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[25 Years Ago]

2016 IEEE Control Systems  
ASSOCIATE EDITOR, HISTORY Rolf Findeisen Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg I E E E c o n T r o l s y s T E m s m a g a z I n E b o a r d « The general gaze holding problem is to maintain fixation  ...  on a moving visual target from a moving platform.  ...  The ability to hold gaze on a visual target offers many advantages for a vision system. Gaze Holding in Binocular Vision" by David J. Coombs and Christopher M.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcs.2016.2536120 fatcat:ypblnk4gfzbebhqn7mpclzugpe

Thorough ZDF-Based Localization for Binocular Tracking

Nobuyuki Kita, Sebastien Rougeaux, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Shigeyuki Sakane
1994 IAPR International Workshop on Machine Vision Applications  
W e present an eficient method to fixate a binocular gaze point on a target object moving around in a complicated environment.  ...  The proposed method is implemented on our active vision system and the total performance of binocular tracking is demonstrated by actual tracking experiments.  ...  The implementation of the method on our active vision system and experiments on tracking a n object moving in real world are shown.  ... 
dblp:conf/mva/KitaRKS94 fatcat:eb4vod7kizg35dhe3wocf7b57q

Restoring Adult Stereopsis

Bruce Bridgeman
2014 Optometry and Vision Science  
The author had been deficient in stereo vision all of his life because in the first two decades, one eye deviated outward from the gaze position of the other.  ...  After viewing the 2-hour film, the Wirt stereo threshold decreased from 200 to 80 arcsec, and stereoscopic vision became a vivid experience. Exophoria decreased to 7 prism diopters.  ...  The patient holds a pencil at a comfortable distance, stares at it with both eyes, and slowly moves it closer, attempting to get as close as possible before convergence breaks and the eyes diverge.  ... 
doi:10.1097/opx.0000000000000272 pmid:24811849 fatcat:57eb5q2rmzawjd6bzz6cvv54qe

Attention and Figure-Ground Segmentation in Active Vision

Prof. Jan-Olof Eklundh
1996 Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 1996  
In this paper which is a summary of our talk, we stress a systems approach for research in active vision.  ...  In particular, we discuss two issues that we have worked with: use and integration of multiple cues and attention.  ...  We have combined these methods with xation to obtain a system that can detect and hold gaze on an object, inhibiting its background.  ... 
doi:10.5244/c.10.15 dblp:conf/bmvc/Eklundh96 fatcat:qgacdifxbbhwhl5mx25byc57z4

A Portable Bio-Inspired Architecture for Efficient Robotic Vergence Control

Agostino Gibaldi, Mauricio Vanegas, Andrea Canessa, Silvio P. Sabatini
2016 International Journal of Computer Vision  
Keywords Vergence control · Active vision · Stereo vision · Binocular energy models · Neuromorphic architectures Project FP7-ICT-217077 EYESHOTS -Heterogeneous 3D perception across visual fragments (see  ...  The obtained vergence servos are able to actively drive both the horizontal and the vertical alignment of the optical axes on the object of interest, thus ensuring a correct vergence posture.  ...  Acknowledgements This work has been partially supported by the EC  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11263-016-0936-z fatcat:axgcmq7x3fcndad42ipfybbney

Learning bio-inspired head-centric representations of 3D shapes in an active fixation setting

Katerina Kalou, Giulia Sedda, Agostino Gibaldi, Silvio P. Sabatini
2022 Frontiers in Robotics and AI  
Specifically, it serves as computational substrate for two ground mechanisms of binocular active vision: stereopsis and binocular coordination.  ...  In this work, we investigate the capabilities of the human visual system to interpret the 3D scene exploiting disparity and gaze information.  ...  FIGURE 1 1 FIGURE 1 Schematic of the viewing and imaging geometry of a binocular active vision system.  ... 
doi:10.3389/frobt.2022.994284 fatcat:lw6chrobnnbipcczfksrevteuq

On the calibration of active binocular and RGBD vision systems for dual-arm robots

Aamir Khan, Gerardo Aragon-Camarasa, Li Sun, J. Paul Siebert
2016 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)  
In addition, we report a comparative study between current RGBD cameras and our active stereo head within two dual-arm robotic testbeds that demonstrates the accuracy and portability of our proposed methodology  ...  This paper describes a camera and hand-eye calibration methodology for integrating an active binocular robot head within a dual-arm robot.  ...  On the Calibration of Active Binocular and RGBD Vision Systems for Dual-Arm Robots Aamir Khan a , Gerardo Aragon-Camarasa a , Li Sun b , J.  ... 
doi:10.1109/robio.2016.7866616 dblp:conf/robio/KhanASS16 fatcat:sc4b6xzqmrabtlgez76vqqayre

