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T. P. Kersten, F. Tschirschwitz, S. Deggim
2017 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
Using today's available 3D technologies a virtual museum is no longer just a presentation of collections on the Internet or a virtual tour of an exhibition using panoramic photography.  ...  On one hand, a virtual museum should enhance a museum visitor's experience by providing access to additional materials for review and knowledge deepening either before or after the real visit.  ...  In accordance with their educational mission, museums must constantly present and represent complex issues in ways that are both informative and entertaining, thus providing access to a wide target audience  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-2-w3-361-2017 fatcat:ukeockwdvbgzvoxusoah2lvpme

The Past, Present, and Future of Virtual and Augmented Reality Research: A Network and Cluster Analysis of the Literature

Pietro Cipresso, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Giuseppe Riva
2018 Frontiers in Psychology  
The network and cluster analysis of the literature showed a composite panorama characterized by changes and evolutions over the time.  ...  phones by increasing the use and the development of scientific applications (e.g., in clinical areas) and by modifying the social communication and interaction among people.  ...  Augmented Reality Concept Augmented Reality Technologies Technologically, the AR systems, however various, present three common components, such as a geospatial datum for the virtual object, like a visual  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02086 pmid:30459681 pmcid:PMC6232426 fatcat:5gnalsgnlrej5i2vhaoau4ukxa

Beneficial Learning Observation of a Virtual Museum for Ancient History

Desislava Paneva-Marinova, Lubomir Zlatkov, Lilia Pavlova
2020 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage  
This article aims to present an innovative virtual museum, managing diverse collections of digital objects, organized in various ways by a complex specialized functionality.  ...  For a long time, cultural heritage has been preserved in archiving institutions such as museums, libraries, galleries, and restoration laboratories, resulting in access and review limitations.  ...  The focus will be in the research and exploitation of new or emerging technologies (e.g. 3D, augmented and virtual reality, visual computing, smart world, environments and devices, media convergence, social  ... 
doi:10.55630/dipp.2020.10.8 fatcat:pn5siraynffcfn7vxzxjzbodnm

The Historical City, Its Transmission and Perception via Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality and the Use of the Past as a Resource for the Present: A New Era for Urban Cultural Heritage and Tourism?

Barrado-Timón, Hidalgo-Giralt
2019 Sustainability  
The objective of this study is to analyze the impact that augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are having on our conception, appreciation, and use of urban heritage spaces.  ...  separate from the material space of socio-economic relations, negative effects on the way in which knowledge is constructed, or the difficulties for some user groups in accessing these technologies.  ...  Topic 2: Quick or immediate access to knowledge and information; Reinforcement of M-Learning theory; Social inclusion of disadvantaged groups/social exclusion through digital training; Virtual recreation  ... 
doi:10.3390/su11102835 fatcat:c5pqzs6furdxbhodnaxtqdec7u


S. Chiarenza, A. R. D. Accardi, R. Inglisa
2019 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
</strong> In recent years, the theme of museums and virtual exhibitions has been the subject of a wide debate and a significant number of researches and experiments.  ...  Thanks to a rigorous methodological approach and the use of new technologies for virtual and augmented reality, it has been possible to build a tool that allows improving the knowledge of the cultural  ...  A special thanks goes to the researcher Noemi Scarpato who dealt with the construction of the DMO ontology. The present work includes the authors' individual contributions.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-2-w15-311-2019 fatcat:lnondumodffgpa7kawajucyenu

Augmenting trust establishment in dynamic systems with social networks

Brent Lagesse, Mohan Kumar, Svetha Venkatesh, Mihai Lazarescu
2010 Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Workshop on Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research - CSIIRW '10  
The work presented in this paper was partially supported under US National Science Foundation Grant ECCS 0824120.  ...  The result is a virtual observation of events that can be accessed in soft real-time.  ...  In this paper, we present our position that knowledge gained from social activities can be used to augment trust mechanisms in pervasive computing.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1852666.1852748 dblp:conf/csiirw/LagesseKVL10 fatcat:bakye5y5m5gopga4yys3ysxjvu

Virtual Reality and Blockchain Technology in the Era of 5G: Disrupting Business and Society

Aaron M. French, Marten Risius, Jung P. Shim, Patrick S. Bordnick, Jeffrey Parsons, David Holtman
2018 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
With high speed networks capable of providing ubiquitous access, virtual and augmented reality platforms being developed on distributed blockchain networks, new societal transformations are ready to take  ...  With the introduction of blockchain technology and advancements in the mobile infrastructure with 5G networks, virtual reality is resurfacing from previously discussed theoretical developments to actual  ...  worlds like Second Life into an augmented reality where user not only participate in the network but become fully immersed in the virtual environment.  ... 
dblp:conf/amcis/FrenchRSBPH18 fatcat:aebigcruujaalejmkx5hpxdzkq

