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Automating the detection of breaks in continuous user experience with computer games

Timothy Marsh, Kiyoung Yang, Cyrus Shahabi, Wee Ling Wong, Luciano Nocera, Eduardo Carriazo, Aditya Varma, Hyunjin Yoon, Chris Kyriakakis
2005 CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '05  
This paper describes an approach towards automating the identification of design problems with three-dimensional mediated or gaming environments through the capture and query of user-player behavior represented  ...  situational and episodic events that can interrupt or break user experience.  ...  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1056808.1056983 dblp:conf/chi/MarshYSWNCVYK05 fatcat:c7d6ob4vivcytjoqirrhqwhqmy

Detection on auto clickers in mobile games

Shing Ki Wong, Siu-Ming Yiu
2019 Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications  
This feature is convenient and provides users a unique kind of interactive gaming experience.  ...  Experiment results show that there is a significant difference between the behaviour of auto clickers and human users in term of their clicking positions and frequencies.  ...  Acknowledgement This project is partially supported by the CRF grant (C1008-16G) of the Government of HKSAR.  ... 
doi:10.22667/jowua.2019.09.30.065 dblp:journals/jowua/WongY19 fatcat:fgkch6wif5acxerou55wzrs3d4


2022 IJARCCE  
The user interface module provides the user with all of the necessary graphical user interface to register the user's arm positions for performing gestures.  ...  Open CV library in python is a computer vision library that is widely used for image analysis, image processing, detection, recognition etc.  ...  app installed should always be connected to the computer in order to run the automation code. • A separate automation build containing the hooks should be integrated along with the game engine build in  ... 
doi:10.17148/ijarcce.2022.111246 fatcat:6goknjcafzfavldr6xykpurbaq

A three-way investigation of a game-CAPTCHA

Manar Mohamed, Niharika Sachdeva, Michael Georgescu, Song Gao, Nitesh Saxena, Chengcui Zhang, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Paul C. van Oorschot, Wei-Bang Chen
2014 Proceedings of the 9th ACM symposium on Information, computer and communications security - ASIA CCS '14  
One broad form of such captchas -called Dynamic Cognitive Game (DCG) captchas -challenge the user to perform a game-like cognitive task interacting with a series of dynamic images.  ...  automated attack. * Part of the work done while visiting UAB  ...  Van Oorschot holds the Canada Research Chair in Authentication and Computer Security and acknowledges NSERC for funding the chair and a Discovery Grant.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2590296.2590298 dblp:conf/ccs/MohamedSGGSZKOC14 fatcat:4strtuqknfbfjjtubujva3radm

Embedded noninteractive continuous bot detection

Roman V. Yampolskiy, Venu Govindaraju
2008 Computers in Entertainment  
Multiplayer online computer games are quickly growing in popularity, with millions of players logging in every day.  ...  While most play in accordance with the rules set up by the game designers, some choose to utilize artificially intelligent assistant programs, a.k.a. bots, to gain an unfair advantage over other players  ...  INTRODUCTION Multiplayer online computer games are quickly growing in popularity, with millions of players logging in every day.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1324198.1324205 fatcat:7okmtxx6jbcsvdxrnqygrhuwme

On the security and usability of dynamic cognitive game CAPTCHAs

Manar Mohamed, Song Gao, Niharika Sachdeva, Nitesh Saxena, Chengcui Zhang, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Paul C. Van Oorschot
2017 Journal of Computer Security  
One category of such CAPTCHAs -called Dynamic Cognitive Game (DCG) CAPTCHA -challenges the user to perform a game-like cognitive (or recognition) task interacting with a series of dynamic images.  ...  that combine the strengths of automated and relay attacks.  ...  Acknowledgement We thank: the team of "are you a human" for creating the CAPTCHAs that inspired our work; Wei-Bang Chen for his help in the implementation of the automated-attack framework; John Grimes  ... 
doi:10.3233/jcs-16847 fatcat:bgrsbjqiuzab5pzlu6wn7m2nfi

Three-Way Dissection of a Game-CAPTCHA: Automated Attacks, Relay Attacks, and Usability [article]

Manar Mohamed, Niharika Sachdeva, Michael Georgescu, Song Gao, Nitesh Saxena, Chengcui Zhang, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Wei-Bang Chen
2013 arXiv   pre-print
One broad form of such captchas -- called Dynamic Cognitive Game (DCG) captchas -- challenge the user to perform a game-like cognitive task interacting with a series of dynamic images.  ...  Existing captcha solutions on the Internet are a major source of user frustration.  ...  Van Oorschot holds the Canada Research Chair in Authentication and Computer Security and acknowledges NSERC for funding the chair and a Discovery Grant.  ... 
arXiv:1310.1540v1 fatcat:nn2yt3jpdbfado4bkmkhfq6fay