Robot Bionic Vision Technologies: A Review

Hongxin Zhang, Suan Lee
2022 Applied Sciences  
The visual organ is important for animals to obtain information and understand the outside world; however, robots cannot do so without a visual system.  ...  In this study, the development history of robot bionic vision equipment and related technologies are discussed, the most representative binocular bionic and multi-eye compound eye bionic vision technologies  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12167970 fatcat:keoakcg3kzh7bjfiptim7zffyq

Stereo Fixation using Affne Transfer

Stuart M. Fairley, Ian D. Reid, David W. Murray
1994 Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 1994  
We describe an algorithm which uses affine transfer of the fixation point in a stereo pair to obtain stereo fixation of a moving object.  ...  We also present the singular value decomposition as a means by which all possible feature points contribute to the transfer, providing immunity to poor choice of basis features.  ...  Introduction The expressions active fixation, smooth pursuit, and gaze holding are synonymous terms for the process by which the attention of an active viewer is maintained on a target of interest.  ... 
doi:10.5244/c.8.74 dblp:conf/bmvc/FairleyRM94 fatcat:4jnwn4xjrfdizpjkj4qho7lucm

The Conformal Camera in Modeling Active Binocular Vision

Jacek Turski
2016 Symmetry  
We present here a mathematical framework for processing visual information for a biologically-mediated active vision stereo system with asymmetric conformal cameras.  ...  Our numerical simulation shows that the theoretical horopter curves in this stereo system are conics that well approximate the empirical longitudinal horopters of the primate vision system.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym8090088 fatcat:2573y7oknfeqhnwdk7icsggodm

The Importance of Visual Attention in Improving the 3D-TV Viewing Experience: Overview and New Perspectives

Quan Huynh-Thu, Marcus Barkowsky, Patrick Le Callet
2011 IEEE transactions on broadcasting  
We provide a review of the field of 3D visual attention, discuss the challenges in both the understanding and modeling of 3D visual attention, and provide guidance to researchers in this field.  ...  However, one of the major challenges is the difficulty in providing high quality images that are comfortable to view and that also meet signal transmission requirements over a limited bandwidth for display  ...  Indeed, they demonstrated the application of their model using a scenario in which a moving or stationary stereo-camera selectively masks out different moving objects in real-scenes and holds gaze on them  ... 
doi:10.1109/tbc.2011.2128250 fatcat:bxcbazgdsffddkoar37ttaciy4

Digitalization versus immersion: performance and subjective evaluation of 3D perception with emulated accommodation and parallax in digital microsurgery

Siegfried Wahl, Denitsa Dragneva, Katharina Rifai
2019 Journal of Biomedical Optics  
In the visually challenging situation of microsurgery with many altered depth cues, digitalization of surgical systems disrupts two further depth cues, namely focus and parallax.  ...  Thus surgeons' depth perception is impacted further through digitalization of microsurgery, increasing the potential of artificial stereo-induced fatigue.  ...  Acknowledgments Access to the 3D printer as well as usage of according consumables to print the 3D object was kindly provided by Thomas Euler.  ... 
doi:10.1117/1.jbo.24.10.106501 pmid:31617336 pmcid:PMC7000911 fatcat:arfv4bpkx5axvnouikwxsapoaa

A behavior-based approach to active stereo vision for mobile robots

Eric Huber, David Kortenkamp
1998 Engineering applications of artificial intelligence  
This paper describes an active stereo vision system that uses a behavior-based approach to control gaze.  ...  The vision system is mounted on a mobile robot and integrated into an intelligent c o n trol architecture.  ...  An Active Stereo Vision System In order to e ciently process the enormous amount of information available from stereo cameras, we use techniques that have recently been developed by the active vision research  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0952-1976(97)00078-x fatcat:tbzdaisbzrgspbde3uwgtnw5qy

Space-variant vision for an active camera mount

Francesco M. Panerai, Carla Capurro, Giulio Sandini, Friedrich O. Huck, Richard D. Juday
1995 Visual Information Processing IV  
Robot systems that rely on vision as their main sensory capability need to be able to cope with changes in the visual environment and to manage a wide eld of view.  ...  This paper focuses the attention on log-polar vision in the context of active control of visual sensors.  ...  The research has been supported by by the ASI, the Italian Space Agency and by the Esprit project VAP-II. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank T. Uhlin, F. Recio, J. Nielsen and P.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.211981 dblp:conf/spieVIP/PaneraiCS95 fatcat:6zgu4ayey5g6rhu4h7bmvrtp5u

The precision of gaze. A review

R M Steinman, W B Cushman, A J Martins
1982 Human neurobiology  
Precision deteriorates by an additional factor of five when the head is moved actively or passively within a range of natural physiological frequencies and amplitudes.  ...  Recent technological developments made it possible to measure gaze with a high degree of accuracy when the head was free of artificial support.  ...  Representative recordings of hori¬ zontal head position and gaze (retinal image position) of 4 subjects {RS, HS, LK and HQ while they fixated a distant object and actively moved their heads.  ... 
pmid:6764462 fatcat:wmplt55apbdk7pvohb35aww2ru
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