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Automatic indexing of online health resources for a French quality controlled gateway

Aurélie Névéol, Alexandrina Rogozan, Stéfan Darmoni
2006 Information Processing & Management  
Quality controlled gateway CISMeF provides such services for health resources. However, the human cost of maintaining and updating the catalogue are increasingly high.  ...  The profusion of online resources calls for tools and methods to help Internet users find precisely what they are looking for.  ...  Dahamna for his technical support during the development of the automatic system, M. Silberztein for his help in the use of INTEX and K. Leuraud for her help in the statistical analysis of the data.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ipm.2005.01.003 fatcat:2tv2w3u7r5cktihz5e2inytl6q

Multiple Terminologies in a Health Portal: Automatic Indexing and Information Retrieval [chapter]

Stéfan J. Darmoni, Suzanne Pereira, Saoussen Sakji, Tayeb Merabti, Élise Prieur, Michel Joubert, Benoit Thirion
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Among several quality-controlled health gateways, CISMeF ([French] acronym for Catalog and Index of French Language Health Resources on the Internet) was designed to catalog and index the most important  ...  In this context, several quality-controlled health gateways have been developed [2] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02976-9_37 fatcat:7nlslwtfqzdgdfxqroo3z5qlta

Enhancing the MeSH thesaurus to retrieve French online health resources in a quality-controlled gateway

Magaly Douyère, Lina F. Soualmia, Aurélie Névéol, Alexandrina Rogozan, Badisse Dahamna, Jean-Philippe Leroy, Benoît Thirion, Stefan J. Darmoni
2004 Health Information and Libraries Journal  
Among them, CISMeF (Catalogue and Index of Health Resources in French) was designed to catalogue and index health resources in French.  ...  The CISMeF health gateway uses several MeSH thesaurus enhancements to optimize information retrieval, hierarchy navigation and automatic indexing.  ...  As opposed to Yahoo, CISMeF is a qualitycontrolled health gateway cataloguing the most important and quality-controlled sources of institutional health information in French in order to allow end-users  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1471-1842.2004.00526.x pmid:15606883 fatcat:q75mdc5oj5dy5kndi7ubsro3si

Metadata element sets in the CISMeF Quality-Controlled Health Gateway

Benoît Thirion, Magaly Douyère, Lina Fatima Soualmia, Badisse Dahamna, Jean-Philippe Leroy, Stéfan Jacques Darmoni
2004 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications  
Objective: Several metadata element sets are proposed to describe, index and qualify health resources to be included in a French quality-controlled health gateway called CISMeF.  ...  Quality-controlled subject gateways are Internet services which apply a selected set of targeted measures to support systematic resource discovery.  ...  The objective of CISMeF (French acronym for Catalog and Index of French-language health resources) [2] [3] is to describe and index the main French-language health resources in order to assist health  ... 
dblp:conf/dc/ThirionDSDLD04 fatcat:vusfbchcwnbebgrzt5dppzrbcu

Multi-terminology indexing for the assignment of MeSH descriptors to medical abstracts in French

Suzanne Pereira, Saoussen Sakji, Aurélie Névéol, Ivan Kergourlay, Gaétan Kerdelhué, Elisabeth Serrot, Michel Joubert, Stéfan J Darmoni
2009 AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings  
To facilitate information retrieval in the biomedical domain, a system for the automatic assignment of Medical Subject Headings to documents curated by an online quality-controlled health gateway was implemented  ...  the automatic indexing on the titles and abstracts (vs. title only) of the online health resources.  ...  The authors would like to thank CISMeF indexers for their help in the study design and result analysis.  ... 
pmid:20351910 pmcid:PMC2815432 fatcat:wqxt7s257zb3ng6fmaogwqzvue

Evaluation of multi-terminology super-concepts for information retrieval

Nicolas Griffon, Lina F Soualmia, Aurélie Névéol, Philippe Massari, Benoit Thirion, Badisse Dahamna, Stefan J Darmoni
2011 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics  
Following a recent change in the indexing policy for French quality controlled health gateway CISMeF, multiple terminologies are now being used for indexing in addition to MeSH®.  ...  We evaluate the relevance of resources retrieved by multi-terminology super-concepts and MeSH-only super-concepts queries.  ...  CISMeF ([French] acronym for Catalogue and Index of Online Health Resources in French) is one such gateway, developed at the Rouen University Hospital.  ... 
pmid:21893798 fatcat:mtfdkumhejcy3jjub5audfttcq

A web-based teaching resource to prepare for final undergraduate examination: a French pilot study

Louis Sibert, Stefan J. Darmoni, Benoit Thirion, Magaly Douyere, Badisse Dahamna, Jacques Weber
2006 Medical Teacher  
Access to accurate and quality-controlled health information on the Internet for medical students is not an easy task.  ...  CISMeF is the search tool of a MeSH-indexed directory of medical Internet resources in French.  ...  CISMeF (French acronym for Catalogue and Index of health resources in French) is an online catalogue and index of health Internet resources for French-speaking health professionals and consumers (Darmoni  ... 
doi:10.1080/01421590500312920 pmid:16707297 fatcat:4ghazjgrr5fznhtqopoqgpphvq