Security Risks of the Metaverse World

Tanya Abdulsattar Jaber
2022 International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies  
by their avatar to work, socialize and play virtually by integrating multiple technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence as well as virtual and augmented reality.  ...  An interesting paradigm is a metaverse which represents the next generation of using the internet to improve human lives and provide a new way to communicate by building a system that let the user represented  ...  Augmented reality and virtual reality technologies in the metaverse world can result in a host of security and privacy vulnerabilities, such as social engineering attacks, ransomware attacks, network credential  ... 
doi:10.3991/ijim.v16i13.33187 fatcat:pab2zwdxxzcwplvn2jrryocisa

Enhancing Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences with 5 G

Kanchan Kumari,Charu Shree,Preeti Kuntal
2024 Zenodo  
This, coupled with the low latency function of 5G networks, removes perceptible delays in user interactions, a important aspect in decreasing motion illness and improving general engagement.  ...  The convergence of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) with the fifthgeneration wi-fi community (5G) stands at the forefront of technological innovation, promising to reshape how we understand  ...  In precis, the present literature presents a complete foundation for know-how the technical, sensible, and societal aspects of enhancing Virtual and Augmented Reality studies with 5G.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10808401 fatcat:o7bzh2yzzveyfe4f2pxjcmllky

Virtual and Augmented Reality on the 5G Highway

Jason Orlosky, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura
2017 Journal of Information Processing  
In recent years, virtual and augmented reality have begun to take advantage of the high speed capabilities of data streaming technologies and wireless networks.  ...  This paper reviews state of the art virtual and augmented reality communications technology and outlines current efforts to design an effective, ubiquitous 5G network to help to adapt to virtual application  ...  For example, to present a virtual wall, a haptic device needs to produce a reaction (resistance) force in proportion to the action force exerted by the user.  ... 
doi:10.2197/ipsjjip.25.133 fatcat:5vzfa23dfndzjn75z2qewy4kfi

Entertainment matters! The relationship between challenge and persuasiveness of an advergame for children

Martin K.J. Waiguny, Michelle R. Nelson, Ralf Terlutter
2012 Journal of Marketing Communications  
In it, the consumer accesses a virtual recipe book where ketchup is the main ingredient.  ...  R: Active viewer who puts into promoting a healthy diet Interaction: The consumer ME: A virtual colorful practice the recipes shown can interact with the book, environment serves to present with Augmented  ...  /or technologies (QR codes, social networks, etc.) 3) Interaction favored by the augmented content 7.  ... 
doi:10.1080/13527266.2011.620766 fatcat:2agwxym62bdwno6gn4r4o37vae

The Study of 5G Technology in Metaverse

Bala Harish Kumar K, Jaswanth Rathinam S, Saranya R, Mrs. Raju M
2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Nowadays we are using a 4G network for data usage because it is enough for android. In the future people start to use Metaverse for social media usage at that time 4G speed is not enough.  ...  Meta verse means Virtual reality world. In the future Metaverse, the next level of the network going to be used all over the world. It is the 3D version of the virtual world.  ...  Accessed through augmented reality (AR) tools and VR headsets, web 3 is ushering in a new level of experience where websites and apps will be able to process information in a smart, human-like way in real-time  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.46601 fatcat:w3agyhhtj5do5h2xyiphpbrmmq

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Its Impact in the Field of Accounting

V. N. Chukwuani
2022 Zenodo  
Virtual-Reality and Augmented-Reality technologies are forming a new environment in accounting, where actual and virtual elements are combined at various levels.  ...  The possibilities of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) technologies in supporting the dynamics of global accounting systems and addressing the grand impact on accounting were examined in this  ...  Virtual reality is the creation of a virtual environment that is presented to the senses in such a way that we feel as if we are physically present in it.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7108126 fatcat:qmmfqv2icrhwxgh4n6lpmhqrmu

Augmented duality

Mark Wright, Henrik Ekeus, Richard Coyne, James Stewart, Penny Travlou, Robin Williams
2008 Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference in Advances on Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE '08  
The advent of Metaverses presents a much more extensive virtual entity for augmentation with the real world.  ...  A metaverse is an extensive 3D networked virtual world capable of supporting a large number of people simultaneously for social interaction.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1501750.1501812 dblp:conf/ACMace/WrightECSTW08 fatcat:ws6wl7j2gzaoplp6vrcuosuj7a

An Industrial Social Network for Sharing Knowledge Among Operators [article]

Valeria Villani, Lorenzo Sabattini, Alessio Levratti, Cesare Fantuzzi
2018 arXiv   pre-print
To this end, in this paper we propose an industrial social network concept to allow an effective exchange of information among the operators and to facilitate the solution of unforeseen events, such as  ...  However, when dealing with complex systems, infrequent and unforeseen situations may happen, whose solution require the experience owned by a limited number of skilled operators.  ...  The industrial social network is meant as a support tool and a further complement to training provided with the aid of virtual and augmented reality.  ... 
arXiv:1806.03023v1 fatcat:y6sr2a5xk5cohihdtolfn2w6ne
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