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An Improved Boosting Learning Saliency Method for Built-Up Areas Extraction in Sentinel-2 Images

Zhenhui Sun, Qingyan Meng, Weifeng Zhai
2018 Remote Sensing  
First, the optimal band combination for extracting such areas from Sentinel-2 data is determined; then, a coarse saliency map is generated, based on multiple cues and the geodesic weighted Bayesian (GWB  ...  In this paper, an improved boosting learning saliency method for built-up area extraction from Sentinel-2 images is proposed.  ...  Conclusions This paper proposes a new built-up area extraction method based on an improved BL saliency model. First, the band combinations that highlight the built-up areas are explored.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs10121863 fatcat:m44ganlspfe45a6pmfzmindoky

Visual Saliency Detection Based on color Frequency Features under Bayesian framework

2018 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems  
In this paper, a bottom up saliency detection model is proposed by taking into account the color and luminance frequency features of RGB, CIE L*a*b* color space of the image.  ...  Saliency detection in neurobiology is a vehement research during the last few years, several cognitive and interactive systems are designed to simulate saliency model (an attentional mechanism, which focuses  ...  Conclusion We propose a bottom-up saliency model within the Bayesian framework utilizing the low-level visual features of the image.  ... 
doi:10.3837/tiis.2018.02.008 fatcat:qm7obburwbbcrjxszy34sxo7qa

Saliency Detection based on Global Color Distribution and Active Contour Analysis

2016 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems  
With active contour analysis acting as the core in this paper, we propose a bottom-up saliency detection algorithm combining with the Bayesian model and the global color distribution.  ...  Furthermore, we establish a contour-based selection mechanism to optimize the global-color distribution, which is an effective revising approach for the Bayesian model as well.  ...  Conclusion In this paper, we propose a modified Bayesian model for saliency detection based on the active contour analysis, and perfect the Bayesian saliency map by the distribution weight of global colors  ... 
doi:10.3837/tiis.2016.12.020 fatcat:mwjelon5cnc6hmm3zuzcz6qopu

SaliencyRank: Two-stage manifold ranking for salient object detection

Wei Qi, Ming-Ming Cheng, Ali Borji, Huchuan Lu, Lian-Fa Bai
2015 Computational Visual Media  
Extensive method evaluation and comparison using three challenging saliency datasets demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms 10 state-of-theart models by a big margin.  ...  Here, we propose a novel graph based ranking method to detect and segment the most salient object in a scene according to its relationship to image border (background) regions, i.e., the background feature  ...  [19] constructs a bottom-up saliency model that estimates center-surround contrast based on multi-scale image features.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s41095-015-0028-y fatcat:4aegy6lw2fcsjdxh72hpbq5ffu

Modeling human visual search: A combined Bayesian searcher and saliency map approach for eye movement guidance in natural scenes [article]

M. Sclar, G. Bujia, S. Vita, G. Solovey, J. E. Kamienkowski
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Here, we propose a unified Bayesian model for visual search guided by saliency maps as prior information.  ...  Nowadays, one of the biggest challenges in the field is to go beyond saliency maps to predict a sequence of fixations related to a visual task, such as searching for a given target.  ...  All those ROC curves are built base on the idea of considering the saliency map as a binary classifier by applying a threshold.  ... 
arXiv:2009.08373v2 fatcat:4jgqhgtteferpo3cw42vz6rwqe

Learning a Combined Model of Visual Saliency for Fixation Prediction

Jingwei Wang, Ali Borji, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Laurent Itti
2016 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  
A large number of saliency models, each based on a different hypothesis, have been proposed over the past 20 years.  ...  One natural approach to improve overall saliency detection accuracy would then be fusing different types of models.  ...  [18] built a Graph Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) model based on the idea that local image patches highly dissimilar to their surrounding patches are salient.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tip.2016.2522380 pmid:26829792 fatcat:xz33kew22raxde7bayosld3cgu

Stereoscopic visual saliency prediction based on stereo contrast and stereo focus

Hao Cheng, Jian Zhang, Qiang Wu, Ping An, Zhi Liu
2017 EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing  
We propose a visual saliency prediction model for stereoscopic images based on stereo contrast and stereo focus models.  ...  The stereo contrast model measures stereo saliency based on the color/depth contrast and the pop-out effect.  ...  Bayesian integration scheme At this stage, two saliency maps have been built based on the stereo contrast and stereo focus models.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13640-017-0210-5 fatcat:zg26cy2d3rdmneeczkedf3a3zq