Improving information retrieval with multiple health terminologies in a quality-controlled gateway

Lina F Soualmia, Saoussen Sakji, Catherine Letord, Laetitia Rollin, Philippe Massari, Stéfan J Darmoni
2013 Health Information Science and Systems  
The Catalog and Index of French-language Health Internet resources (CISMeF) is a quality-controlled health gateway, primarily for Web resources in French (n=89,751).  ...  of the MeSH thesaurus, which is the main and pivotal terminology we use for indexing and retrieval since 1995.  ...  automatic indexing on the online health resources' titles and abstracts.  ... 
doi:10.1186/2047-2501-1-8 pmid:25825660 pmcid:PMC4341235 fatcat:f3j3i5gwjffvlfvlr6rfslxiue

Using multi-terminology indexing for the assignment of MeSH descriptors to health resources in a French online catalogue

Suzanne Pereira, Aurélie Névéol, Gaétan Kerdelhué, Elisabeth Serrot, Michel Joubert, Stéfan J Darmoni
2008 AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings  
To assist with the development of a French online quality-controlled health gateway(CISMeF), an automatic indexing tool assigning MeSH descriptors to medical text in French was created.  ...  The indexing strategies were assessed on a corpus of 18,814 resources indexed manually. There is little difference in the indexing performance when lemmatization or stemming is used.  ...  This work was supported in part by an appointment of A.  ... 
pmid:18998933 pmcid:PMC2656077 fatcat:epbkenayv5aytcudzd6sasbw4a

Text Categorization prior to Indexing for the CISMEF Health Catalogue [chapter]

Alexandrina Rogozan, Aurélie Néveol, Stefan J. Darmoni
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper is positioned within the development of an automated indexing system for the CISMeF quality controlled health gateway.  ...  Preliminary results show that althought this method is not as precise as others in terms of resource categorization, it can significantly benefit indexing.  ...  , and kindly put it at our disposal for research purposes.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39907-0_12 fatcat:5tjhsej3f5chzbtrfmgxcf4fn4

Doc'UMVF: Two search tools to provide quality-controlled teaching resources in French to students and teachers

M. Cuggia, S.J. Darmoni, N. Garcelon, L. Soualmia, A. Bourde
2007 International Journal of Medical Informatics  
Nevertheless, due to lack of time, numerous resources are not yet indexed. Therefore we have decided to use also automatic indexing method (Nomindex).  ...  This manual re-indexing will be carried out only for the most important resources (national references), with a more or less fine granularity.  ...  There is a need to develop quality-controlled health subject gateways to display and disseminate relevant health information.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2007.01.001 pmid:17321198 fatcat:36kjwtp5pfej3henobnb74ri2a

Combining different standards and different approaches for health information retrieval in a quality-controlled gateway

Lina F. Soualmia, Stéfan J. Darmoni
2005 International Journal of Medical Informatics  
to find what they are looking for among the numerous health documents available online.  ...  We describe in this paper the CISMeF project (acronym of Catalogue and Index of French-speaking Medical Sites) which has been designed to help the health information consumers and health professionals  ...  CISMeF is a quality-controlled gateway such as defined by Koch [9] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2004.05.012 pmid:15694619 fatcat:cmxfb3qmsbh3pkaib2sbqzrtpq

Page 50 of Library & Information Science Abstracts Vol. , Issue 8 [page]

1994 Library & Information Science Abstracts  
(SE) 13.14 AUTOMATIC TEXT ANALYSIS AND AUTOMATIC INDEXING 9408272 Controlled English with and without machine translation. A. Lee. Aslib Proceedings, 46 (5) May 94, p.131-3.  ...  Suggests sources for novice, advanced users and sources useful for all users. (SE) 9408261 AppleLink: a digital gateway to Apple. E. J. Valauskas. Online, 18 (3) May 94, p.115-17.  ... 

Using CISMeF MeSH "Encapsulated" terminology and a categorization algorithm for health resources

Aurélie Névéol, Lina F. Soualmia, Magaly Douyère, Alexandrina Rogozan, Benoı̂t Thirion, Stefan J. Darmoni
2004 International Journal of Medical Informatics  
CISMeF is a Quality Controlled Health Gateway using a terminology based on the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus that displays medical specialties (metaterms) and the relationships existing between  ...  Objective: The need to classify the resources within the catalogue has led us to combine this type of semantic information with domain expert knowledge for health resources categorization purposes.  ...  CIS-MeF is a Quality Controlled Health Gateway [1] cataloguing the most important resources of institutional health information in French, and it is manually maintained.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2003.09.004 pmid:15036079 fatcat:bte3sdzkmzet7dnzlvyr4dcf6y

Supporting E-Health Information Seekers: From Simple Strategies to Knowledge-Based Methods [chapter]

Lina F., Badisse Dahamna, Stefan J.
2012 eHealth and Remote Monitoring  
CISMeF is a quality-controlled gateway such as defined by Koch [4] .  ...  As opposed to Yahoo, CISMeF is cataloguing the most important and quality-controlled sources of institutional health information in French.  ... 
doi:10.5772/50348 fatcat:xd2g7yxqerd7rdvygeom2opljq
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