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Abstracts of Papers to Be Presented at the 35th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology, Atlanta, Georgia, March 9–13, 1986

1986 Journal of the American College of Cardiology  
Lesion shapes based on contours of the arterial lumen and wall circumference were quantified.  ...  Acceptance for presentation was based on the relative grade ranking in each of the 26 categories.  ...  Selection of balloon diameter was based on angiographic measurements of the aortic isthmus at the base of the subclavian artery.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0735-1097(86)80018-3 fatcat:e2fcy56dineudjqvahp7hnkkc4

ijair-volume-6-issue-1-vii-january-march-2019 -HINDUSTAN BOOK.pdf

V. Thamilarasi
2022 figshare.com  
It comprises of data cleaning, session reconstruction, content and structure information retrieval and data abstraction.  ...  The client asks for the TW to CS utilizing its private key.  ...  infrastructure  Users can scale up and down based on their requirements at any time VI.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.20217722.v1 fatcat:l74ihuqhcvdtjomod3zdwzfniu

PROGRAM of the Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association

1950 American Psychologist  
of the blind.  ...  am Space perception and orientation in the blind.  ... 
pmid:15419411 fatcat:q6squdbpvrcvfodzvv2fmwc3yy

Condensed program of the Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association

No authorship indicated
1950 American Psychologist  
of the blind.  ...  am Space perception and orientation in the blind.  ... 
doi:10.1037/h0063683 fatcat:7s5peqg5iveiddffrrwbhqw3ia

Symposia and Oral Abstracts

2007 Integrative and Comparative Biology  
A test based on a Kendall-Moran estimator revealed no evidence of accelerated diversification across ophidians during the Miocene.  ...  However, this pattern reversed during lactation and post-lactation with females living in bridges having lower baseline CORT levels than females living in caves.  ...  An analysis based on datasets from population-based studies will be presented in comparison to analyses based on blind data-mining and phylogeographic studies.  ... 
doi:10.1093/icb/icm104 fatcat:uqdscbqihbeoxoo2unutfwtmdi

American Society of Nephrology

1985 Kidney International  
calcium horn eostasis, and high circulating levels of l,25-(OH)2-D in vivo.  ...  employing human pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAMs) from patients with sarcoidosis as a model, has shown the macrophage to be the synthetic source of an active vitamin D metabolite that is functionally and  ...  Isolated shark proximal tubules (PT) were crimped closed at one end, and secreted fluid flowing from the open end was collected (Bayenbach, Nature, 299,54,82).  ... 
doi:10.1038/ki.1985.16 fatcat:l366b3frwbgmzdtqxmwjqs5p4u

Laughing at the World: Schadenfreude, Social Identity, and American Media Culture

Amber Eliza Watts
2008 unpublished
On the one hand, the spectacle of 5 suffering remains as one of the final "authentic" emotions available in the arsenal of reality television, a unifying textual feature that can be found across the form's  ...  Historically, schadenfreude has been condemned by scholars and thinkers as a "base" emotion, while reality television is often dismissed as lowly "trash" television.  ...  cs=1&s=h&p=0> (accessed August 12, 2007). 207 Pursuant Research Based Solutions, Inc., "American Idol Survey," May 2, 2006, <http://www.pursuantresearch.com/Pursuant_American_Idol_Final_Report_Results.pdf  ... 
doi:10.21985/n2jf1b fatcat:hkpesnudr5a5rfsgg33zjckz4a

Front Matter

1975 Economic development and cultural change  
He then added a further indignity in saying that ‘‘authentic facts are not necessarily more useful than travellers’ tales based on superficial and largely false impressions—the bane of modern anthropological  ...  age Ore PEE David P.  ... 
doi:10.1086/edcc.24.1.1152778 fatcat:riqk7ekhmjcgbmxe6vllqcojwq