Salient Object Detection via Adaptive Region Merging

2016 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems  
Such schemes have limited capability on modeling global perceptual phenomena. In this paper, a novel salient object detection algorithm is proposed based on region merging.  ...  An adaptive-based merging scheme is developed to reassemble regions based on their color dissimilarities.  ...  [23] also proposed saliency detection using natural statistics (SUN) based on a similar Bayesian framework to estimate the probability of a target at every location.  ... 
doi:10.3837/tiis.2016.09.020 fatcat:65m37cgljvba7nctmxilpgd34i

Attention estimation by simultaneous observation of viewer and view

Anup Doshi, Mohan M. Trivedi
2010 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshops  
Results demonstrate the validity on real driving data, showing quantitative improvements over systems using only gaze or only saliency, and elucidate the value of such a model for any human-machine interface  ...  The model incorporates vision-based gaze estimation, "top-down"-and "bottomup"-based visual saliency maps, and cognitive considerations such as inhibition of return and center bias that affect the relationship  ...  There have been many attempts to model glance behavior based on interest point detection in a "bottom-up" approach [8] ; here we can make use of the context of highway driving to develop more relevant  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvprw.2010.5543272 dblp:conf/cvpr/DoshiT10 fatcat:54ro6eltczfuhaauctfxtwmfce

Hooligan detection: the effects of saliency and expert knowledge

D. Endres, H. Neumann, M. Kolesnik, M.A. Giese
2011 4th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention 2011 (ICDP 2011)  
We compare the results with theoretical models for saliency and event classification.  ...  When real-time operation is not a concern, performance can be improved further by allowing the model to grow.  ...  A median saliency rank of 6 implies that on average, saliency-based filtering of the scene provides a reduction of computation effort by a factor > 8.  ... 
doi:10.1049/ic.2011.0131 dblp:conf/icdp/EndresNKG11 fatcat:o7jptmcb7bbwxmqcstjxzof4ai

Spatio-temporal saliency based on rare model

Marc Decombas, Nicolas Riche, Frederic Dufaux, Beatrice Pesquet-Popescu, Matei Mancas, Bernard Gosselin, Thierry Dutoit
2013 2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing  
Based on the idea that both spatial and temporal features are needed to determine the saliency of a video, this model builds upon the fact that locally contrasted and globally rare features are salient  ...  In this paper, a new spatio-temporal saliency model is presented.  ...  Zhang et al. proposed a Bayesian framework for saliency detection called SUN [14] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/icip.2013.6738712 dblp:conf/icip/DecombasRDPMGD13 fatcat:3rawg22l65efxilyplg2eck7ui

A Synthetic Fusion Rule for Salient Region Detection under the Framework of DS-Evidence Theory

Naeem Ayoub, Zhenguo Gao, Bingcai Chen, Muwei Jian
2018 Symmetry  
Following Xie's saliency detection framework, Ayoub et al. [21] also employed Bayesian framework for saliency detection.  ...  In this paper, we propose a bottom-up saliency fusion method by taking into consideration the importance of the DS-Evidence (Dempster-Shafer (DS)) theory.  ...  [20] proposed a regional level saliency method based on Bayesian framework. They calculated a saliency map by using low and mid level visual cues.  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym10060183 fatcat:jqnlft67njhrbgvy6oumu6hcgi

Center-surround divergence of feature statistics for salient object detection

Dominik A. Klein, Simone Frintrop
2011 2011 International Conference on Computer Vision  
The approach is based on the standard structure of cognitive visual attention models, but realizes the computation of saliency in each feature dimension in an information-theoretic way.  ...  In this paper, we introduce a new method to detect salient objects in images.  ...  The Saliency Model The main structure of our saliency system, called BITS (Bonn Information-Theoretic Saliency model), is based on the general layout of psychological attention models like the ones in  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccv.2011.6126499 dblp:conf/iccv/KleinF11 fatcat:n2jev25rrbey5k53o4n2tkkhmy

Boosting bottom-up and top-down visual features for saliency estimation

A. Borji
2012 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
Majority of models are based on low-level visual features and the importance of top-down factors has not yet been fully explored or modeled.  ...  Furthermore, our model successfully detects the most salient object in a scene without sophisticated image processings such as region segmentation.  ...  Graph based Visual Saliency (GBVS) [20] and E-saliency [26] are two other methods based on Bayesian and graphical models.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2012.6247706 dblp:conf/cvpr/Borji12 fatcat:uobjdwwjzjbkxa75yyiq6z2eia

State-of-the-Art in Visual Attention Modeling

Ali Borji, Laurent Itti
2013 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
Modeling visual attention -particularly stimulus-driven, saliency-based attention -has been a very active research area over the past 25 years.  ...  We present a taxonomy of nearly 65 models, which provides a critical comparison of approaches, their capabilities, and shortcomings.  ...  The authors would like to thank reviewers for their helpful comments on the paper.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpami.2012.89 pmid:22487985 fatcat:unx6oe5wfracdcxhcrocwgfspm
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