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Bayesian haplo-type inference via the dirichlet process

Eric Xing, Roded Sharan, Michael I. Jordan
2004 Twenty-first international conference on Machine learning - ICML '04  
In this paper we present a Bayesian approach to this problem based on a nonparametric prior known as the Dirichlet process.  ...  The problem of inferring haplotypes from genotypes of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is essential for the understanding of genetic variation within and among populations, with important applications  ...  Conclusions We have proposed a Bayesian approach to the modeling of genotypes based on a Dirichlet process prior.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1015330.1015423 dblp:conf/icml/XingSJ04 fatcat:llsrwbqmijebffld4gndinmgz4

A survey of current software for haplotype phase inference

Michael E Weale
2004 Human Genomics  
The alternatives to haplotype inference are to resolve haplotypes completely, either by in vitro methods or by typing close pedigrees, which is expensive and is not guaranteed in pedigrees, or to ignore  ...  haplotype-level analysis in favour of genotype-level analysis, which avoids the danger of treating inferred haplotypes as real but denies the researcher, potentially, any valuable analytic insights.  ...  Lin and colleagues have also proposed a separate Bayesian algorithm with a Dirichlet prior. 12 The issue of what constitutes a good prior for a Bayesian model remains unresolved. 13 While the Dirichlet  ... 
doi:10.1186/1479-7364-1-2-141 pmid:15601542 pmcid:PMC3525072 fatcat:s5nzzwkarnd2dgafwfopmnnm4m

Empirical vs Bayesian approach for estimating haplotypes from genotypes of unrelated individuals

Shuying Sue Li, Jacob Jen-Hao Cheng, Lue Ping Zhao
2007 BMC Genetics  
Conclusion: For large sample sizes (hundreds or more), which most association studies require, the two empirical methods might be used since they infer the haplotypes as accurately as any Bayesian methods  ...  A key aspect of such development is the statistical inference of individual diplotypes from unphased genotypes.  ...  Peter Donnelly for suggesting X-chromosome genotypes from the HapMap Project as the basis for comparison, and thank Mike Feolo for initial discussions on the need for comparing different methods.  ... 
doi:10.1186/1471-2156-8-2 pmid:17261196 pmcid:PMC1803795 fatcat:gzr7ez2asbe6tp7bhx5p6pxgha

A Comparison of Bayesian Methods for Haplotype Reconstruction from Population Genotype Data

Matthew Stephens, Peter Donnelly
2003 American Journal of Human Genetics  
In this report, we compare and contrast three previously published Bayesian methods for inferring haplotypes from genotype data in a population sample.  ...  We focus here on the problem of statistically inferring haplotypes from unphased genotype data for a sample of ("unrelated") individuals from a population.  ...  Thus, the use of a Dirichlet prior can be thought of as making simple but highly unrealistic assumptions about the genetic processes underlying the evolution of the study population.  ... 
doi:10.1086/379378 pmid:14574645 pmcid:PMC1180495 fatcat:cdpjlyr7f5f6dnuxxvkqegnhmq

Quantifying the effects of drought on abrupt growth decreases of major tree species in Switzerland

Marco Vanoni, Harald Bugmann, Magdalena Nötzli, Christof Bigler
2016 Ecology and Evolution  
into the six inferred clusters for the second modal value.  ...  We set the Dirichlet parameter of the allele frequency model, the trend degree to 1.0, and the admixture and spatial interaction parameters to default values.  ... 
doi:10.1002/ece3.2146 pmid:28725350 pmcid:PMC5513292 fatcat:sxukxb5innbptmuwu2zk5otgua

Spatial genetic structure inBeta vulgarissubsp.maritimaandBeta macrocarpareveals the effect of contrasting mating system, influence of marine currents, and footprints of postglacial recolonization routes

Marie Leys, Eric J. Petit, Yasmina El-Bahloul, Camille Liso, Sylvain Fournet, Jean-François Arnaud
2014 Ecology and Evolution  
into the six inferred clusters for the second modal value.  ...  We set the Dirichlet parameter of the allele frequency model, the trend degree to 1.0, and the admixture and spatial interaction parameters to default values.  ... 
doi:10.1002/ece3.1061 pmid:24963380 pmcid:PMC4063479 fatcat:zy66ae6fuzfwzbei4q2hijtivi

Accounting for Decay of Linkage Disequilibrium in Haplotype Inference and Missing-Data Imputation

Matthew Stephens, Paul Scheet
2005 American Journal of Human Genetics  
For the autosomal data sets, our new approach clearly outperforms the best available methods, whereas its accuracy in inferring the X chromosome haplotypes is only slightly superior.  ...  Our method is implemented in the software package PHASE (v2.1.1), available from the Stephens Lab Web site.  ...  As noted by Stephens and Donnelly (2003) , Bayesian approaches seem to have an advantage here, since the Bayesian framework provides a natural way of assessing uncertainty, via the conditional distribution  ... 
doi:10.1086/428594 pmid:15700229 pmcid:PMC1196397 fatcat:4xcykjtsmje5pbf5je6yejiq3q

Global invasion history of the tropical fire ant: a stowaway on the first global trade routes

Dietrich Gotzek, Heather J. Axen, Andrew V. Suarez, Sara Helms Cahan, DeWayne Shoemaker
2015 Molecular Ecology  
The genetic data document a corresponding spread of S. geminata from Mexico via Manila to Taiwan and from there, throughout the Old World.  ...  However, human commerce had already become global by the mid-16th century when the Spanish connected the New World with Europe and Asia via their Manila galleon and West Indies trade routes.  ...  Acknowledgements We thank the following scientists and institutions for generously contributing specimens: B  ... 
doi:10.1111/mec.13040 pmid:25496038 fatcat:7zbw6qn22fapfph5efullzlcpy

