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Backtracking Games and Inflationary Fixed Points [chapter]

Anuj Dawar, Erich Grädel, Stephan Kreutzer
2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The corresponding increase in expressiveness allows us to use backtracking games as model checking games for inflationary fixed-point logics such as IFP or MIC.  ...  games such that A |= ϕ if, and only if, Player 0 wins the corresponding game and b) showing that the winner of simple backtracking games can again be defined in IFP.  ...  Inflationary fixed point logic.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-27836-8_37 fatcat:nfbe6j4qebhf5jtphd5gtljfda

Backtracking games and inflationary fixed points

Anuj Dawar, Erich Grädel, Stephan Kreutzer
2006 Theoretical Computer Science  
The corresponding increase in expressiveness allows us to use backtracking games as model checking games for inflationary fixed-point logics such as IFP or MIC.  ...  games such that A |= ϕ if, and only if, Player 0 wins the corresponding game and b) showing that the winner of simple backtracking games can again be defined in IFP.  ...  Inflationary fixed point logic.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2005.10.030 fatcat:5jyecmxhmbgnvh2ys3nn546ipu

Inflation and Insouciance: The Peculiar Brazilian Game

Leslie Elliott Armijo
1996 Latin American Research Review  
But because of Brazil's unique set of financial regulations, Brazilian bankers and upper-income investors have reaped substantial economic benefits from inflation in recent decades.  ...  But in the absence of a mechanism that would permit social groups such as workers and owners to construct a lasting bargain, each group finds itself structurally obliged to push for higher money incomes  ...  See "Brasilia Backtracks on Liquidity Squeeze" and "Central Bank Moves to Halt Upturn," both in Gazeta Mercantil International Weekly Edition, 19 Sept. 1994, pp. 1, 8.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0023879100018124 fatcat:gexvofg5zjayrcjg3fcgqlna4y

The (In)Efficiency of interaction

Beniamino Accattoli, Ugo Dal Lago, Gabriele Vanoni
2021 Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL)  
Although families of lambda-terms for which the former is exponentially less efficient than the latter do exist, it is currently unknown how general this phenomenon is, and how far the inefficiencies can  ...  This point contrasts strikingly with the original papers on game machines, whose proof techniques are involved, indirect 5 , and often informal.  ...  Danos et al. 1996] is not direct as it goes through both AJM games and HO games.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3434332 fatcat:mvjvemyhvnf5zdkw55vvll6k64

Will deflation lead to depletion? On non-monotone fixed point inductions

E. Gradel, S. Kreutzer
18th Annual IEEE Symposium of Logic in Computer Science, 2003. Proceedings.  
We survey logical formalisms based on inflationary and deflationary fixed points, and compare them to the (more familiar) logics based on least and greatest fixed points.  ...  and Automata for Synthesis and Validation" (GAMES) decreasing (possibly transfinite) series of stages which converges to the greatest fixed point.  ...  Here, we will focus on inflationary and deflationary fixed point inductions and compare them to least and greatest fixed points.  ... 
doi:10.1109/lics.2003.1210055 dblp:conf/lics/GradelK03 fatcat:yonxf2g4lfh5blftzpcbbvyage

Back and Forth Between Logic and Games [chapter]

Erich Grädel, Krzysztof R. Apt, Erich Gradel
Lectures in Game Theory for Computer Scientists  
Finally the connections between logic and games are discussed for more complicated scenarios provided by inflationary fixed-point logic and the quantitative µ-calculus.  ...  In this chapter we discuss relationships between logic and games, focusing on first-order logic and fixed-point logics, and on reachability and parity games.  ...  Inflationary fixed-point logic and backtracking games LFP and the modal µ-calculus are not the only logics based on fixed-point operators.  ... 
doi:10.1017/cbo9780511973468.005 fatcat:75v4naufnjesxksck3xa4fb3xa

The (In)Efficiency of Interaction [article]

Beniamino Accattoli and Ugo Dal Lago and Gabriele Vanoni
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Although families of lambda-terms for which the former is exponentially less efficient than the latter do exist, it is currently unknown how general this phenomenon is, and how far the inefficiencies can  ...  GoI and Game Semantics.  ...  A key point is that, by comparing how multi types measure game and environment machines, . We simply write for a context whenever the level is not relevant.  ... 
arXiv:2010.12988v1 fatcat:ma3xq2sk6bdzxggbysldehiwmi

The Impact of the UK Research Assessment Exercise

Michael Shattock
2015 International Higher Education  
This emphasizes the extent to which "game playing" has developed.  ...  Four events in particular provoked demonstrations and contestation that forced the French minister to accept some backtrackings.  ...  These universities, estimated to cost US$400 million to build and staff, will be interdisciplinary, providing highquality education in both Vietnamese and English.  ... 
doi:10.6017/ihe.2009.56.8438 fatcat:fcnqjmsvwfekfli222mdm2tmey

