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5,018 Hits in 5.3 sec

A Panoramic Survey of Natural Language Processing in the Arab World [article]

Kareem Darwish and Nizar Habash and Mourad Abbas and Hend Al-Khalifa and Huseein T. Al-Natsheh and Samhaa R. El-Beltagy and Houda Bouamor and Karim Bouzoubaa and Violetta Cavalli-Sforza and Wassim El-Hajj and Mustafa Jarrar and Hamdy Mubarak
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Natural language processing (NLP) is the sub-field of artificial intelligence (AI) focused on modeling natural languages to build applications such as speech recognition and synthesis, machine translation  ...  Arabic, the primary language of the Arab world and the religious language of millions of non-Arab Muslims is somewhere in the middle of this continuum.  ...  The University of Leeds' Quranic Arabic Corpus is a beautifully constructed treebank that uses traditional morpho-syntactic analyses of the Holy Quran [72, 73] .  ... 
arXiv:2011.12631v3 fatcat:cfycp2j6r5gu3a66zu27fo3vya

Building a POS-Annotated Corpus For Egyptian Children

Heba Salama, Sameh Alansary
2016 The Egyptian Journal of Language Engineering  
It implements part of speech tag (POS) especially a morphologically annotated corpus of spoken Arabic child language.POS are made in "%mor" 'morphology' tiers manually.  ...  The analyses include frequency counts, word searches, co-occurrence analyses; MLU (mean length of utterance) counts and analyzes specified pairs of utterances.  ...  Building a spoken Arabic corpus for Egyptian children: data collection and transcription.InProceedings of the Conference of language engineering,3 (4) .Egyptian Society of Language Engineering.  ... 
doi:10.21608/ejle.2016.60164 fatcat:4ltqaym77fbl5d7ejbwfo23c44

Arabic Text to Arabic Sign Language Translation System for the Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Community

Abdulaziz Almohimeed, Mike Wald, Robert I. Damper
2011 Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies  
The most frequent source of errors is missing signs in the corpus; this could be addressed in future by collecting more corpus material.  ...  This paper describes a machine translation system that offers many deaf and hearingimpaired people the chance to access published information in Arabic by translating text into their first language, Arabic  ...  Acknowledgments This work would not have been done without the hard work of the signers' team: Mr. Ahmed Alzaharani, Mr. Kalwfah Alshehri, Mr. Abdulhadi Alharbi and Mr. Ali Alholafi.  ... 
dblp:conf/slpat/AlmohimeedWD11 fatcat:34fwimi72jbi5oeoh7vvgikvq4

The Analysis of Deceptive and Truthful Speech: A Computational Linguistic Based Method

Seham El Kareh, Miramar Etman
2019 Zenodo  
The first axis copes with building an audio corpus for deceptive and truthful speech for Egyptian Arabic speakers.  ...  The third axis is concerned with building a linguistic analysis program that could extract from the corpus the inter- and intra-linguistic cues for deceptive and truthful speech.  ...  to prove the poor human perception, one of our goals is building a clean spoken corpus for deceptive and truthful speech for Seham El Kareh is Professor of Linguistics, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3299392 fatcat:djgdjs2bfvb67hujy3gi2oyrpy

Women for Women: Discourse Analysis of Female's Political Discourse Supporting Women's Issues (A Case Study of Queen Rania's English Speeches)

Hanan Amaireh
2022 Dirasat Human and Social Sciences  
The focus of this study is the area of discourse analysis. This study analyses the political discourse of Queen Rania of Jordan's English speeches.  ...  This study examines whether her speeches draw on the characteristics of the 'Feminine Style' of women's political discourse in qualitative and quantitative analysis.  ...  The corpus includes 16,880 tokens. Methodology This study analyses the English speeches of Queen Rania in qualitative and quantitative analysis in a corpus-based study.  ... 
doi:10.35516/hum.v49i1.1693 fatcat:f7dxpz7esvahpp2hpcs2su3m5u

Systematic Literature Review of Dialectal Arabic: Identification and Detection

Ashraf Elnagar, Sane Yagi, Ali Bou Nassif, Ismail Shahin, Said A. Salloum
2021 IEEE Access  
Lichouri, "Building a Speech Corpus based on Arabic Podcasts for Language and Dialect Identification," in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing  ...  The authors of [53] presented a Tunisian dialect text corpus and how to build a bilingual dictionary.  ...  For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3059504 fatcat:d7dkxmdehzcq5d7fej7icyy6rq

Analysis of Linguistic and Prosodic Features of Bilingual Arabic-English Speakers for Speech Emotion Recognition

Lamiaa Abdel-Hamid, Nabil H. Shaker, Ingy Emara
2020 IEEE Access  
were affected by the anger, fear, happiness and sadness emotions across Arabic and English emotional speech.  ...  Speech emotion recognition (SER) research has usually focused on the analysis of the native language of speakers, most commonly, targeting European and Asian languages.  ...  Speech samples from customer service records and TV debate shows from different Arab countries were used to build their corpus.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2987864 fatcat:udgdoahqujgffpuszcg3c6q23m