Discovering Patterns in Biological Sequences by Optimal Segmentation [article]

Joseph Bockhorst, Nebojsa Jojic
2012 arXiv   pre-print
We show how common tasks in these problems naturally correspond to inference procedures in the learned models.  ...  Our approach involves discovering the hidden variables of a Bayesian network that interact with observed sequences so as to form a set of independent mixture models.  ...  Inference of missing B., Awadalla, P., Su, X., Samudrala, R., Jojic, N., & snps and information quantity measurements for haplo- Smith, J. (2007).  ... 
arXiv:1206.5256v1 fatcat:r42zsoqi2nhzhhktqjueogwlw4

Detecting Selection from Linked Sites Using an F-Model

Marco Galimberti, Christoph Leuenberger, Beat Wolf, Sándor M. Szilágyi, Matthieu Foll, Daniel Wegmann
2020 Genetics  
component along the genome.  ...  We finally evidence selection in the human genome by applying our method to data from the Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP).  ...  One42 solution is to split the problem by first inferring haplotypes for 43 each sample, and then performing selection scans on the haplo-44 type structure.  ... 
doi:10.1534/genetics.120.303780 pmid:33067324 pmcid:PMC7768260 fatcat:lfgmtge3n5ajtcjhnlh6slsauq

A Comparison of Phasing Algorithms for Trios and Unrelated Individuals

Jonathan Marchini, David Cutler, Nick Patterson, Matthew Stephens, Eleazar Eskin, Eran Halperin, Shin Lin, Zhaohui S. Qin, Heather M. Munro, Gonçalo R. Abecasis, Peter Donnelly
2006 American Journal of Human Genetics  
Although it is one of the slowest methods, PHASE (v2.1) was used to infer haplotypes for the 1 million-SNP HapMap data set.  ...  Here, we describe the extension of five leading algorithms for phase inference for handling father-mother-child trios.  ...  P.D. was supported by the Wellcome Trust, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), The SNP Consortium, the Wolfson Foundation, the Nuffield Trust, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council  ... 
doi:10.1086/500808 pmid:16465620 pmcid:PMC1380287 fatcat:hvop3j4jfnakxpeub6bpnqeefm

A Fast and Flexible Statistical Model for Large-Scale Population Genotype Data: Applications to Inferring Missing Genotypes and Haplotypic Phase

Paul Scheet, Matthew Stephens
2006 American Journal of Human Genetics  
The resulting model is also fast and, as a result, is practicable for large data sets (e.g., thousands of individuals typed at hundreds of thousands of markers).  ...  We illustrate the utility of the model by applying it to dense single-nucleotide-polymorphism genotype data for the tasks of imputing missing genotypes and estimating haplotypic phase.  ...  Geyer, for helpful discussions, and two anonymous referees, for comments on the submitted version. This research was supported by National Institutes of Health grant 1RO1HG/LM02585-01.  ... 
doi:10.1086/502802 pmid:16532393 pmcid:PMC1424677 fatcat:3djp2s4xpnao7ppjnqffjurhye

Haplotype Reconstruction for Diploid Populations

Jian Zhang, Martin Vingron, Margret R. Hoehe
2005 Human Heredity  
The inference of haplotype pairs directly from unphased genotype data is a key step in the analysis of genetic variation in relation to disease and pharmacogenetically relevant traits.  ...  Based on this criterion, the 'haplotype likelihood', we develop two kinds of estimators, the maximum haplotype-likelihood (MHL) estimator and its empirical Bayesian (EB) version.  ...  Hudson Lab, http://home.uchicago.edu/ rhudson1/source.html (for the simulation of coalescent-processes). Zhang /Vingron /Hoehe Hum Hered 2005;59:144-156  ... 
doi:10.1159/000085938 pmid:15925893 fatcat:jbeyspey55b7jlziaxdyh52hvm

Evaluation of a Partial Genome Screening of Two Asthma Susceptibility Regions Using Bayesian Network Based Bayesian Multilevel Analysis of Relevance

Ildikó Ungvári, Gábor Hullám, Péter Antal, Petra Sz. Kiszel, András Gézsi, Éva Hadadi, Viktor Virág, Gergely Hajós, András Millinghoffer, Adrienne Nagy, András Kiss, Ágnes F. Semsei (+10 others)
2012 PLoS ONE  
This method uses Bayesian network representation to provide detailed characterization of the relevance of factors, such as joint significance, the type of dependency, and multi-target aspects.  ...  The results were evaluated with traditional frequentist methods and we applied a new statistical method, called Bayesian network based Bayesian multilevel analysis of relevance (BN-BMLA).  ...  Illustration of different dependency types between variables in a Bayesian Network structure.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033573 pmid:22432035 pmcid:PMC3303848 fatcat:eu2jq4xxrbc3bnbt6rl3djw7um

Population genomics of wild and laboratory zebrafish (Danio rerio)

2011 Molecular Ecology  
The lab strains formed two additional groups that were genetically distinct from all wild populations.  ...  Valleys of reduced heterozygosity, consistent with selective sweeps, surrounded six of the 71 outliers (8.5%).  ...  We inferred a separate a for each population (a is the Dirichlet parameter for degree of admixture).  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1365-294x.2011.05272.x pmid:21923777 pmcid:PMC3627301 fatcat:aswn6sysg5bqpatxzing4vaucm
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