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Table of Contents

2022 IEEE Internet of Things Journal  
Ali 2744 Achieving Graph Clustering Privacy Preservation Based on Structure Entropy in Social IoT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ...  Zhou 3074 Incentivizing WiFi-Based Multilateration Location Verification . . . . . . . . . M. Li, W. Wang, J. Zhang, and Q.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jiot.2022.3145222 fatcat:nj3gbnzw6vdqfbt43goja5xcoq

The sisterhood of the traveling packets

Matt Bishop, Carrie Gates, Jeffrey Hunker
2009 Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on New security paradigms workshop - NSPW '09  
However, should such an attribution system be developed and deployed, it would provide attribution for all traffic, not just attack traffic.  ...  From a cyber-security perspective, attribution is considered to be the ability to determine the originating location for an attack.  ...  the botnet entities run.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1719030.1719039 dblp:conf/nspw/BishopGH09 fatcat:qe2tbpl3yvamzilihcx6de3vc4

Computational Intelligence in Security of Digital Twins Big Graphic Data in Cyber-Physical Systems of Smart Cities

Zhihan Lv, Dongliang Chen, Hailin Feng, Amit Kumar Singh, Wei Wei, Haibin Lv
2022 ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems  
Moreover, the analysis and prediction model for the DTs big graphic data (BGD) in the CPS is built based on Differential Privacy-AlexNet (DP-AlexNet).  ...  The research effectively combines data mining and data security, which is of significant value for optimizing the privacy protection technology of frequent subgraph mining on a single multi-graph.  ...  Compared to simple queries and searches based on attributes, statistical analysis algorithms on large graphs often require looping and recurrent operations based on the graph structure until the convergence  ... 
doi:10.1145/3522760 fatcat:tcshjoqrt5cl5pmn6knqzfl63i

Real-time distributed malicious traffic monitoring for honeypots and network telescopes

Samuel Oswald Hunter, Barry Irwin, Etienne Stalmans
2013 2013 Information Security for South Africa  
From the analysis of this data; correlations between malicious hosts were identified based on characteristics such as Operating System, targeted service, location and services running on the malicious  ...  An initial investigation in Latency Based Multilateration (LBM), a novel technique to assist in host reidentification was tested and proved successful as a supporting metric for host re-identification.  ...  From this graph it is clear that port 3389; commonly used for RDP, was the most common open port across detected malicious hosts.  ... 
doi:10.1109/issa.2013.6641050 dblp:conf/issa/HunterIS13 fatcat:5qy2pi53fzdnjb7gyvf3l5bhsm

Cyber threats: taxonomy, impact, policies, and way forward

2022 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems  
The continuous evolution and proliferation of computer technology and our increasing dependence on computer technology have created a new class of threats: "cyber threats."  ...  Malware Detection Techniques Signature Based Hybrid Detection Hueristic Detection Neural Networks Based Specification Based Heuristic Detection Technique: This technique is a proactive technique; it  ...  Table 12 shows the pros and cons of different malware detection techniques.  Neural Networks Based Techniques: With advancements in AI, new and more efficient malware detection techniques based on binary  ... 
doi:10.3837/tiis.2022.07.017 fatcat:4rsov3b7fza5rk43lkoqhq4mpi

Efficient Detection of DDoS Attacks Using a Hybrid Deep Learning Model with Improved Feature Selection

Daniyal Alghazzawi, Omaima Bamasaq, Hayat Ullah, Muhamad Zubair Asghar
2021 Applied Sciences  
Detecting DDoS attacks is a difficult task that must be accomplished before any mitigation strategies can be used.  ...  This is a case in which a machine learning/deep learning-based system does not produce promising results for identifying DDoS attacks.  ...  Conclusions and Future Work In this study, we presented a novel model based on DL for detecting DDoS attacks on SDN networks.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app112411634 fatcat:lico4jvxcfde5ggxykxmogi6oi

Resilience of the Domain Name System: A case study of the .nl-domain

Lars Kröhnke, Jelte Jansen, Harald Vranken
2018 Computer Networks  
We study the impact on the availability of DNS data of certain domains for the users of the Internet when parts of the DNS infrastructure become unavailable.  ...  Next, we simulate failure scenarios to analyse the impact on the reachability of autonomous systems and the corresponding DNS data when autonomous systems or connections between them become unavailable  ...  The propagation of announcements is based on trust, which does not seem to be a big issue in practice as fraud, such as announcing a prefix which is not owned by an AS, is easily detected and traceable  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2018.04.015 fatcat:ck4zdvifebgutk6jxibeal64cq

