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Dynamics and control of rider-bicycle systems

Pengcheng Wang
The gyro-balancer control law and steering motion control law are designed for balancing the bikebot system in the stationary and moving stages, respectively.  ...  How can an autonomous bicycle robot system keep balance and track a path? How does a human rider ride a bicycle? And how can we enhance human riding safety and efficiency?  ...  Based on the EIC structure, the balance equilibrium manifold (BEM) concept is introduced.  ... 
doi:10.7282/t3-cmsg-2316 fatcat:safpumiyunfohm7gg5qh6c65yi

Learning-based model reduction and control of underactuated balance robots

Kuo Chen
Underactuated robots are mechanical systems with fewer control inputs than their degrees of freedom (DOF). Inverted pendulums, bicycles and walking robots are a few examples of such systems.  ...  For these competing tasks, a common guideline to design controllers is to identify a low dimensional subspace of the state space, called a latent manifold, on which the balancing and tracking tasks are  ...  A causal controller design is proposed in [13] to achieve both trajectory tracking and balancing tasks by enforcing the system state onto balance equilibrium manifold (BEM).  ... 
doi:10.7282/t3-8hqa-sv85 fatcat:xuipak2arfhr7ac44dmsh7ovme

MODELING AND CONTROL OF SINGLE-TRACK VEHICLES: A HUMAN-MACHINE-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS PERSPECTIVE Modeling and Control of Single-Track Vehicles: A Human-Machine-Environment Interactions Perspective

Yizhai Zhang, Yizhai Zhang, Yizhai Zhang
2014 unpublished
The main goal of this dissertation is to present a modeling and control system design framework for HME interactions in single-track vehicle systems.  ...  A balancing design is finally presented to control the stationary rider-bicycle interaction.  ...  In the first part of the chapter, we present a dynamic modeling and balance control of stationary rider-bicycle system.  ... 