ArzEn: A Speech Corpus for Code-switched Egyptian Arabic-English

Injy Hamed, Ngoc Thang Vu, Slim Abdennadher
2020 International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation  
In this paper, we present our ArzEn corpus, an Egyptian Arabic-English code-switching (CS) spontaneous speech corpus.  ...  Finally, we discuss some factors contributing to the complexity of the corpus, as well as Arabic-English CS behaviour that could pose potential challenges to ASR systems.  ...  We present ArzEn, a mixed Egyptian Arabic-English speech corpus consisting of a new set of 12 hours of speech.  ... 
dblp:conf/lrec/HamedVA20 fatcat:fiqv5t6ytnf45ixm6kpktp5jqu

A Corpus-Assisted Translation Study of Strategies Used in Rendering Culture-Bound Expressions in the Speeches of King Abdullah II

Leen Al-Khalafat, Ahmad S. Haider
2022 Theory and Practice in Language Studies  
The researchers carried out a keyword analysis and compared the Arabic corpus with the ArTenTen corpus to identify the words that King Abdullah II saliently used in his speeches.  ...  This paper uses a 256,000-word Arabic-English parallel corpus of the speeches of King Abdullah II of Jordan from 1999 to 2015 to examine how some culture-bound expressions were translated from Arabic into  ...  Alansary, Nagi, and Adly (2007) discussed the idea of building an international Arabic corpus and focused on the step of compiling the data.  ... 
doi:10.17507/tpls.1201.16 fatcat:d6okxayrwvh27kt6h23maiemoa

Computational intelligence in processing of speech acoustics: a survey

Amitoj Singh, Navkiran Kaur, Vinay Kukreja, Virender Kadyan, Munish Kumar
2022 Complex & Intelligent Systems  
This paper presents a comprehensive survey on the speech recognition techniques for non-Indian and Indian languages, and compiled some of the computational models used for processing speech acoustics.  ...  An immense number of frameworks are available for speech processing and recognition for languages persisting around the globe.  ...  Geethashree and Ravi [90] developed an emotional Speech corpus.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s40747-022-00665-1 fatcat:6pu2xccbq5as7bn2y2tav2fdwa

Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis of Arabic: A Survey [chapter]

Mohammed Korayem, David Crandall, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
2012 Communications in Computer and Information Science  
Subjectivity and sentiment analysis (SSA) has recently gained considerable attention, but most of the resources and systems built so far are tailored to English and other Indo-European languages.  ...  After a brief synopsis about Arabic, we describe the main existing techniques and test corpora for Arabic SSA that have been introduced in the literature.  ...  For preprocessing the corpus, the Research and Development International (RDI) tool (http://www.rdieg.com) was used to handle the morphological analysis of Arabic sentences and assign parts of speech (  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35326-0_14 fatcat:vn7jut5g5ffprgwrlfmdd4apqq

Sexism detection: The first corpus in Algerian dialect with a code-switching in Arabic/ French and English [article]

Imane Guellil and Ahsan Adeel and Faical Azouaou and Mohamed Boubred and Yousra Houichi and Akram Abdelhaq Moumna
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Simulation results demonstrate the best performance of the CNN model, which achieved F1-score up to 86\% for the unbalanced corpus as compared to LSTM and Bi-LSTM.  ...  A new hate speech corpus (Arabic\_fr\_en) is developed using three different annotators.  ...  Extracting opinions, analysing sentiments and emotion represent an emerging research area for Arabic and its dialects [30, 25, 36] .  ... 
arXiv:2104.01443v1 fatcat:tvns5ucbdjgq3f7pfuvfqctpg4

Persuasive strategies utilized in speeches of King Abdullah II: a critical discourse analysis

Zakaryia Almahasees, Sameh Mahmoud, Krisda Chaemsaithong
2022 Cogent Arts & Humanities  
This study investigates the persuasive strategies used in the Seven speeches of King Abdullah II of Jordan.  ...  The study adopted the three critical discourse dimensions and the four persuasive strategies of Obeng's strategies: Intertextuality, Creativity and Metaphor, References, and Circumlocution to uncover how  ...  Types and tokens in the study's corpus The above table illustrates the size of both English and Arabic corpora. English Corpus is 26,759 tokens, while the Arabic corpus has 20,278 tokens.  ... 
doi:10.1080/23311983.2022.2082016 fatcat:t7mjslwb2vh3xkznbop4sk5f7y

Creation of annotated country-level dialectal Arabic resources: An unsupervised approach

Maha J. Althobaiti
2021 Natural Language Engineering  
To our knowledge, our study is the first of its kind to examine and analyse the poor performance of the MSA part-of-speech tagger on dialectal Arabic contents and to exploit that in order to extract the  ...  In this article, we present a novel approach that automatically develops an annotated country-level dialectal Arabic corpus and builds lists of words that encompass 15 Arabic dialects.  ...  We would like to express our gratitude to the anonymous reviewers as well as the editors for substantial, insightful and constructive feedback in the first and second rounds of revisions.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s135132492100019x fatcat:ywyms64n2ral5fahlpywl5l7ci

Stretching Disciplinary Boundaries in Language Resource Development and Use: a Linguistic Data Consortium Position Paper

Christopher Cieri
2020 International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation  
Researchers benefit from building upon the work of others including reusing data, tools and methodology.  ...  Such reuse should always consider the original intent of the language resource and how that impacts potential reanalysis.  ...  parts of corpora carefully, augmenting the existing metadata and annotation and anticipating the impact of corpus features on possible analyses.  ... 
dblp:conf/lrec/Cieri20 fatcat:ik7uxhst3bdxljjihqtav3p6xq
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