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Binary Prime Tableau Sequences [article]

Prashanth Busireddygari, Subhash Kak
2017 arXiv   pre-print
This paper proposes a new class of random sequences called binary primes tableau (PT) sequences that have potential applications in cryptography and communications.  ...  The PT sequence of rank p is obtained from numbers arranged in a tableau with p columns where primes are marked off until each column has at least one prime and where the column entries are added modulo  ...  The CBPT P for p is constructed as Definition 3.2 Binary Primes Tableau Sequence (BPT): The sequence obtained by adding CBPT P entries column-wise mod 2, will be called a Binary Primes Tableau sequence  ... 
arXiv:1704.08718v1 fatcat:uhtxmbe5dbfeffg4ioxwwe2o2a

Around Pelikán's conjecture on very odd sequences

Pieter Moree, Patrick Solé
2005 Manuscripta mathematica  
the number of very odd sequences of length n.  ...  Very odd sequences were introduced in 1973 by J. Pelikan who conjectured that there were none of length >=5.  ...  Lemma 1 We have S(n) > 0 iff there exists a [2n, n] extended binary cyclic code.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00229-005-0554-5 fatcat:yag5zecvbjc5rfp3wfu3ppeqiu

Dismal Arithmetic [article]

David Applegate, Marc LeBrun, N. J. A. Sloane
2011 arXiv   pre-print
This paper studies basic number theory in this world, including analogues of the primes, number of divisors, sum of divisors, and the partition function.  ...  the tableau for p 2 q, that is still true for p 2 q ′ ).  ...  templates, (b) all templates, (c) base 10 primes obtained by promoting the binary templates, and (d) base 10 primes obtained by promoting all the templates. k (a) (b) (c) (d) We can reduce the list of  ... 
arXiv:1107.1130v2 fatcat:363uzmvl5bcwthktjwdokbv4ym

Congruences in character tables of symmetric groups [article]

Alexander R. Miller
2020 arXiv   pre-print
The word of a non-empty partition λ is the unique binary sequence of shape λ that starts with 0 and ends with 1; the word of the empty partition is the empty sequence.  ...  Cascades By the word of a partition λ we mean the binary sequence w(λ) obtained from λ by writing 0 under each column, 1 alongside each row, and reading clockwise, e.g. the word of (4, 2) is 001001: 1  ... 
arXiv:1908.03741v2 fatcat:focodssp2vex5kjm7uff6lprxi

Decidability results in automata and process theory [chapter]

Yoram Hirshfeld, Faron Moller
1996 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
However, the intention of a process is to allow an analysis of its runtime behaviour rather than simply the sequences of transitions which lead to a final state.  ...  The norm of a process state a E S, written norm(a), is the length of the shortest transition sequence from that state to a terminal state, that is, a state from which no transitions evolve.  ...  But then this sequence provides a tableau with an infinite path through it, which by the first part cannot be. [] We now proceed to show the soundness and completeness of the tableau system.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-60915-6_4 fatcat:zoxvo4dlergqdfkugtlypihd5i

Tropical Geometry, Quantum Affine Algebras, and Scattering Amplitudes [article]

Nick Early, Jian-Rong Li
2024 arXiv   pre-print
The connection allows us to study important and difficult questions in these areas: (1) We give a systematic construction of prime modules (including prime non-real modules) of quantum affine algebras  ...  We give a general formula of u-variables using prime tableaux (corresponding to prime modules of quantum affine algebras of type A) and Auslander-Reiten quivers of Grassmannian cluster categories. (3)  ...  k, [n]) (in finite type, all prime tableau are real).  ... 
arXiv:2303.05618v4 fatcat:jjx24vwuxnhnvlejgqjc2uoxjm

Permuted composition tableaux, 0-Hecke algebra and labeled binary trees [article]

Vasu Tewari, Stephanie van Willigenburg
2018 arXiv   pre-print
We provide a bijection between two-columned tableaux and labeled binary trees.  ...  permuted composition tableaux is to enumerate all possible ordered pairs of permutations (σ_1,σ_2) that can be obtained by standardizing the entries in two adjacent columns of an arbitrary composition tableau  ...  Note that the run sequence determines the maximal labeled left path decomposition of the resulting binary tree.  ... 
arXiv:1712.05008v2 fatcat:g2kx534unzbgli5fazfz6aqpsq

Genomic tableaux

Oliver Pechenik, Alexander Yong
2016 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics  
Convert partitions inside a k × (n − k) rectangle to binary sequences in the following way.  ...  Starting at the upper right corner of the k × (n − k) rectangle, construct a lattice path from the binary sequence by reading each segment (−1, 0) as 0 and each segment (0, −1) as 1.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10801-016-0720-8 fatcat:7v5uok2zebfbnobfqhe3dv7vyu