Hand Gesture based Game using MATLAB and Computer Vision Library

Harsh K.
2015 International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication  
The gameplay is about word formation using hand gestures specified by the user at the start of the game or b y the predefined gestures.  ...  With the recent developments in Virtual Reality, the interaction medium between humans & computers has changed drastically.  ...  Bhogle for their continued help throughout the initiation & development of this project.  ... 
doi:10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150271 fatcat:abir5zxdtbelxn5fjkoikdw2fa

CAPTCHA Challenges for Massively Multiplayer Online Games: Mini-game CAPTCHAs

Yang-Wai Chow, Willy Susilo, Hua-Yu Zhou
2010 2010 International Conference on Cyberworlds  
Botting or automated programs in Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) has long been a problem in these networked virtual environments.  ...  Using bots, players can potentially amass a huge amount of game wealth, resources, experience points, etc. without much effort, as bot programs can be run continuously for countless hours and will never  ...  to continue the game.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cw.2010.48 dblp:conf/cw/ChowSZ10 fatcat:bvozw2lobvaghgmq6k7d7des5m

Gotta CAPTCHA 'Em All: A Survey of Twenty years of the Human-or-Computer Dilemma [article]

Meriem Guerar, Luca Verderame, Mauro Migliardi, Francesco Palmieri, Alessio Merlo
2021 arXiv   pre-print
One of the most common defense mechanisms against bots abusing online services is the introduction of Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA), so it is extremely  ...  Finally, an assessment of the open issues, challenges, and opportunities for further study is provided, paving the road toward the design of the next-generation secure and user-friendly CAPTCHA schemes  ...  and automated computer programs.  ... 
arXiv:2103.01748v1 fatcat:ufrqkfxyjrgwlmkwg7qlddpbou

Designing Cloud-Based Gameplay Automation: Exploratory Software Testing, Game State-Analysis, and Test-Driven Development (TDD) Applied to Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

David Lebertus Andrade
2022 International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research  
The resulting usecase demonstrates how to design, implement, and test the automation of cloud-based gameplay in practice by utilizing cloud-based gaming platform Google Stadia, Microsoft Power Automate  ...  Thus, by applying exploratory testing and game-state analysis the patterns can be easily captured and reproduced in the RPA automation and applied to real-time gameplay.  ...  To continue the game Power Automate will need to detect that the "Win" game-state has been reached and pass the correct input in-order for the game to progress to the next match in the tower.  ... 
doi:10.20533/ijicr.2042.4655.2022.0137 fatcat:l5pq34m3lnbx7bo3u7wamrxke4

Gaming the game: Defeating a game captcha with efficient and robust hybrid attacks

Song Gao, Manar Mohamed, Nitesh Saxena, Chengcui Zhang
2014 2014 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)  
Unlike existing CAPTCHAs, defeating DCG CAPTCHAs using pure automated attacks or pure relay attacks may be challenging in practice due to the fundamental limitations of computer algorithms (semantic gap  ...  These hybrid attacks require maintaining the synchronization only between the game and the bot similar to a pure automated attack, while solving the static AI problem (i.e., bridging the semantic gap)  ...  users in playing the game.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icme.2014.6890287 dblp:conf/icmcs/GaoMSZ14 fatcat:rtv4icid3rgplpjr5kvrssv6wa

Using frustration in the design of adaptive videogames

Kiel M Gilleade, Alan Dix
2004 Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology - ACE '04  
Unlike the more traditional videogame, adaptive games can cater the gaming experience to the individual user and not just a particular group of users as with the former.  ...  In this paper we discuss how the emotion frustration may be used in the design of adaptive videogames and the ongoing research into its detection and measurement.  ...  It can be used to weave much more complex emotional experiences into game stories; as in the previous example detection could determine what period of time is right for the individual user.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1067343.1067372 dblp:conf/ACMace/GilleadeD04 fatcat:y5gfxhyferfabjrbx3wlwmdp44

Dissecting Cloud Gaming Performance with DECAF

Hassan Iqbal, Ayesha Khalid, Muhammad Shahzad
2022 Abstract Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems  
In this paper, we implement DECAF, a methodology to systematically analyze and dissect the performance of cloud gaming platforms across different game genres and game platforms.  ...  Cloud gaming platforms have witnessed tremendous growth over the past two years, with a number of large Internet companies including Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Nvidia publicly launching their  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant # CNS 1616317.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3489048.3522628 fatcat:jxrdkyf47veozenr7rcgoffd5a

WES: Agent-based User Interaction Simulation on Real Infrastructure [article]

John Ahlgren, Maria Eugenia Berezin, Kinga Bojarczuk, Elena Dulskyte, Inna Dvortsova, Johann George, Natalija Gucevska, Mark Harman, Ralf Lämmel, Erik Meijer, Silvia Sapora, Justin Spahr-Summers
2020 arXiv   pre-print
We conclude with a set of open problems and research challenges to motivate wider investigation.  ...  Game Play.  ...  cases for the FACEBOOK WW system.  ... 
arXiv:2004.05363v1 fatcat:vvv32b4vibc2pds4rxbzhurvsm
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