impacts of digitalization and thereby support  ...  CPS and IoT enable transparency in manufacturing through real-time process monitoring of resource consumption, thus providing production management a solid basis for improved responsiveness [6, 12] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/su122410298 fatcat:ymi6ki547jg6tpf53f6iwkgpaa

Humanizing the Fourth Industry Revolution in Sustainable Supply Chain Management [chapter]

Munia Ahamed, Mohd Fairuz Abd Rahim, Abdul Aziz Ahmad
2022 Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology and Innovation Management (ICTIM 2022)  
clear guidance on the dimensions necessary to structurally design and implement an Industry 5.0 strategy.  ...  Theoretically, this research is expected to recommend a framework to the current literature and the body of knowledge with humanizing factors.  ...  There is no proper empirical data and theoretical framework in the context of the industry 5.0 phenomenon in supply chains.  ... 
doi:10.2991/978-94-6463-080-0_31 fatcat:76ndmvztijf5ranh7pm4tacqg4

The Operator 4.0: Human Cyber-Physical Systems & Adaptive Automation Towards Human-Automation Symbiosis Work Systems [chapter]

David Romero, Peter Bernus, Ovidiu Noran, Johan Stahre, Åsa Fast-Berglund
2016 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
Discussions include base concepts and enabling technologies for the development of human-automation symbiosis work systems in Industry 4.0.  ...  A vision for the Operator 4.0 is presented in this paper in the context of human cyber-physical systems and adaptive automation towards humanautomation symbiosis work systems for a socially sustainable  ...  Hence, the purpose of H-CPS and AA in this research is to support the Operator 4.0 to excel in the job by means of automation-aided systems that aim to provide a sustainable relief of physical and mental  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51133-7_80 fatcat:zghosaxghnfyzbdqveoqcnsdua

Sustainable engineering challenges towards Industry 4.0: A comprehensive review

Amina Krdžalić, Lejla Hodžić
2019 Sustainable Engineering and Innovation, ISSN 2712-0562  
It brings new challenges and ask for new approach from management to be able to handle fast and big changes in business environment and to implement such innovation in production effectively.  ...  It combines various fields where it has any influence and leave some changes and where it require some adaptation.  ...  geographical proximity and acceptance, integration of customers in design and manufacturing processes, distributed and responsive manufacturing through collaborative processes, enabling mass customization  ... 
doi:10.37868/sei.v1i1.34 fatcat:qvgdnduqhfafhnfpnqncgi2664

Overcoming barriers towards Sustainable Product-Service Systems in Small and Medium-sized enterprises

Diego Augusto de Jesus Pacheco, Carla Schwengber ten Caten, Carlos Fernando Jung, Claudio Sassanelli
2019 Journal of Cleaner Production  
Sustainable Product-Service Systems in manufacturing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises as well as the strategies to overcome them.  ...  However, its practical and effective adoption is still very limited and addresses significant barriers for the manufacturing firms.  ...  , entities, large companies, etc) enable the value creation in sustainable business models, such as the case of both CP and SPPS models.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.01.152 fatcat:wz7mr3mxpfefxaxmiueepotsju
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