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A Low-Cost Autonomous Robot and Educational Platform for Intelligent Automation Experiments

2017 DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research  
and Robot Engineering.  ...  Aicar platform is open sourced and the hardware design and software startup code for Aicar project is available for public access through the free online service.  ...  Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the TitanX GPU used for our research.  ... 
doi:10.12783/dtetr/ameme2017/16221 fatcat:ovdnjnnmnfbstaneapkalvukpu

WWW autonomous robotics

John C. Gallagher, Steven Perretta
2002 Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education - SIGCSE '02  
This paper describes efforts to date in providing a World Wide Web (WWW) based course in autonomous robotics.  ...  In recent years, courses in the design and programming of mobile autonomous robots have become popular at a number of institutions.  ...  The authors would like to thank Richard Drushel, Gary Green, Eric Hamilton, and Ed Tomines for their special assistance during early course development.  ... 
doi:10.1145/563340.563346 dblp:conf/sigcse/GallagherP02 fatcat:5qnwq3etrfavjoankcfkrzquhe

WWW autonomous robotics

John C. Gallagher, Steven Perretta
2002 ACM SIGCSE Bulletin  
This paper describes efforts to date in providing a World Wide Web (WWW) based course in autonomous robotics.  ...  In recent years, courses in the design and programming of mobile autonomous robots have become popular at a number of institutions.  ...  The authors would like to thank Richard Drushel, Gary Green, Eric Hamilton, and Ed Tomines for their special assistance during early course development.  ... 
doi:10.1145/563517.563346 fatcat:ctn2oixey5ddngbwcduwrau76y

WWW autonomous robotics

John C. Gallagher, Steven Perretta
2002 Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education - SIGCSE '02  
This paper describes efforts to date in providing a World Wide Web (WWW) based course in autonomous robotics.  ...  In recent years, courses in the design and programming of mobile autonomous robots have become popular at a number of institutions.  ...  The authors would like to thank Richard Drushel, Gary Green, Eric Hamilton, and Ed Tomines for their special assistance during early course development.  ... 
doi:10.1145/563343.563346 fatcat:zpstyg7s65fmnkf4glgap5btbi

Projected-Based Hands-On Education in Tohoku University

Kazuya Yoshida
2010 Journal of JSEE  
The goal of each project is, for example, to develop a model airplane that can fly autonomously, to develop an autonomous mobile robot that can travel and reach a given destination in outdoor field, or  ...  to develop a robot system for a world championship.  ...  Engineering." (1) "Project-Based Learning for Frontier of Mechanical Engineering" is designed for the first-year, fresh graduate students to offer a hands-on, mini-project for six-month (one semester)  ... 
doi:10.4307/jsee.58.6_50 fatcat:zyhjschyorg6ne5tmjsoxi6qxi

Teaching Autonomous Systems Hands-On: Leveraging Modular Small-Scale Hardware in the Robotics Classroom [article]

Johannes Betz, Hongrui Zheng, Zirui Zang, Florian Sauerbeck, Krzysztof Walas, Velin Dimitrov, Madhur Behl, Rosa Zheng, Joydeep Biswas, Venkat Krovi, Rahul Mangharam
2022 arXiv   pre-print
The F1TENTH vehicles offer a modular hardware platform and its related software for teaching the fundamentals of autonomous driving algorithms.  ...  Additionally, most hardware platforms for robotics teaching are low-level toys aimed at younger students at middle-school levels.  ...  The SVL Simulator was mainly built for engineers to verify and test their software stack for autonomous vehicles.  ... 
arXiv:2209.11181v1 fatcat:ik6trtv7wzakhenb4efekyjpv4

Embodied Computation: An Active-Learning Approach to Mobile Robotics Education

Laurel D. Riek
2013 IEEE Transactions on Education  
This paper describes a newly designed upper-level undergraduate and graduate course, Autonomous Mobile Robots.  ...  The course employs active, cooperative, problem-based learning and is grounded in the fundamental computational problems in mobile robotics defined by Dudek and Jenkin.  ...  /software for their robot.  ... 
doi:10.1109/te.2012.2221716 fatcat:xyll3dq3wba47p2rnd7bpr24le

Using LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT and LEJOS in an Advanced Software Engineering Course

Michael W. Lew, Thomas B. Horton, Mark S. Sherriff
2010 2010 23rd IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training  
This paper describes the benefits of using LeJOS and the Lego Mindstorms NXT set for teaching advanced software development.  ...  software artifacts on different machines.  ...  Instructors that consider a software engineering course centered on the use of Lego Mindstorms should ensure that enough time and resources are set aside for the upkeep and maintenance of the Lego kits  ... 
doi:10.1109/cseet.2010.31 dblp:conf/csee/LewHS10 fatcat:mhwromu7yfanvlkysvetyum2y4