Assessment of the status of spam in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mishaal Abdullah Al-Kadhi
2011 Journal of King Saud University: Computer and Information Sciences  
This paper will only focus on determining the current state of spam in KSA, focusing on obtaining a good understanding of the nature and prevalence of spam within Saudi Arabia.  ...  This information will then form the basis upon which the anti-spam national strategy framework will be based.  ...  from different physical sensors. 24 The data used in this analysis are based on the spam messages detected by Symantec Probe Network sensors deployed in over 180 countries. 25 It is interesting to  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jksuci.2011.05.001 fatcat:3s2rb2wsyfhv5jtdtopn5bkk3i

Identity access management for Multi-tier cloud infrastructures

Mohammad Faraji, Joon-Myung Kang, Hadi Bannazadeh, Alberto Leon-Garcia
2014 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS)  
Attribute-Based Access Control Unlike RBAC, the Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) [71] model can grant permissions based on security contexts known as attributes.  ...  Field attributes grant policies the ability to make authorization decisions based on the individual attributes of the target object.  ...  CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations, flexible authentication, and attribute-based authorization features in previous chapters degrade system performance, preventing the SAVI IAM from operating  ... 
doi:10.1109/noms.2014.6838229 dblp:conf/noms/FarajiKBL14 fatcat:rbcus7sqavgbjjvnmy4h5ijsua

Institutions for Cyber Security: International Responses and Global Imperatives

Nazli Choucri, Stuart Madnick, Jeremy Ferwerda
2013 Information Technology for Development  
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike Detailed Terms http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available.  ...  Our purpose is to provide a mapping, an initial base line, for representing, and tracking, what is likely to be a rapidly-evolving feature in the international landscape, real as well as virtual.  ...  The second, rational choice institutionalism, focuses on the value of reduced transaction costs, the relationship between principals and agents, and strategic interaction -all based on the underlying logic  ... 
doi:10.1080/02681102.2013.836699 fatcat:bg3ym5zjr5frzb33e3snqp6czq

La gouvernance polycentrique du cybercrime : les réseaux fragmentés de la coopération internationale

Benoît Dupont
2016 Cultures et Conflits  
Afin d'illus-trer la complexité de ces nouveaux projets criminels, on citera l'exemple de la centaine d'arrestations menées en mai 2014 dans seize pays dans le but de démanteler le botnet BlackShades 1  ...  Concrètement, les données relationnelles sont formellement représentées grâce à des outils mathématiques et algébriques relevant de la théorie des graphes 40 .  ... 
doi:10.4000/conflits.19292 fatcat:6i6vvaygvbehxpumr4rphdu3la

ICCIT 2020 Conference Proceedings [Front matter]

2020 2020 23rd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT)  
We presented those pieces of information on an interface that visualizes a combination of bar, graph, and chart.  ...  Algorithms (DGAs) based various types of cyber attacks executed by adversaries to facilitate covert server communication with the help of botnets.  ...  We proposed a model that can successfully detect whether the story is fake or accurate based on the news headlines.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccit51783.2020.9392749 fatcat:pz3hf7rsmzbjpe6hxjlu5tmrfq

A Survey on Efforts to Evolve the Control Plane of Inter-Domain Routing

Walber Silva, Djamel Sadok
2018 Information  
The BGP was introduced in the early stages of the Internet, and although the BGP is one of the most successful protocols, new desirable features have been difficult to incorporate into the network over  ...  If a router receives a BGP update message and detects its own ASN in the AS-Path attribute, then the router will ignore the update because it is a routing loop once the message has already passed through  ...  Logically centralized Based on flows  ... 
doi:10.3390/info9050125 fatcat:4jrfkl4flrd2rmjxce3uutx5py

Cybersecurity and Platform Competition in the Cloud

Daniel G. Arce
2020 Computers & security  
Finally, a component of cybersecurity is identified for which there is no technical solution. 1 Gawer (2014) suggests using the term 'complementor' for the firms, applications developers, and services on  ...  Feedback from participants at the 2019 Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS) is also gratefully acknowledged.  ...  By contrast, contingent transfers based on the number of participants are rare on the user side.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cose.2020.101774 fatcat:2447n7q7pzcptjm7zs7qv4yopm

Knowledge discovery from evolving social media data

Μαρια Κ. Γιάτσογλου
Based on these remarks, three crucial problems have been addressed in this thesis, namely: a. detection of communities (broadly considered as closely-knit groups of entities) in user and information networks  ...  Social data mining addresses this challenge through the proposal of methods for harvesting knowledge based on content, activities, and / or structure.  ...  ND-Sync does not require textual content, graph structure, or user attributes (such as account creation date) to detect fraudsters.  ... 
doi:10.26262/heal.auth.ir.282342 fatcat:jm2pc2hdnnfmjgvi65r2lwhfba
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