JSE 34:3 Fall Whole Issue PDF

Kathleen E Erickson
2020 Journal of Scientific Exploration  
, cesium, barium) on high-temperature, high work function metals (e.g., tantalum, tungsten; Cs −→ Cs + + e − ).  ...  any kind of alteration (reversible or irreversible) on the target itself.  ...  I am one of the people who publicly endorsed the book because Alvarado is clearly one of the most quali ed authors able to deal with this topic, but here I will provide complementary expertise based on  ... 
doi:10.31275/20201957 doaj:e8c2a1032bab4d4a9d823ae42a9acfc4 fatcat:w7cl3dupcbb3toa2k5jrpe6cua


1930 Journal of The American Ceramic Society  
C.. fe Pee ee ae © cn. "Bowen, N. L., and Morey, a, H.  ...  In a sec- ondary rack, two angle sections arranged in reverse, parallel, and spaced relation to form a base having a flat back and a longitudinal channel flanked on opposite sides by the adjacent forwardly  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.1930.tb16324.x fatcat:hugnhnnn45cphoe32jwsaqoywa

Church and State in Ethiopia 1270-1527

Taddesse Tamrat
1973 Journal of Religion in Africa  
., p. 329 and n.l. However this king started his reign in 1344, and 720 A.H. is only equivalent to 1320/1 A.D. CS^.  ...  It is apparent, however, that, despite the reverses suffered on the coast, the kingdom held its own on the mainlaind.  ...  With the complete support of the clergy on his side, Na'od began military operations against his opponents in the area. The rebel leader in Ifat, Tekka-Kristos, was captured and 3 blinded.  ... 
doi:10.2307/1594763 fatcat:zmcuiyaqazguxl5bq7pcs6tlau

In 2016 – How it felt to live in the Arab World five years after the "Arab Spring"

Albrecht Hofheinz (ed.), Stephan Guth (ed.)
2022 Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies  
Arrays, Codes, and Collapsed Codes of Egyptian and Tunisian lifeworlds five years after the so-called "Arab Spring".  ...  Results of a research project, carried out between 2015 and 2018 at the Dept. of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS), University of Oslo, Norway, funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN  ...  It changes the battle from one based on political and social issues to one based on identity.  ... 
doi:10.5617/jais.9464 fatcat:foviyqo24bhivdnjfhhamkzwgq

Exorcising Intersex and Cripping Compulsory Dyadism

Celeste E. Orr, University, My, University, My
Building on important feminist research in the fields of intersex, queer, disability, crip, and hauntology studies, I ask, how do we understand and reconcile the contested meanings, responses to, and effects  ...  By engaging intersex studies with feminist disability and crip theories, however, I demonstrate that an intersex politic and intersex studies must be rooted in a disability politic and disability studies  ...  metaphoric logic goes, 46 There are a variety of blind metaphors (e.g. one is blind to reality) as well as a number of stereotypes about and representations of blind people (e.g. blind people have super-human  ... 
doi:10.20381/ruor-21864 fatcat:74ffpdcx6bc5rgst76gc74kdde

Taking the Bull by the Horns: Representing Gender through Animals in Franco's Spain

Irene Lopez-Rodriguez, University, My
By focusing on the animalized portrayals of the female characters of la Gata [the She-Cat] in Margarita Alexandre and Rafael María Torrecilla's movie La gata (1956), la Loba [the She-wolf] in Rafael de  ...  , sermons, speeches, radio programs) and in the written form (literary excerpts, newspapers, magazines, medical and religious treatises, conduct manuals, epistles), and whose aim is, ultimately, to illustrate  ...  Stamps based on Bulls.  ... 
doi:10.20381/ruor-26728 fatcat:jbvnbkaqkfdxljzearx4zzpery

LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

M Thirumalai, B Mallikarjun, Sam, B A Sharada, A R Fatihi, Lakhan, Marie Jennifer, S M Bayer, G Ravichandran, L Baskaran, Ramamoorthy, Swarna Assistant (+1 others)
Based on such assumptions people kill other people like animals and forget associating any goodness with them.  ...  I have analyzed My Parent's Bedroom by Uwem Akpan, based on Dijk's socio-cognitive models for Critical Discourse Analysis.  ...  Sundarsingh for his advice and guidance in my research work.  ... 
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