Capital Market Liberalization and Exchange Rate Regimes: Risk without Reward

Joseph E. Stiglitz
2002 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science  
It argues that capital flows give rise to large externalities, which affect others than the borrower and lender, and whenever there are large externalities, there is potential scope for government interventions  ...  : the objective was to stem an excess flow of foreign borrowing, and there must exist a &dquo;fixed point,&dquo; a level of interest rates that attracts the desired level of capital.  ...  The IMF engineered bailouts convert what would be a zero-sum game into a positive-sum game for speculators: they stand to gain at the expense of taxpayers, and they have indeed gained handsomely.  ... 
doi:10.1177/000271602128748697 fatcat:yyo6m3kugfabhh7chpes6eyece

Capital Market Liberalization and Exchange Rate Regimes: Risk without Reward

Joseph E. Stiglitz
2002 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science  
It argues that capital flows give rise to large externalities, which affect others than the borrower and lender, and whenever there are large externalities, there is potential scope for government interventions  ...  : the objective was to stem an excess flow of foreign borrowing, and there must exist a &dquo;fixed point,&dquo; a level of interest rates that attracts the desired level of capital.  ...  The IMF engineered bailouts convert what would be a zero-sum game into a positive-sum game for speculators: they stand to gain at the expense of taxpayers, and they have indeed gained handsomely.  ... 
doi:10.1177/000271620257900114 fatcat:fplyyil5c5a53adfdozpnk2aly

Capital Market Liberalization and Exchange Rate Regimes: Risk without Reward

2002 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science  
It argues that capital flows give rise to large externalities, which affect others than the borrower and lender, and whenever there are large externalities, there is potential scope for government interventions  ...  : the objective was to stem an excess flow of foreign borrowing, and there must exist a &dquo;fixed point,&dquo; a level of interest rates that attracts the desired level of capital.  ...  The IMF engineered bailouts convert what would be a zero-sum game into a positive-sum game for speculators: they stand to gain at the expense of taxpayers, and they have indeed gained handsomely.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0002716202579001014 fatcat:fhqqwyk5pvagjf6nxdeeuifvyq

Datalog extensions for database queries and updates

Serge Abiteboul, Victor Vianu
1991 Journal of computer and system sciences (Print)  
Deterministic and non-deterministic extensions of Datalog with fixpoint semantics are proposed, and their expressive power characterized.  ...  and while queries in the deterministic case.  ...  ., a fixed-point has been reached for the subprogram corresponding to the previous stage. We show how to enforce the correct switch from (3) to (1). (The other is treated similarly.)  ... 
doi:10.1016/0022-0000(91)90032-z fatcat:gmpg7xfplvhanktfyjwhy2jw6m

Stabilization and Reform in Eastern Europe: A Preliminary Evaluation

Michael Bruno
1992 IMF Working Papers  
unification with tourist rate in December 1990, then fixed.  ...  In Poland the difference between the actual wage and the wage ceiling in the earlier phase could, according to the rules of the game, be made up later and enterprise managers availed themselves of this  ... 
doi:10.5089/9781451844856.001 fatcat:sw2gmyjlercbtpppqphjy4pzpm

Finite Model Theory and Descriptive Complexity [chapter]

Erich Grädel
Finite Model Theory and Its Applications  
We shall discuss many variants of fixed point logics, including least, inflationary and partial fixed point logic, the modal µ-calculus, and the database query language Datalog.  ...  interesting domains of structures where fixedpoint logic or fixed-point logic with counting can express all of PTIME.  ...  Indeed, one can view non-deterministic algorithms as the restriction of alternating algorithms to solitaire (i.e. one-player) games.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-68804-8_3 fatcat:d6rtbyk2krd5hhjcfjsmcyqy7y

Recovering Keynesian Phillips curve theory: hysteresis of ideas and the natural rate of unemployment

Thomas Palley
2018 Review of Keynesian Economics  
Despite much evidence against the NRU, and much evidence and theoretical argument supportive of the Keynesian Phillips curve, the NRU hypothesis remains ascendant.  ...  In the 1970s, the economics profession abandoned the Keynesian Phillips curve and adopted Milton Friedman's natural rate of unemployment (NRU) hypothesis.  ...  Keynes' statement contains two essential points, one negative and the other affirmative. The negative point is classical economics is built on assumptions that are inconsistent with the real world.  ... 
doi:10.4337/roke.2018.04.07 fatcat:5ls7nxnc2bfpzgkes27lm5vlga
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