From Lab to Internship and Back Again: Learning Autonomous Systems through Creating a Research and Development Ecosystem

Trevor Bihl, Todd Jenkins, Chadwick Cox, Ashley DeMange, Kerry Hill, Edmund Zelnio
In this paper, we introduce a 14 week, summer long internship for developing these skills in undergraduate science and engineering interns through R&D.  ...  and simulation (M&S), and robotics.  ...  machine learning methods and cognitive models for advanced decision making and autonomous systems  Develop and integrate an end-to-end M&S ecosystem for testing autonomous systems and components for  ... 
doi:10.1609/aaai.v33i01.33019635 fatcat:garxg3p3ibhf7fe266k3pqwgaq

Mobile robot design in education

J.M. Mirats Tur, C.F. Pfeiffer
2006 IEEE robotics & automation magazine  
In this course, the use of project oriented learning (POL) [3] and collaborative learning [4] are proposed.  ...  Therefore, robotics itself can be used not only for industrial improvement but also for education purposes.  ...  on the basic mathematics for autonomous robots [10] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/mra.2006.1598055 fatcat:cccbc3wdwndtlbm3fgwrrn2ho4

A repository framework for self-growing robot software

Hyung-Min Koo, In-Young Ko
2005 12th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'05)  
To support self-growing software for intelligent service robots, the SemBots project at ICU is developing a repository framework that allows robot software to dynamically acquire software components that  ...  Self-growing software is especially necessary for intelligent service robots, which monitor their surrounding environments and provide appropriate behaviors for human users.  ...  Acknowledgement This research was performed for the Intelligent Robotics Development Program, one of the 21st Century Frontier R&D Programs funded by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy of Korea  ... 
doi:10.1109/apsec.2005.15 dblp:conf/apsec/KooK05 fatcat:vwpjwgrgjvdzrnpkne5ew6groi

Welcome Message from the Editor-in-Chief

Emil Vassev
2015 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Self-Adaptive Systems  
participation in the ASCENS FP7 project, the Lero's joint project with the European Space Agency on Autonomous Software Systems Development Approaches, and the Lero's contractual project with the European  ...  A part from the main research, his research interests include engineering autonomic systems, distributed computing, formal methods, cyber-physical systems and software engineering.  ... 
doi:10.4108/sas.1.1.e1 fatcat:fknzavog5vajjhs2sdp23u7zzy

Appropriate Introduction of Computer Control to Mechanical Engineering Students

X. D. Fang, Y. L. Yao
1995 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education  
Introducing mechanical engineering (ME) students to microcomputer applications in data acquisition and control areas needs to be done appropriately.  ...  It would not be the type of training suitable for ME students if excessive hardware associated details are involved.  ...  -Learning control via digital 1/0 only In Project 1 for digital control of a two-axis robot arm, students learn how to interactively specify which axis to control and whether they would like to move it  ... 
doi:10.1177/030641909502300401 fatcat:gbxunwqapncktevsaisg6urb2m

Robotics Focused Capstone Senior Design Course

Fernando Rios-Gutierrez, Rocio Alba-Flores
2017 American Journal of Engineering Education  
implementation of autonomous mobile robots.  ...  The students work for two semesters as a team to design, test and build a mobile robot project for a particular application.  ...  Robotic systems that are designed for real-time applications such as autonomous navigation systems are very expensive to develop.  ... 
doi:10.19030/ajee.v8i1.9962 fatcat:6lh6hvno2jgjlkrcz4mgsugiva

Project-based, collaborative, algorithmic robotics for high school students: Programming self-driving race cars at MIT

Sertac Karaman, Ariel Anders, Michael Boulet, Jane Connor, Kenneth Gregson, Winter Guerra, Owen Guldner, Mubarik Mohamoud, Brian Plancher, Robert Shin, John Vivilecchia
2017 2017 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC)  
by hardware issues; (ii) it champions project-based learning: the students learn through weekly project assignments and a final course challenge; (iii) the learning is implemented in a collaborative fashion  ...  The program has three salient, distinguishing features: (i) it focuses on robotics software systems: the students design and build robotics software towards real-world applications, without being distracted  ...  The students also utilize the software version tracking tools, which are common in large software engineering projects in the robotics industry.  ... 
doi:10.1109/isecon.2017.7910242 fatcat:r6c7pa4a7bfjjafl3yttiaivxe
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