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BotDet: A System for Real Time Botnet Command and Control Traffic Detection

Ibrahim Ghafir, Vaclav Prenosil, Mohammad Hammoudeh, Thar Baker, Sohail Jabbar, Shehzad Khalid, Sardar Jaf
2018 IEEE Access  
This paper presents a novel approach, called BotDet, for botnet Command and Control (C&C) traffic detection to defend against malware attacks in critical ultrastructure systems.  ...  INDEX TERMS Critical infrastructure security, healthcare cyber attacks, malware, botnet, command and control server, intrusion detection system, alert correlation.  ...  .: BotDet: System for Real Time Botnet C&C Traffic Detection followed by paying attention to the source and destination IP addresses as shown in Algorithm 1.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2018.2846740 fatcat:cjbw427ko5dyhd3qir266ufwwu

HTTP-Based APT Malware Infection Detection Using URL Correlation Analysis

Wei-Na Niu, Jiao Xie, Xiao-Song Zhang, Chong Wang, Xin-Qiang Li, Rui-Dong Chen, Xiao-Lei Liu, Huaizhi Li
2021 Security and Communication Networks  
We have also conducted experiments to compare our approach against Jiang's method, MalHunter, and BotDet, and the experimental results have confirmed that our detection approach has a better performance  ...  The experimental results have shown that the URL-correlation-based APT malware traffic detection method can correctly detect 96.08% APT malware traffic, and its recall rate is 98.87%.  ...  on the infected device to remotely control and steal confidential data for a long period of time.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/6653386 fatcat:yt34igljfncn5g5jmrl7wglmpq

REMaDD: Resource-Efficient Malicious Domains Detector in Large-Scale Networks

Ofir Erets Kdosha, Gilad Rosenthal, Kobi Cohen, Alon Freund, Avishay Bartik, Aviv Ron
2020 IEEE Access  
INDEX TERMS Cyber security, domain name system (DNS), detection algorithms, real-time algorithms.  ...  Second, the development used real live streaming data from The Inter-University Computation Center (IUCC), and operated on real-time IBM system.  ...  For instance, in [24] , the authors introduced the BotDet system which is a real-time system for detecting traffic related to botnets command and control servers.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2985367 fatcat:7mf5c7xtxbbdtlmvz5agblz2y4