Toric Ideals of Phylogenetic Invariants

Bernd Sturmfels, Seth Sullivant
2005 Journal of Computational Biology  
For the Jukes-Cantor and Kimura models on a binary tree, our Gröbner basis consists of quadrics, cubics and quartics.  ...  Several widely used models for biological sequences have transition matrices that can be diagonalized by means of the Fourier transform of an abelian group.  ...  The class of group-based models includes the Jukes-Cantor model, for either binary or DNA sequences, and the Kimura models, with two or three parameters.  ... 
doi:10.1089/cmb.2005.12.204 pmid:15767777 fatcat:sq2ar7u4ufhjdmji5z2jts3pmq

Modular irreducible representations of the symmetric group as linear codes

Adalbert Kerber, Axel Kohnert
2004 European journal of combinatorics (Print)  
The first embedding is into the permutation representation induced from the column group of a standard Young tableau of shape λ.  ...  Assume a prime number p and a p-regular partition λ of n.  ...  The sequence of coefficients of the monomials x i x k (numbered lexicographically) is 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2003.10.009 fatcat:jv5zuijufnablpcdmmwsa2xc2e

The semantics of BI and resource tableaux

2005 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science  
If , then there is a closed tableau sequence for . Proof. Suppose there is no closed tableau sequence for .  ...  A bunch is said to be prime if it verifies that implies or . A prime extension of a bunch is a bunch such that is prime and .  ...  If there is no closed tableau for . Thus, the tableau construction procedure yields a tableau with a completed branch .  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0960129505004858 fatcat:n2gktzqns5d57pq3phcf6mlvcm

A Generalized RSK for Enumerating Linear Series on n-pointed Curves

Maria Gillespie, Andrew Reimer-Berg
2023 Algebraic Combinatorics  
Define an L-tableau with parameters (g, r, d) to be a way of filling the boxes of an (r + 1) × (d − r) grid with rg "red" integers and (d − r)(r + 1) − rg "blue" integers such that:  ...  We give a bijection, generalizing the well-known RSK correspondence, between the tableaux in question and the (r +1)-ary sequences of length g, and we explore our bijection's combinatorial properties.  ...  Consider the L-tableau with parameters (5, 1, 6) below: 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 0 The bijection φ applied to the red tableau above gives: which corresponds under RSK to the binary sequence 0, 1, 0, 0, 1. 3.4  ... 
doi:10.5802/alco.250 fatcat:lpga3rk45faw5dfrahs6xs6pce

A linearized stabilizer formalism for systems of finite dimension [article]

Niel de Beaudrap
2012 arXiv   pre-print
Proper stabilizer tableaus for d prime and d odd For d either prime or odd, we wish to show that any sequence S 1 , . . . , S ℓ ∈ P ⊗n d of commuting Pauli operators (each with order at most d) may be  ...  Thus, all stabilizer tableaus are proper for d odd. It remains to prove the result for the binary case d = 2.  ...  As we have remarked previously, the familiar case for d prime corresponds to η = 1 provided that P does not commute with all elements of G S .  ... 
arXiv:1102.3354v4 fatcat:6ky7jvbv2raexoloob2zrbytxe


Brad Nemanich, Daniel Cooke, J. Nelson Rushtom
2010 Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Declarative aspects of multicore programming - DAMP '10  
of tableaus generated when a binary tree of integers is multiplied by a scalar: [1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]*[10,20,30] [[1,2,3]*[10,20,30],[4,5,6]*[10,20,30], [7,8,9]*[10,20,30]] [[1*10,2*20,3*30],  ...  Given a tableau: [1,2,3] * 5 The consume will remove the expression from the tableau.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1708046.1708057 dblp:conf/popl/NemanichCR10 fatcat:bf5hhyuah5acjny6mbemzov4ce

Chains of binary paths and shifted tableaux [article]

K. Manes, I. Tasoulas, A. Sapounakis, P. Tsikouras
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, a natural bijection between multichains of binary paths and shifted tableaux is presented, and it is used for the enumeration of the chains with maximum length from a given path P to the  ...  A Dyck path with only one return point is called prime.  ...  This ordering is better understood by considering the following alternative encoding of binary paths: Every P ∈ P n can be described uniquely by the sequence (h i (P )) i∈ [n] of the heights of its points  ... 
arXiv:1911.13013v1 fatcat:yqhayuvikbctxapey2nqvmpu7i
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